Q - If you could have your own character in an anime, what would he/she look like? What would their story be? What powers/weapons would they have? Theme song?

Ok, so I just felt like doing this for fun. If your Gaia character could be in an anime, what would they be like?


AVATAR (ur gaia avatar...)

Name: Zeke Nikurashi
Age: 16
Avatar - User Image
Story - He was created by darkness. His real parents are unknown, but his age cannot be changed unless someone who created him changes it. He is, however, not evil.
Power - Ultimate Sadness - If anyone attacks him in the heart, he will turn into a chaotic form and use strong dark magic on his foes, not stopping until they are defeated.
Weapon - Axe of Corruption
Theme Song - With Me by Crush 40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21zj6xTcNi0&feature=related