A question I thought of while watching 'Ju-On: The Grudge 2' yesterday, and wanted to ask everyone out there - Which is the more eerie onryƍ: Yamamura Sadako or Saeki Kayako?

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SAEKI KAYAKO ('Ju-On'/'The Grudge' movie series)

- Appears mainly in the house she was murdered in, but can show up wherever her victims are.
- Death rattle
- Contortionist antics (ex. her stair scenes) and jerky movements
- Her vengeance extends to whoever is even associated with the people that set foot in her former house, not just the person themself.
- Possesses Mama's Little Helper, Saeki Toshio, who may not be in the same league as his mother, but is an undeniable creeper in his own right. (Note: This is how it appears to me. If I'm wrong, let me know.)________________________________________________________________

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YAMAMURA SADAKO ('Ringu'/'The Ring' series)

- Has, with little fail, killed everyone who has ever seen her tape, or any copy, within seven days. A couple took a bit longer, if memory serves.
- Psychic abilities
- Her infamous 'crawling out of a television' scene. And that eye...
- The seven day stretch creates a mentally unnerving state for her victims. Mental torture can be worse than physical.

Even if you don't think either of them are particularly disturbing, stating whichever one you think has the most potential to scare the crap out of people will suffice.

(**If I mised any bullets for either that you feel would make a difference, or there are any I listed that are irrelevent, please, tell me!**)