Post style done by Shay~

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So, my mother was browsing the internet, looking for recipes. Then, she found 'Black Beauty Chocolate Cake' from this blog. She bake it and it was so delicious. The recipe is in Bahasa Melayu, though. That's why I'm here! To translate and share it with you guys! Happy baking~ yum_puddi

Ingredient A

-2 cups of wheat flour / superfine / self-rising flour
-¾ cup of cocoa powder
-2 teaspoons of soda bicarbonate ( Shamam used 1 teaspoon)
-2 teaspoon of baking powder (Shamam used 1 teaspoon too..)

Ingredient B

-2 cups of castor sugar (Shamam reduce it to 1 and a half cup)
-1 cup of evaporated milk
-1 cup of cooking oil @ melted butter
-1 cup of warm water
-1 tablespoon of chocolate emulco ( Shamam don't have she used 1 teaspoon of brown food colouring and 1 teaspoon of chocolate flavour)
-3 eggs

The procedures:

1. Sieve ingredient A, set aside.
2. Mix all ingredient B and stirl. (just use whisker)
3. Mix in ingredient A and mix well, but not to long as it may cause the cake sodden.
4. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour. Temperature 150C, fire on both side (I'm not very sure if I translate it correctly...Sorry)
5. Use this (preferably 8x cool or other suitable one.


-1 cup of condensed milk
-2 tablespoon of cocoa powder
-2 tablespoon of butter / margarine

The procedures:

1. Mix in the cocoa powder and condensed milk into a pot. Stir.
2. Heat it with medium heat. Mix well.
3. Mix in butter and stir it again.
4. Turn off the heat and mix well again.
5. Wait until slightly viscous,then pour it on top of the cake.

P/s: Shamam is the name of the author. Oh, and ask me if you don;t understand it..I'll try to explain it better..Frankly, I do admit that I think there are few errors when I'm translating it. I'm still learning English. That's why I use picture..hehe Sorry for the inconvenience! yum_strawberry

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