Name: Swift Macafee
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Animal: Hedgehog
Alignment: Good
Powers: Pyrokenesis
Weapon: N/A

Personality: Excitable, quick-tempered, clever, and loyal. Swift would do anything for his friends, but sometimes he get's too mad when someone has done something to them, thus bringing out his dark side.

Bio: Swift was only 3 when an evil man tried to overthrow the Ice Kingdom. He remembered it all. The sky turning dark, the soldiers falling from the sky, killing almost everyone in sight. It was frightening for him. Swift was in a special position in his family tree. On his father's side of the family, every-other generation was granted special fire powers, but at a price. The fire powers were uncontrollable on their own. Swift's quills would shoot out in every direction and he'd lose all control, burning everything in sight. But to stop this, he was given the family heirloom. Three golden quill clams. They had the power to hold and control the powers the family member was gifted with. But they'd tend to slips off his spikes. During the man's attack, a group of soldiers surrounded him and his parents. Swift had no idea what to do. He panicked, throwing his head left and right, seeking a way to escape, but in the process, his clamps fell off. His powers exploded, sending flames in every direction. But when Swift regained focus, the soldiers, and his parents, were gone without a trace. He ran to the forest where he was raised by a tribe of rather intelligent animals of all sorts. He had left the forest multiple times after the new city was built. One day, he had bumped into a woman named Silverlight Sword. She had asked about why he looked so dirty and decided to take him home and clean and feed him. She eventually found out that he had been on his own since the famous attack. At that moment, she decided to take him in. One night, after Swift had woken up from a nightmare about the attack leading to his parents' death, Silverlight had held Swift as he cried, and he eventually asked Silverlight if she could be his mother, because it would be what his mother wanted for him. She lovingly accepted.

Appearance: User Image


Name: Dexter Macafee
Nickname: Dex
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Animal: Hedgehog
Alignment: Good
Weapon: Large wrench

Personality: Timid but friendly. Dex is always willing to make a new friend, though he may be nervous to show so.

Bio: Dex was separated from his family during the attack on the Ice Kingdom. Well, more like kidnapped. It was a normal day in the kingdom, Dex was only an infant. His mother had set down his carrier for only a moment, and that was all it took. During the confusion of the attack, Dex was snatched without his mother even knowing. He grew up in a traveling carnival. His father, if one could dare give the man that title, constantly abused him. After he found out that Dex was very good with machines, he immediately put him to work repairing rides. Dex was around 15 when his life drastically changed for the better. After Dex had finished repairing a stuck ride, he came back to the workers quarters, where his 'father' had then punched him to the ground. He yelled at him for doing something wrong, but as Dex tensed up for the next strike, it never came. His father fell to the ground, and behind him stood the boy who had knocked him out. It was Swift. As it turned out, Swift was Dex's brother. Later, Dex moved in with Swift, building a lab in the garage.

Appearance: User Image


Name: Donna Macafee
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Animal: Hedgehog
Alignment: Good
Powers: Pyrokenesis

Personality: Friendly and curious. Donna doesn't know too much about her new home, but she's always happy to hear a story about it.

Bio: Donna's birth was an odd experience for her mother. Spencer Macafee was married to a woman by the name of Julie Thomas. They had, in their marriage, made love and Julie became pregnant with Donna. As the Macafee line goes, a single member of every other generation of Macafees are gifted with special fire powers. However, 5 months into Julie's pregnancy, she and Spencer got into a big argument that ended in Spencer ordering a divorce, cutting the spiritual tie between Julie and the Macafee family tree. Due to this, Donna's fire powers weren't developed completely. This strangely caused Donna's development to last a whole year more. Within that year, Spencer had found a woman by the name of Christina and got her pregnant with Swift, later marrying her. Swift then became the new holder of the Macafee flame. Swift was born 2 months before Donna. Donna's mother, however, never loved her because she reminded her of Spencer. When she was 3 years old, her mother walked into the forest near the kingdom, found a clearing and left her there. Donna would have died that night had she not been found by a group of rather intelligent animals inside the forest. She was only there for about 4 days when her fire powers lost control and caused her to run away from the forest. She was found by a human woman that had traveled from another continent. She was taken back there and raised until she was old enough to leave. She didn't know where she was going, but she went until she eventually stumbled onto the Ice Kingdom. This place had felt strangely familiar to her. She had bought a hotel room for the night, but her fire powers started to lose control once more. Panicked, she ran outside the city and blindly into the woods, where her powers let loose, causing the forest around her to catch on fire. She had been running for what seemed like forever. Eventually, she collapsed of exhaustion in Swift's forest. Swift had found her unconscious and saved her from the blaze. It was later told by Fenikkusu that Donna was Swift and Dex's long lost sister

Appearance: User Image


Name: Fenikkusu
Age: ∞
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Animal: Phoenix
Alignment: Good
Powers: Pyrokenesis, phoenix tears, shape shifting.

Personality: Loyal, serious, and forgiving. Fenikkusu has learned many things in his time of being a god. And he knows exactly when and where to use them.

Bio: Fenikkusu is the Macafee family guardian. Or, Swift and Dex's protector. Fenikkusu is, in short, a god. He has been alive for several thousands of years, only being re-incarnated twice. Along the way, Fenikkusu has picked up on many skills from the current family member's spouse. Including shape shifting (which he uses mostly to make his anthro form), and many forms of martial arts.

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Name: Manu
Age: 2,576
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Good

Personality: A little bit cowardly, but very brave. Manu will show fear in front of an enemy, but when they attack, threaten, or hurt him or his friends, he will fight like no other.

