Accepted Charries

1. User: Ty Gwynnia
Name: Elistral Faestra
Side: Good
Age: Appears to be 26, though nobody knows her real age, and is at least over 250 years
Gender: Female
Race: Elf/Demi-god
Bio: Mysterious and insightful,she likes to talk in ominous ways. She is very kind once you get to know her well, which seems to be an increasing factor. Crossing her path is not advised, she is a fairly patient person, but she has an explosive temper.
History/Life: Elistral has little memory of her early childhood, only that she was left to other elves to care for her after her father accidentally killed her mother, hiding her memories from her. Years later, after the town she chose to protect came under attack from a god named Mal, she fought side by side with those that people now call heroes to defeat him. At first it seemed like they did, but he was not dead and came back with a vengeance. During that brief period she learned that an old friend she thought dead was actually alive, and her father she barely knew as well. Being that Strider was a god, that made her a demi-god. They defeated Mal and it seemed that with the return of her mother the peace would last, but after 10 years had passed one of his lieutenants, Reaper, rose up. She fought against him as well and after the battle, found feelings for her friend Demios. She wants peace for her little world but knows that there'll be more evil to come in her lifetime.
Accessories: A “double” tiara, deep blue and gold, with glass beads and sapphires on her head; an emerald leaf brooch, lined with gold, fastened to her collar; and three black rings on her right hand with various magical uses (she'd replaced one after remembering lending it to Demios).
Weapon(s): An enchanted sword, the blade inlaid with deep blue and the sharp edges silver, that was forged with glyphs on the blade; Magic that is natural with her race as well as what she's inherited; Slight wind control that's been growing as she learns more about it.
Other: Ambidextrous, but prefers to wield her sword left-handedly most of the time and draws her bow and arrow with her right hand. Has used the guise of a man, her alias "The Bard", on various occasions.
Appearance: Elistral

User: Ty Gwynnia
Name: Eon'byurainskarda (Eon'burning-eyes cinder-scales, or, Eon of the burning eyes and cinder scales)
Side: Evil
Age: Largely unknown, however, is considered ancient among his kind. And that's saying something.
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon (Black?)
Bio: Outwardly hateful and scorns all of the races he sees as "lesser", due to their petty squabbles compared to the entire world's. If dragons are meant to be respected, he's meant to be feared as well. Talks with a condescending tone to most that meet him, save for a few he has admiration for, but those are rarely found. When Eon is truly blind with rage, there's almost no stopping him. Inside, he's just stretched thin.
History/Life: Eon was raised in a mountain range who's name has been long forgotten and only exists as a sound in the dragon language. He lived among his kind in the ancestral home and as the years passed before becoming recognized by the goddess who'd created his race, Sophia. He was granted by the gods and goddesses the control of the elements to better help the other races. For some reason that historians have never figured out, he turned away from the light and began to hate the small creatures, using his powers destructively. His rampage spawned what is known as The First End War and The Eon Wars, and through some way or another, he wiped the very name from the world and every inhabitant's mind. By then he couldn't be harmed by even the gods themselves. Strider and his brother and sister, Kain and Sophia, had taken care of a race of wolves, Sire wolves as they were called, that could kill an immortal. The greatest of them was Sonya Fen, known to the dragons as Ghostpaw, defeated him with a spear. At first he thought he was dead. Yet after an untold amount of time had passed, he found that he wasn't and currently resides under the castle in the Taraxacium capital. Now Eon has no real direction for his rage, save for Strider, and he feels an urge to carry out his old duty after all these centuries.
Accessories: None, save for a large portion of his right horn near the tip, which is a shifting light-to-dark color of emerald.
Weapon(s): Massive claws; a powerful jaw filled with razor-sharp and crushing teeth; whip-like tail; fire breathing; magic-use.
Other: "Theme Song": Hold Your Colour by Pendulum. Prefers to call Strider by the name Azeois, and also bears a hate against elves, particularly Sylvia.
Appearance: A massive dragon who's name appropriately describes him. Eon towers above buildings, and though his size has diminished somewhat from whatever resurrected him, he is easily half the size of a large castle. His scales are a deep black, the color of a dead cinder from a fire, and his eyes are the very color of those flames, a fierce orange. His claws and his horns, arching back from his forehead to the back of his enormous skull, are the same shiny black as his scales. A stark ivory shines out from his mouth, the pointed teeth unharmed by the scorching fire he can breathe out at whim or the smoke that drifts faintly from his nostrils. His underbelly is a leathery tan color.

