Both my boys came to school with me today. As part of a project I got to do a full blood and urine test on both of them. Still a few tests to be done, but the blood was run and Cowboy's results look good. He has a slightly low amylase, my theory is low carb diet=less need for it. He did have a bit of a high salt though. Potentially dehydrated from being with me and not getting many chances to drink.

Rascal, who, is supposedly in early renal disease, had a MASSIVE drop in creatinine. It was 236micromol/L the first time we had it tested. I've retested every 6 months for two years. It went down a bit to 238 then all the way up to 250 and today it was 176 eek That's actually in the normal range now. So it will be interesting to see what his urine specific gravity is.