Bio: Manu is the captain of the military on his home planet, Zira. He has always worked diligently. The royal family almost considers him family. On top of all that, Manu is very intelligent and invents machines beyond imagination. In short, Manu has lived a pretty fulfilled life. Though, whether he will come out and tell Princess Zyra that he likes her, is still to be determined. After a bounty hunter's next target became a serious issue, Manu flew to Earth and helped forewarn Swift and the rest of the kingdom. He's been there ever since, helping fight the good fight.

Appearance: User Image


Name: Ben
Age: 10
Sex: Male
Alignment: Good
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Hyperactive and loving. Ben is still only a child as far as aging goes for him. In Earth years, he's only 10. So he's always excited for new adventures and new friends.

Bio: Ben is the creation of the Ziranian military's scientists. Ben's species is a B.E.N., standing for "Biologically Engineered Nuke". The B.E.N. program was one of the military's finest accomplishments. The plan was simple. Load B.E.N.s into military space fighters, shoot the B.E.N.s into an opening in the enemy crafts, they walk in, and blow up. But they don't die. B.E.N.'s can survive in space, for they have no need for oxygen. B.E.N.s don't need to breathe at all. They are healthier if they do, however, so no B.E.N. should be raised underwater or in space. As for the explosion, they don't explode internally. B.E.N.'s sap immediate energy around them and use that to cause an explosion. The B.E.N. is fine afterwards. This specific B.E.N., however, is special. This B.E.N. was the first dud to come out of the lab. They tested every B.E.N. to check it's explosive properties, and this one came out negative. At their call, the B.E.N. was scheduled to be put down. Luckily, Manu, captain of the Ziranian Military, stopped the event at the last second. The gun had been fired to put the B.E.N. to sleep, but the only thing it took, was the tip of the Ben's ear. Manu then ordered that all dud B.E.N. were to be put into adoption houses for loving families to adopt and raise. Manu took in the one he had saved. Manu and Ben have been the best of friends since.

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Name: Silverlight Sword
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Animal: Fox
Alignment: Good

Personality: Very sweet as a person, but when it comes to getting the job done, she acts like a mother.

Bio: Silverlight has really had a normal life up until now. She met Swift by chance as a young child. She took him in and eventually adopted him. One day, when Swift was still young, he had asked Silverlight if she could be his mother. Almost tearing up, she accepted.

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Name: ???
Nickname: Teddy
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Animal: Dog
Alignment: Good
Powers: Angel abilities
Weapon: N/A

Personality: Timid and curious. He's not very outspoken, so he often gets pulled into situations he's too nervous to speak up and get out of.

Bio: Not much is known about Teddy. He doesn't remember anything about Earth up until the past month or two.


Name: ???
Nickname: Scare
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Neutral
Powers: An odd copy ability
Weapon: None

Personality: Scare's personality is about as hard to find as a diamond. The trauma in his life has left him a hard one to get friendly with. Though, when his personality is finally unearthed, he is a sweet, but confused individual. He's willing to fight for anyone who he feels is his ally. He was never quite taught how to control his emotions, so he will easily overreact and go berserk.

Bio: There once was a man and a woman, who loved each other very much. They had gotten married and began their life together, soon having a beautiful child. The husband had told the wife that she was beautiful constantly, making sure she knew that she was the most important thing in his life along with their child. But the family's fate soon grew ill. When the child was around 5 years old, the father had become deathly ill. It had come out of nowhere, and there was nothing the doctors could do. Knowing that his time was coming up, the last words he was able to whisper to his wife were, "I love you... you're so beautiful..." The father quickly passed away in a fit of heavy vomiting and coughing. Stricken with grief, the wife went medically insane. With the word "beautiful" floating through her head, she went crazy trying to make herself as beautiful as possible, spending money she didn't have on surgeries and make overs and hair cuts. Anything to make her endlessly beautiful. This went on for a few years, the wife having completely neglected the child as he often cried in starvation or had to find other help when he was sick. This also led to him not knowing how to control his emotions. Without his mother to teach him how to handle certain situations in life, he would often get frustrated and become destructive, not knowing how to properly handle any given situation. Finally, one day, the mother was visited by a demon. Her mind was too gone to even recognize fear as a being from hell rose into her house. The demon chuckled at the mindlessness of the woman. Wanting to entertain himself, he struck a deal with the mother. "I'll grant you eternal beauty in return for a sacrifice." The demon grumbled evilly. He pointed a finger at the child. The mother looked over, recognizing the child's existence for the first time in years. By this point, the child was around 10. His hair was scruffy and matted, his clothes old and torn up and his body slender and malnourished. The mother looked away from the child just as quickly as she looked over. "That ugly kid? Take the ********!" she said harshly. The demon happily rushed towards the child and grabbed him, dragging him down into his portal to hell. The child screamed with his raspy voice, crying out for his mother who was too lost to even be found. As the demon tied to drag the boy down, he began to mutate. A long, tough horn spouted out of the top of his head. His hands grew larger and his fingertips hardened into long, sharp claws. and finally, a long, black, spiked tail grew from his lower back. The mutation was ungodly painful for the child, and he was becoming numb. But suddenly, he felt a sharp jolt of power surge through him, as he suddenly gained the strength of the demon himself and broke free of his grasp. Unsure of what had happened, the boys emotions raged and as usual, he went berserk. He rushed at his mother, seeing the fearless, soulless stare from her. With no remorse, the boy drove his claws trough his mother's gut. She laughed with insanity as she bled out and soon fell to the ground, dead. The demon, laughing heartily at the unexpected turn of events, grabbed the woman's dead corpse and drug her into hell instead. The child was alone. Hungry. Dirty. But there was one thing that he wasn't, the thing that he would soon be known by. Scared.
Appearance: User Image