User: Ty Gwynnia
Name: Fenrir (Alexander Fen)
Side: Neutral
Age: Looks 25 or 26, but he's actually forgotten how old he is.
Gender: Male
Race: Werewolf/Sire wolf
Bio: Humorous and light-hearted, Fenrir is an optimist. He likes to be mysterious or confuse people who've never met him before. However he does fall in swells of unhappiness and depression due to his inability to act the way he wishes.
History/Life: Fenrir doesn't give many details of his past out. The closest he's come to was admitting his beginning of servitude to Fate, an abstract concept that somehow gained a consciousness and became a sentient being. He first appeared after Strider supposedly died by Mal's hand for the second time, and Salim was destroyed by Crow and the Ravagers. He offered advice and bugged both sides of the conflict until Mal fell, then continued to do so in a larger role when Reaper rose 10 years later after his extended vacation ended. His goals are unknown, but he wishes the best for his friend, or perhaps his best friend as he sees it, Strider.
Accessories: A golden pocket watch with Roman numerals in place of numbers (magical?); a cresent moon necklace , one side black, the other white, and the edges gray; a Sony camera he likes to take pictures with.
Weapon(s): His claws (pointed nails in 'human' form and actual claws in wolf); teeth (same in both forms); twin silver kris; and sometimes his watch.
Other:Quote: "I don't like dying. It hurts and I don't get to see the light at the end of the tunnel." Fenrir knows a lot about the world and about things that would drive people insane but often laments that he truly knows nothing. His favored weapon, his kris, is also made out of the one metal that can really harm him or do him pain (Werewolf =/= silver, to some people). Fenrir will appear from time to time, but hopefully not too often.
Appearance: Fenrir

User: Ty Gwynnia
Name: Daniel "Crow" Barthel
Side: Evil
Age: 43, but still young due to his heritage.
Gender: Male
Race: (Crow) Demon, with recently with a less than human appearance.
Bio: Calm demeanor but underneath has an arrogant and cocky side that has been showing more and more. Although he also has a strong sense of loyalty, it can falter when he’s confronted with solid facts or betrayal.
History/Life: Although he began as a priest in a town named Triel, he couldn’t help but think that it was wrong that he was a demon, one denying his heritage like his parents, and taking the path of a holy man. After wondering why he favored humans over demons, he immediately cast off his way of life, and joined the Ravagers that had plagued Salim, calling himself Crow. With his powers, the birds that he took his name from became loyal to him, and he rose to second-in-command of the group, once taking orders directly under Mal until he was killed, and went off on his own for 10 years rebuilding the Ravagers before Reaper recruited him. Once the battle at Salim was over, he was urged by Fenrir to follow a strange aura, and came upon Eon. By the powers of dragon blood, his demon heritage was further enhanced and he changed even more, now in the service of the dragon.
Accessories: A silver cross that he never did throw away when he rejected his priesthood.
Weapon(s): Control of crows; a rapier with an enforced blade that he can materialize out of the air and uses offensively; demon powers.
Other: Though he has no feelings for his cousin, he often wonders what's become of him through the years.
Appearance: Crow *His eyes glow a darkish-red and his long sleeves have been torn away to accommodate for the glossy feathers sprouting from them and on parts of his face and neck. He has large black wings that are connected to his shoulder blades, and his nails have taken a more talon-like appearance.

User: Ty Gwynnia
Name: Verin Barthel
Side: Good
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Half human (dominant), half demon
Bio: Quiet and most times solitary, Verin likes to see both sides of an argument. He hides his kindness with an uncaring attitude that hasn't been improved upon due to his line of work. He curses like a sailor with an attitude to match.
History/Life: Verin was born in Salim and lived there even when his parents either disappeared or were killed, taken in by foster parents when he was 3 years old. He liked to listen to the town bard at night, until his life changed with the appearance of Mal. Shortly after, he moved to Triel, a different town, and found his calling as an assassin there. His life never changed from the same pattern of job after job during the ten years of relative peace but he didn't seem to mind the monotony. Recently, he received news from Elistral about the situation of Salim and the battle with Reaper.
Accessories: A small leather-strapped watch that has his father’s initials scratched on it.
Weapon(s): A steel dirk, the hilt comfortably wrapped in cloth; an iron short sword; a small switchblade; Swiss-Army knife; a hand-held yew crossbow.
Other: He's a great acrobat. Also ambidextrous, but favors his right side.
Appearance: Short dark brown hair that's close to black that has been allowed to grow somewhat, hard gray eyes, lightly tanned skin. A scar runs up from his lef calf to his thigh. Verin stands at 5'8 1/2", and wears largely cloth items with dark colors: a fading black long-sleeved padded tunic, loose-ish pants a lighter shade, flat soft leather boots, a belt for his weapons, leather climbing gloves, and a cloak with the hood normally up. He's almost always frowning or scowling if he doesn't have a straight face on.

