Hello to you all~
I am not a crew member (nor a super active member as of late to be honest) but I have to express my gratitude.

I am honestly thankful for the love and support that stems from like minded people such as yourself. A number of you are so supportive and caring and I am blessed to have had the chance to meet some guildies. Teehee~ For those of you that I have yet to meet, I still wish to share my affections.

I'm also thankful that my friends and family accept me for who I am. I'm thankful that I still have friends. I'm thankful for my job, thankful I have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in at night. Lastly, I am genuinely thankful that this guild even exists. Hugs and kisses.

Now I have to ask, what are you thankful for? It can be guild related or just personal. I would love to hear your thoughts darlings. Much love to you all, whether I know you or not.

Gay by nature, Proud by choice,
~ Andy