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Full Name: Amaya Serei Matsumoto
Nickname: Amy

Age: 15
Birthdate: January 9th
Gender: Female

Height: 5’4”/163cm
Weight: 130lbs/58.8kg

Nindo: "Serenity is a virtue and a grace... ...laziness however will get you killed.”
Amaya is a soft spoken, levelheaded person. She often may appear to other’s to be shy, or simply disinterested. The young girl is in truth neither. She prefers to keep her thoughts to herself usually, and is almost always more alert than most. The kunoichi has long since learned the art of keeping her emotions from showing in her face or bearing.

Typically however Amaya is relaxed and open around good friends and loved ones. When around superiors or even colleagues her attitude also changes from it’s normal disinterested state, as she becomes respectful and professional. The young shinobi holds honor and formality as a high priority and is almost always polite and courteous to those around her regardless of station. This is probably due to spending her childhood in Yukigakure and the Snow Country, home of many wealthy and important nobles.

Now that she is of a dating age, Amaya has also found something rather peculiar about herself. She has absolutely no interest in boys. Though she is friendly with them, and holds nothing against them, she is simply not attracted to them. She is however, much more interested in girls. This is a secret the kunoichi keeps from even her most trusted friends for fear of be rejected by society. The life of a warrior is short, and the girl doubts she will ever be able to find another who shares this interest earnestly.

Amaya is a strong willed shinobi on the battle field. Instead of taking on a disinterested state, she becomes collected and focused on the task at hand. Though she prefers to think her actions through thoroughly, she also prefers close combat, disdaining long range tactics. This is a rare mindset, as most assume a close combat fighter to be rash and easily provoked. Amaya however, prefers to out maneuver her opponents and relies on planning instead of rash assaults.

Lately, Amaya has also started taking an interest in the medical arts. Though she may appear disinterested in the goings on around her village, the inevitable loss of life and of loved ones around her does effect her greatly. As she realized she had an aptitude for Chakra Control if, sadly, not a high amount of Chakra, she quickly desired to become a full fledged Medical Ninja in addition to her other talents.

Rank: Genin
Main Class: Taijutsu
Subclass: Medical

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Hakemoto Clan

Chakra Pool: 210
Chakra Element:
Sution (Water Release), Doton (Earth Release)
Chakra Color:
Blue Gray
Chakra Materialization: Undulating aura, similar to flowing water.

• Close Combat - Quick reflexes and fluid motions. Also rigorous training.
• Calm Mindset - Levelheaded and focused, allows for greater concentration.
• Long Range Combat - Limited effectiveness at a distance due to close combat preference.
• Genjutsu Studies - 3 more posts required to learn a new Genjutsu.
• Spiders - The young shinobi hates and fears the many legged creatures, specifically the webs.
• Losing Loved Ones - The loss of her father left an emotional scar and permanent fear for Amaya.

Class Attributes:
Taijutsu Class - Lower Body Training: Speed slightly increased.
Medical Subclass - Faulty Precision: Accuracy with techniques slightly increased.
Taijutsu Class - Learn Taijutsu one [1] post faster.
Personal Attributes:
• Enhanced Speed - Moderate increase to speed due to extensive training.
• Healing Arts - 10 less Chakra Cost for D-Rank and above Eiseijutsu.

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Ryo: 両300
AC: 450

Missions Complete:
D Rank :: 3
C Rank :: 0
B Rank :: 0
A Rank :: 0
S Rank :: 0

Ninjutsu : : 00 / 03
Genjutsu : : 00 / 01
Eiseijutsu : : 04 / 08
Taijutsu Styles: : 00 / 02

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Weapon Type: N/A
Weapon Range: N/A
Weapon Weight: N/A
Weapon Location: N/A
• N/A

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Medical Bag (On Back)
• First Aid Kit (Contains: Disinfectant Solution, 5 Small Bandages, 3 Large Bandages, 3 Burn Salves)
• Basic Field Surgery Kit (Contains: Scalpel, Tweezers, 2 Suture Kits, 2 Sterile Cotton Swabs)
• Medical Reference Guide (Injuries, Burns, Poisons, etc.)
• 2 Liter Water Bottle
• 2 Liter Water Bottle
• 15 Senbon (In Side Pouch)

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Kunai Holster (Right Leg)
• 5 Kunai

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Hip Pouch (Left Side)
• 2 Smoke Bombs

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|N i n j u t s u


Henge no Jutsu [ Transformation Technique ] - ♋ - Rank E
Kawarimi no Jutsu [ Substitution Technique ] - ♋ - Rank E
Genso Bushin no Jutsu [ Illusion Clone Technique ] - ♋ - Rank E
Suimen Hokou no Waza [ Act of Water Surface Walking ] - ♋ - Rank D
Kinobori no Waza [ Act of Tree Climbing ] - ♋ - Rank D
Kai [ Release ] - ♋ - Rank D