User: Ty Gwynnia
Name: Rore Nehire
Side: Good
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Bio: Kind and caring. He's often quiet when not talking. Has a strong sense of honor and friendship, and tactical like when he was a knight captain.
History/Life: Rore came to Salim years ago from a kingdom named Taraxacum to escape his suddenly corrupt king with his wife, Ellen. They had a daughter, Maria, and lived there peacefully for 8 years until he went off to fight, returning with his family to help rebuild Salim. He also fought in the battle against Reaper, briefly capturing Crow and becoming reunited with his best friend Gorash, who'd been in servitude to Reaper by their king.
Accessories: A bronze plated dandelion emblem on a chain from his former kingdom.
Weapon(s): A large steel sword, the pommel a bright red ruby and the blade one handsbreadth wide (from edge to edge). Also a short dagger.
Other: He encourages his young daughter's archealogical and historical interests and often takes the guys that chase after her aside to speak with them sternly, unfortunately scaring them off and leaving her currently single. He's also been catching up with his friends.
Appearance: Rore *Copper brown eyes and slight reddish-brown stubble. When not in armor, he wears loose pants, boots, leather belt, and a comfortable white shirt.

User: Ty Gwynnia
Name: Gorash Uefire
Side: Good/Neutral
Age: 32 or 33
Gender: Male
Race: Human/"Black Knight" (previously imbued with dragon blood)
Bio: Tries to keep to himself at times but his lighthearted and caring nature are returning slowly. He has an alter ego he's ashamed of that is merciless and cruel, almost bloodthirsty, and evil to the core, however Gorash is able to control it thanks to Strider's help.
History/Life: Gorash served as a second-in-command knight under the orders of his captain, who happened to be Rore, until his best friend decided to leave. He stayed behind to cover for him, intent on following after him when enough time had passed. However, their king twisted him with both sorcery and dragon's blood (Eon's), which gives strange properties to different people. He was then sent to serve under Reaper until he was captured, and "freed" from both his dual service and the control of his other side by Eon. He decided to stay with his newfound friends at Salim but wonders about the woman he left in his old homeland.
Accessories: A silver plated dandelion emblem on a chain from his former kingdom.
Weapon(s): A halberd with a laughing skull at the top of the metal pole that's more for decoration then for holding the massive axe-like blades in place. Since being broken, it was repaired and Gorash covers the skull with cloth. If needed, he can also use a great sword, and rarely a shield.
Other: Because of Eon's blood in him, he's granted inhuman strength, it's tougher for him to become hurt, and he's quicker than other humans. He also respects Strider devoutly and almost sees him as his new "king", despite Rore's comments that it shouldn't last much longer.
Appearance: Gorash*Gray-blue eyes. When not in armor, he wears a dark green long sleeved and button up shirt, dark pants, a belt, and leather boots.

User: transformersgirl13
Name: Sasha
Side: Good
Age: is about 19-20 ish
Gender: Female
Race: is mostly human, but with a dragons tail she hides behind a cloak so people can't see. also has claws, but she can hide them, most of the time.
Bio: is shy at first, but once you get to know her she's a really sweet and loving person.
History/Life: She was adopted into a human family, and can breath fire if she burps loud enough. She has trust issues with people she doesn't know and can be tricked easily (which is were the trust issues come from)
Accessories: has a dark red cloak that she always wears, and a leather belt.
Weapon(s): sword, tail, and claws
Other: violet eyes
Appearance: a tad taller than average height, fair skin, a light tan ish, doesn't wear dresses, always has her cloak on, when she's really scared her claws come out, her wings and tail are Tan and Red, her claws are an Emerald color, and when she's mad her pony tail puffs up.

