Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:54 pm
So Bella has major separation anxiety. She knows that when I get dressed it means I'm getting ready to leave the house, and thus will often avoid me as much as possible at that point. She knows that "kennel time" means I'm leaving, and she knows that when I go to pick her up for a hug and kiss it's to say goodbye because she's going in her kennel and I'm leaving.
This afternoon, just for the hell of it I figured I'd try just telling her to go to her kennel, expecting her to either remain stationary where she was laying or go in the opposite direction. Instead, she surprised me and went straight into her kennel and layed down. Needless to say she got lots of praise and a couple tasty treats. She still fussed while I was gone, but just the fact that she was willing to go to her kennel of her own free will is a big step (at least as far as I'm concerned), and I can't help but be proud of her.
-And it's not just that she has issues being in her kennel and tries to avoid it/associates it strictly with me leaving; she goes to it rather than her beds oftentimes, and will get quite snarly when I tell her it's bedtime (aka: get your butt out of your kennel and into your bed in my room)-
What accomplishments has your pet had recently (or ever) that you couldn't help but be proud of?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:20 pm
one time we brought Malina to the vet, and the vet was trying to get her weight, and she ended up smooshing her fingers pretty badly. Malina was screeching, and her toesies ended up swelling a little even. And even after that, she didn't bite the vet, even though I believe she did have a good reason to. I was so proud of her for that, she just wanted to get back to her mommy.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:00 pm
Cowgirl-with-heart one time we brought Malina to the vet, and the vet was trying to get her weight, and she ended up smooshing her fingers pretty badly. Malina was screeching, and her toesies ended up swelling a little even. And even after that, she didn't bite the vet, even though I believe she did have a good reason to. I was so proud of her for that, she just wanted to get back to her mommy. Yay Malina. They really need to find a better way to get pet-weights, because it seems a lot of them have issues with the scale (Bella and Zoe both dislike it).
Your story reminds me of when my cousin and her friend(s) tried to give JT (cat) a bath in the toilet. None of the kids got a scratch, and my aunt would not have blamed the cat if she'd have clawed them for it.
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:24 am
~ Aki - Fairy ~ Cowgirl-with-heart one time we brought Malina to the vet, and the vet was trying to get her weight, and she ended up smooshing her fingers pretty badly. Malina was screeching, and her toesies ended up swelling a little even. And even after that, she didn't bite the vet, even though I believe she did have a good reason to. I was so proud of her for that, she just wanted to get back to her mommy. Yay Malina. They really need to find a better way to get pet-weights, because it seems a lot of them have issues with the scale (Bella and Zoe both dislike it).
Your story reminds me of when my cousin and her friend(s) tried to give JT (cat) a bath in the toilet. None of the kids got a scratch, and my aunt would not have blamed the cat if she'd have clawed them for it.well, the way they were doing it was sticking her in this deep fryer looking thing, my mom and I figure next time, we will take a pillow case, and stick the rat in there, then they cant see to pop the lid lol
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:43 am
stowrm has been doing better at catching stuff. she even jumped in the air to catch her frisby the other day.
also we are letting her run around while we arent home since she was tearing apart her kennel. so far so good