For his knee.
This year he was operated to his knee, because it 'popped' out, and his muscle -that is over his knee- elongated, causing the knee to pop out.
Last month he was finally allowed to leave the crate, the vet said he needs to build up muscle again, and he was allowed to do everything again. > EVERYTHING. Climbing, running, playing, everything. I asked.
Today, I noticed he had something in his eye, so I wanted to pick him up and look. But he ran away, so I got him by his bottom, like, right above his upper legs. So I let him go, and I saw that same knee popping out. Not often, I only saw it twice, one time I let him go, and one time he was running away.
At least I THINK I saw it popping out.
We finally have an insurance for him, but it doesn't insurance a second knee operation, because he already had a surgery on it.
Ugh. I'm so stupid.
emotion_donotwant Is it possible he has the same problem again?