User: transformersgirl13
Name:Raven Kayne
Age: 20-21 ish
Gender: Female
Race: Human (so she thinks) [Hybrid breed of Dino and Human but hasn't started showing yet.
Bio: happy, protective, but secretly sad
History/Life: had amnesia at age of 7, has a hard time remembering things form it, but knows bits and pieces. but she keeps most of it to her self... unless you ask.
Accessories: blue Hoodie, and a (real) Raptor tooth on a leather cord that she plays with when worried
Weapon(s): Claymore, knives, and/or explosives
Other: knows a lot about Dinosaurs and Marine life.
Appearance: blond hair, blue eyes, average height, has a tattoo of a Raven with a Dino on her left shoulder (she doesn't know about, will get pic.)

User: transformersgirl13
Name: Maxx
Side: Neutral
Age: he looks anywhere between 18-20
Gender: Male
Race: Human, and a bit Ghost.
Bio:sweet and friendly, will help ant who needs it.
History/Life:died a kid and was brought back by Mother Earth, is in love with Raven but she doesn't know it, uses plants to help his allies
Accessories: a necklass from Raven she gave him before he died, Dog Tags
Weapon(s): N/A
Other: smilies/icon_biggrin.gif
Appearance: sandy blond hair, brown eyes, wight shirt and blue jeans with a rip in the left knee.

Name: George 'Big Brother' Kane
Side: evil
Age: he appears to look 30 but he has no clear age
Gender: Male
Race: appears human but is a sub species of a race long past
Bio: Big Brother is a fatherly figure who loves his children, both biological and adopted, but he has a dark past. He vicious and can kill without a second thought and loves the sight of his enemies blood. At first glance he appears to be kind and gentle, which he is as long as you stay off of his hit list however no one who gets one there lives long afterwards.
History/Life: Big Brother has worked for Eon for many years but had to stop when his only daughter was born.He moved to a small village where he could raise her and her older brother without any distractions. Eon only allowed it because Big Brother promised to serve him again when his children were fully grown. Several years after his daughter's birth his best friend and trusted comrade fell ill and died. His last wish was for Big Brother to take care of his only child, his only daughter. Big Brother agreed. Sasha was Raven's best friend and he had no problem letting her live with them. Big Brother let them both do whatever they pleased, and he had few rules but they are to be taken seriously. Now that Raven and Sasha have finally left to take on the world Big Brother is ready to, again, serve Eon.
Accessories: Red amulet, golden wedding band (from his diseased wife) a thick silver band with his house symbol on it.
Weapon(s): Dagger longer than most mens' hands, two swords on his back, and knives in his boots.
Other: Maaa~
Appearance: Big brother is tall, with short hair and a half moon scar on the right side of his face. He wears dark armor with an ancient symbol of 'war' on his shoulder guards. When he is out of his armor he usually wears dark clothes, dark, usually long sleeved shirt, dark pants boots that his pants tucked into and his hair slicked back. His war helmet is shaped like a normal helmet except for he sides which are layered. Has armor is covered in spikes and he can remove them if he needs to. He has a strong build and a 'do what I say or perish' look that works on all save Eon, whom taught him the glare, although he only uses it when it's needed. He has warm brown eyes, dark chocolate, almost black, hair and a full beard.

3. User: Strifer Garuwashi
Name: Azoth Gerralt
Side: Neutral
Age: Appears 21, actual age unmentioned.
Gender: Male
Race: Red Dragon/ Human shapeshifter
Bio: He was alive during the previous wars, but actually chose not to participate simply due to the fact that it was furthering chaos, which he adores. He has switched side, turned on allies, and murdered families simply on the whim that things seemed to be going to normal. On the other note, he has also saved towns on the same sort of whim. The true purpose behind his actions may never be known.
History/Life: Most of the stories surrounding Azoth tend to lean towards his morally wrong actions, but there are towns that know him as a savior. It is hard to decipher fact from fiction in his life, but he is well known for his seemingly insane sensibility. Ultimately he sides with what will bring him the most excitement, or cause the most chaos, which he sees as a force beyond good and evil.
Accessories: He wears a ruby amulet around his neck that has no clasp, and the chain is strong enough to withstand the strike of most swords. If the sword is heated, it may be able to cut through the chain, or if the blade is enhanced by a God or Goddess. The amulet is what allows him to change his shape between human and dragon, and what also allows for partial transformation. It is rare that he transforms fully into his red dragon form.
Weapon(s): He carries an average looking sword with him, but rarely uses it, preferring to rely instead on the powers his amulet has granted him. It is there mostly as a precautionary measure should the amulet be torn from his body.
Other: He enjoys drinking heavily while in towns or populated areas.
Appearance: Azoth