• ♈


• ❦

Hakemoto Clan

• ☯

▬▬┤|E i s e i j u t s u
Shindan [ Diagnosis ] - - Rank E
Tekishutsu [ Extraction ] - - Rank E
Kiyomaru [ Cleanse ] - - Rank E
Gouwan [ Strong Arm] - - Rank D

|G e n j u t s u

• ☨

|T a i j u t s u

• ✸

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Amaya lived a fairly easy life during her early childhood. She was born and raised in the land of snow. Her father, Hiro Matsumoto, was a monk and warrior, he served as the defender of the village she lived in. Her earliest memories are of training sessions with her father, never to rigorous and always fun, they were happy memories indeed. Her mother Shizuka watching her training and confessing her pride in the pair of them added to the bliss of the memories greatly. Looking back on them now however, is bitter sweet for the young shinobi.

Hiro died defending the village when Amaya was only seven years old. A large group of bandits attacked the village he was charged with, kidnapping women and children while he was away. Setting off after the men alone as soon as he returned, Hiro somehow managed to free all of the hostages, they returned to the village mostly unharmed. The young girl at the time had breathed a sigh of relief as the hostages all came back to the village safely. She was sure that her father would return at any minute, he was unstoppable in her eyes. There she waited, outside the house, for hours with no sign of her father.

The land of snow was aptly named, as it was nearly always cold there. Amaya’s mother, worried about her husband’s safety, was only able to drag her daughter to bed and spend the night awake, as she held the crying girl to herself. As the sun rose on the sleepless pair, Shizuka could not bare another day of not knowing her husband’s fate. Going around the village, she begged men to go and search for her husband, to find him and bring them back.

Though the villagers feared the forests that the bandits called home, there was no doubt however that they owed it to the family after Hiro retrieved their loved ones. The men of Amaya’s village gathered crude weapons and entered the forest for a sign of her father. The wait for their return was even more agonizing for Shizuka and her daughter than the night had been. Less than two hours later however, the men returned with grave, mournful expressions. The Hiro Matsumoto had died, about a mile out from the village of his wounds in battle.

The agony of the loss hit Shizuka immediately as she realized, her husband would never be coming home. As she let out a piercing cry of agony, falling onto the ground, Amaya was shaken but did not understand what the men had meant. Her father was invincible, he could not die. It was then that she saw the body being carried on a makeshift stretcher by two of the men. The body was covered by a large, now blood stained cloak, but her father's face was still visible. As her eyes teared up, the agony hit Amaya too as she wailed and collapsed on the ground beside her mother.

Amaya’s father was cremated shortly after his death. His ashes reside in the village he died serving, a shrine was erected there and is treated with reverence by the villagers. A little over two months later, Shizuka decided it would be best to move her daughter, nearly catatonic with grief, away from the village. The people of the village begged her to stay, the wife of a hero, they treated her and Amaya both very kindly. Her mother however sadly rejected their pleas and left to travel the land of snow.

Over the years, Amaya’s mother had them move often. Shizuka was not as talented as her father in ninja techniques, but as her daughter slowly began to come out of her grief, she started to train her as best she could. In between odd jobs for higher pay, the pair worked as in home maids and servants for some of the many wealthy nobility of the land of snow. Shizuka did all in her power to make her daughter as happy as she could.

Over the years, mother and daughter did achieve some measure of happiness in life. They’re lives where always missing that vital piece, but over time, though the piece was still gone, it became easier to manage without it. Still, sometimes at night, Amaya could hear her mother sobbing quietly to herself. What drove the young girl’s sadness beyond the loss, was that if her father had only not been alone, if only he had allies at his side, he would almost certainly have survived.

When Amaya was thirteen news of an organization of warriors, of shinobi, being existing to protect and serve the land of snow. This, the young girl thought, was what her father had needed. Shinobi allies. Nearly at the age to move out on her own in any case, the young girl begged her mother to take them to Yukigakure, The Hidden Village Blanketed By Snow. Shizuka eventually agreed with her daughter, and the pair made their way to the village.

After arriving in the village, Amaya studied even harder with her mother. Training her body to it’s limits in the coldness of the land of snow. Her mother found a place for them to live and work somewhat more permanently as servants for a wealthy artisan of some kind, and the aspiring young kunoichi spent every waking minute either working or training. Living and working as a servant in and of itself could be considered training. Amaya’s body soon grew stronger, quicker, and her reflexes improved. The aspiring shinobi did not stop there though, she was also intent on training her mind to the utmost of it’s abilities. Her mother showed her a simple way to practice her chakra control, and be better able to harness what chakra she had available to her.

Amaya was eager to apply to be a shinobi as soon as possible, driven by the desire to ensure no one as kind as her father ever went into battle alone. Finally, at the age of fifteen, the girl believes herself ready to begin her life as a shinobi.