This week has really sucked for my pets. I feel awful. Despite leaving first and coming home last, I'm still the only one apparently, who has time to walk Cowboy. Who, despite recovering still, NEEDS to walk more than he needs to rest, because, well for one, being so hyper that he starts to run in the house is very bad, but also he needs the blood to circulate and needs to strengthen his muscles etc. Anyway, at least he got walked, and people pay attention to him. Rascal is not horribly bothered, so long as he gets to snuggle with me at night.

The rats though, they didn't get out of their cage all week. And I feel really bad. They have been bored out of their mind and it's making me try to think of new activities for them. I'm wondering what you guys give your rats to do, that requires minimal or no supervision. Maybe we can make a nice list. I know dapper has some good suggestions. Some of which require a bit of supervision, some of which take time to make and some of which my rats just aren't interested in. Here's what I got so far, that MY girls enjoy.

#1. Aida's favorite, decorate the house with ripped up paper towels. (I like this because then the towels absorb any pees and I can just pull out the used and give her new ones to use.

#2. The piniata. I rarely bother hanging it up, but a toilet paper roll filled with treats and then fold the ends provides entertainment for up to a whole hour. (downside is, they destroy it completely by morning and I don't go through toilet paper fast enough lol)

#3. Food covered bird toys. (came up with this last night, the rings hanging in their cage were covered in yogurt. They have to climb, stretch, and balance to lick the top rings.)

#4. Fishing for peas, wasn't a big hit with my girls.They'd rather play in the fish tank. Which brings us tooo.

#5. The wadding pool. I think I'd like to try this one next. It does take a lil bit of preparation. A shallow container with water is filled with rocks. Can I fill it with fishy water? Would it be harmful? Because they seem to really like the fish tank water. confused And the fish tank plants...Having a fish tank has been a great rat toy in itself lol. Blaze loves to bathe in the filter so much I considered buying her one of those decorative fountains. For 15-20 bucks though, I'm not convinced she'll use it as much as the fish tank.

#6. Dig box, still haven't tried this one. Essentially burying seeds in a box of earth allows them to use their natural digging instincts. There's a grow your own cat grass at work for 20 bucks. It's wooden and it comes with barley and wheat seeds and two others. Now should I grow some grass first or just let them eat the seeds?

#7 Pumpkin playground. Aida loved this last year. I'm going to try to buy one today for them to chew and maybe another one closer to halloween that I'll carve for them to go inside.

#8. Chew toys. I want to get some zukes carrot flavored dog bones next. Maybe we'll start with the pumpkin for now.