User:/b] Strifer Garuwashi
Name: Kylar Hrunting
Side: Evil/Neutral
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Bio: As an assassin, killing is something his is paid to do. He views not himself as a murderer, but as a weapon. He is confident in his abilities, but will never brag about them. Generally seen as a stoic person.
History/Life: Kylar was born to a poor family, but at the age of three his magical talent to manipulate the shadows awakened. It was then that his family was murdered by a secret group of assassins in order to train not only his talent, but to train him in the way of assassination with out using his abilities. They trained him until he was nineteen, using both talents separately, before they taught him how to use them in combination. He will always side with the highest bidder, which right now happens to be Eon, who has promised to imbue Kylar with the power of dragon-blood should he serve him well. Often seen as the best assassin in the land.
Accessories: A black key that he hides in his possession at all times, its purpose unknown.
Weapon(s): Shadow magic, and two red short swords
Appearance: Kylar

4. User: Strider Wolfheart
Name: Azeois Faestra "Strider"
Side: Good
Age: Appears 30, actual age is impossible to put into a number.
Gender: Male
Race: Elf/God
Bio: Strider is a force of ultimate good and acts accordingly, protecting the weak and helping those who need him. He has a great sense of right and wrong to the point that to do anything wrong would be a haenous crime for him, he doesn't care if others do things they shouldn't as long as they don't disturb the peace. He loves peace but is also ready for battle at any moment. He fears himself as much as he fears others being hurt and is prone to self sacrifice. His motives are always black and white and he cares for everyone who isn't evil.
History/Life: Strider has always been an enigma, his entire past never being recorded or told, having lived since before the universe began, helping to shape it's magic as the God of Magic. But after many betrayls from Mal, his brother. He was banished from his godhood to wander the universe as a traveller, where he gained the nickname, "Strider", for his iconic long strides. For most of his life he did work as a universal hero and peace keeper. until he found the first planet created by he and his brothers, it's name being erased by Eon. Where he has now finally settled with his wife Sylvia and his daughter Elistral after much hardship and pain. "Striding", no more.
Accessories: Strider wears his iconic shades he had gotten from the other human planet, Earth, that he enhanced magically many years ago along with the crest of his family, an emerald leaf with gold inlaying, around his neck on a golden chain.
Weapon(s): His magic and his twin wolf staff that turns into any weapon he wishes.
Appearance: Strider

User: Strider Wolfheart
Name: Demios Equestas
Side: Good
Age: Appears to be in late 20's. Is actually 518 years old.
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon
Bio: Demios is a man who will never leave his friends behind. Wise in battle and life, Demios is a great leader and friend. He tries to act formal but his less mature and informal personality conflicts him so any time he can get out and be with Strider is a good time. Though despite being so conflicted he has a great sense of duty and loyalty and will do what he can for anyone deserving of his help.
History/Life: Demios grew up in Silver City as royalty, doing things any typical royal heir did. He went to events, went to school, and joined the Order of Silver Knights, becoming the head knight at the mere age of 100, a feat amoung dragons. But it wasn't soon after this that an ancient enemy of dragons, Oni Lectaus, rose from his prison and began to eradicate many tribes of dragons. Eventually even destroying Silver City. With the help of Strider and Jake Smitts, Strider's apprentice, they were able to defeat Oni and return him to his prison. Forming the great bond between the three and leading to many adventures afterwards. Now after many hundred years Demios, Strider, and Jake are all still friends. Silver City was rebuilt and the Silver Emporer, Demios Equestas is the leader of the strongest dragon country in Daer'Drath, the kingdom seperated by the dragon tribes. Salim and the Silver Empire hold a mutual protection and remain on good terms, having many dragon suppliers come in and out of Salim daily, the bond becoming even stronger as the new age has come after the Salim War.
Accessories: Demios has a metal insignia embedded into his chest over his heart as a sign of his position as emporer, it doubles as protection for his heart.
Weapon(s): Demios weilds the sword that all silver kings wore, Star Singer.
Appearance: Demios

User: Strider Wolfheart
Name: Sardain Fournhaust
Side: Evil
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Bio: Despite his smile Sardain is a living vessel of evil. His mind always thinking up new ways to tourture and destroy his enemy. He revels in the pain of others, never letting an enemy die quickly. Sardain is cold, a genius tactician, and unrelenting.
History/Life: Sardain grew up in the city of Radic, the capital city of Taraxacum, as the son of a lesser noble family. Sardain was never very loved as a child but instead was molded to be the greatest Fournhaust the family had known. He was taught math, philosophy, and military tactics at a young age, along with swordsmanship and martial arts. After so many years of this the happy, blonde haired young boy turned into a cold, closed off white haired teenager. As far as his parents were concerned his progress had been astounding and Sardain was turning out to be exactly what they had hoped for, becoming one of the elite knights at a young age. But there was one problme it seemed to the head of the Fournhaust house. Sardain refused to learn the family business, being the buying and selling of silk and other items. So he himself decided to start teaching Sardain, forcibly at times. It is said that this was when Sardain snapped. In the night Sardain took a scythe from the gardener's shed outside, went back inside, and mutilated his parents, brothers, sisters, and servants in their sleep. After days without any word from the family soldiers were sent to investigate. When the soldiers got there they found Sardain sitting in a pool of his family's blood with the same unerving grin he wore from that day forward. When he was questioned he seemed to feel no remorse and had actually taken pleasure in tying each of them up and cutting them to pieces, one limb at a time. Despite this he was returned to his position as knight, the kingdom being at war at the time needed as many as they could get. It was during this war that Sardain blew through the ranks until he was third under Rore and Gorash. After their departures he was left as Knight Captain. Now he has been chosen by Eon as one of the few to be imbued with his blood. His thirst for mutilation still ever present.
Accessories: He wears a golden dandelion medallion with the seal of the king in its center as a sign of his rank in the Taraxacum Knights.
Weapon(s): A boa scythe. A weapon of his own design having two opposite facing scythe heads, capable of splitting into two seperate scythe at any moment and reattaching.
Appearance: Sardain *Has red eyes, full armor, and a purple cloak with a hood.*

User: Strider Wolfheart
Name: Aleck Garenhurst
Side: Evil
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Bio: Not much to say about Aleck other then he isn't very smart and is very compassionate. He values strength the most in a person and distrusts anyone who isn't. The only person Aleck truely fears is Sardain.
History/Life: Aleck grew up on the streets, orphaned and alone Aleck was a very angry child, prone to beat up the other orphans. He was a thief and a bully for most of his life, until one day he had the audacity to attempt to steal money from the pocket of the king himself. But instead of killing him the king admired his courage and set him up in the Garenhurst estate as an adopted child. From there Aleck joined the knighthood and grew to be the massive 6'10" giant he is today, second in command of the knighthood.
Accessories: A silver dandelion medallion to represent his knight-status.
Weapon(s): A halberd and two large, thick, two hander swords that he can weild, one in each hand, or spin at high velocities by holding on to the long chains and spinning the blades, extending his reach massivly and making for a good defence.
Appearance: Aleck

User: Strider Wolfheart
Name: Jake Smitt
Side: Good
Age: Is about 43, looks 15
Gender: Male
Race: Dog-human hybrid/God
Bio: Jake is usually happy-go-lucky and care-free and likes to joke around about any situation, acting as if he was younger then he actually is.
History/Life: Jake was born on an Earth from a seperate reality where dog-humanoid hybrids were the dominant species of the planet. and had evolved much like humans, interbreeding with canines somewhere along the line, only the ears and tail and a few motor skills still prominant in their DNA. But like the Earth we know there is crime, weapons, and death when both are combined. So it was when a grave-robber was interupted in the act by a fifteen year olf Jake and was shot to death. This was when Strider came, finding the spirit of Jake, still in the cemetary, watching his sister visit his grave. Strider promised to give Jake a life again on the condition that he would have to go with Strider when the time was right. Agreeing to this condition Jake was given the body of the god of life, Kane, who had his own soul taken by the god of darkness. So after adjusting to his new, immortal and magical body he was allowed to return to his home with his sister and live there for many years until his sister eventually died of a severe cold, not having enough money for medicaion. But this was when Strider came to take him, after Jake had buried his sister and burned the house. Jake has been by Strider's side ever since, barely ever leaving his side. Learning, practicing, helping, and everything that he was required to do. Even on many of the adventures that Demios shared with the two universe fareing adventurers. Now jake stands, as always, with Strider against the returned threat of Eon and whatever that entails.
Accessories: A locket holding a picture of his sister and his family from his home.
Weapon(s): His magic
Other: He loves to sit on Rore's shoulders.
Appearance: Jake

5. User: Rayne Engel
Name: Rayne
Side: Neutral
Age: looks to be in mid 20's
Gender: Female
Race: Unknown. obviously nowhere near a human.
Bio: Quiet and thoughtful. She's very friendly once she knows someone. She's a good fighter. She can get deadly when you tick her off.
History/Life: Long ago, Rayne's memory was wiped away from her mind. She was once a protector during the fourth age, but suddenly vanished to go on a journey to find out who she was. After years of searching, she finally found a small village where people recognized what little memory she did hold... They're welcoming wasn't very warm though. An old lady led her to a tiny home out in the middle of the woods, away from the village. When there, she explained how her father went crazy, and killed her mother in mindless alchemist experiments. He began to perform on their only daughter next, Rayne. The lady continued to tell of how she was found with blood on her, and her father dead at her feet. They all assumed Rayne had murdered him. "and the next morning you were gone." was all she said before leaving Rayne to reminisce on her past... Finally she returned to battle whatever was going to be ahead of her. Now not afraid to use the powers her dad place inside her.
Accessories: Her eye, covered by the bandages, hold special powers. She was afraid to use it before, knowing it was an evil force... but not anymore.
Weapon(s): Has reverted more to the use of swordsmanship, though still is skillful with her twin pistils.
Other: Her hair is blood red, not pink.... She has a belly piercing and more piercings in her ears and one in her nose and lip... She looks significantly more mature than before, her heart a little cooler, but still has good inside of her.
Appearance: Rayne

6. User: Orcus Fieres
Name: Orcus Fieres
Side: Neutral
Age: 149 years old, seems mid-thirties.
Gender: Male
Race: Drow
Bio: Orcus knows no bounds when his people and their place in the eyes of others is concerned. He will go to the ends of the earths to carry out his pride. This is his charity as well as his chastity. He has never known individuality or rather, the want for anything other than what his masters and lords demand of him.
History/Life: Orcus has had a taste for foreign affairs from birth. He always wanted to represent his people, discuss politics, and fight as a noble over beliefs. He knew he wouldn’t get that in the Drow tribes but when the Delegation of Faen Foreign Affairs opened up, he knew he had to get in on it. He was accepted immediately and was trained in swordsmanship, politics and etiquette by a Duchess of the Eastern Courts. This, of course, all took place far from the war at hand. Orcus superseded his peers and the Duchess herself, being then chosen to be sent as a delegate for his Faen people in an attempt to learn more about the war going on, and to speak with both parties on their plans after victory. He had been given no back knowledge previously, just that the war might spread far enough and that his people would want to be on the winning side.
Accessories: A pocket watch carried in his inside coat pocket. It is silver, embellished with an emerald green, possibly of metal tint. It’s engraved with the words, “OMNES UNUM SUNT,” All are one.
Weapon(s): Orcus uses a broad faced rapier with a cross-guard in lieu of the common bell guard. The blade was given to him in ceremony and christened Pride by its granters. The fuller is a deep hue of green and quite reflexive. He uses a parrying knife with the same aspects as Pride. The parrying knife was dubbed Glory.
Other: Orcus can use slight magics. He can cast spells of trickery and deceit far easier than one of fire, but both are under his control. He also does well in enchanting his weapon before a fight or duel.
Appearance: Though a Drow, Orcus does not share common Drow traits. While his skin is black as jet, his eyes do not share the blood-thirsty red of his people, but rather and awkward shade of green. He is also rather tall for his breed standing at an even 6’0’’, 5’9’’ in his fighting stance. His shoulders are of common broadness yet his face is delicate and thin, in great contrast to the others of his species. Orcus usually wears himself well. He uses long-sleeved shirts with a tunic over it and knee-high riding boots with his pants tucked in them. His coat is also on him at all times.