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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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Blessed Member

PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:17 am

NAME OF CLASS: Horseman Trial - Intermediate Stealth (Must have passed beginner)

General information: Invictus has firm beliefs that if you are going to attack, you need to work on not being seen first. Being gung ho is fine, but if you can't hide yourself in case of powerful foes, you're going to get into trouble.

However, more than that, being able to get in and out of a location safely without getting caught or dying while in the process of it is also important. So even after his first trial, he has set up another .....

The Course:
Fortress of Trees

In the center of the silent forest is a large fortress of trees, along with, outside, a diagram of a creature that many who have made it that far will recognize:It is the same 'Patrolman' of sorts that has been knocking out individuals in the forest.

They were distinctly humanoid looking, but they appeared to be made simply out of light, wearing no armor, or any sort of distinctive item besides the fact their bodies would occasionally flicker. Their hands were three simple looking fingers which were eerily long with one functioning as a sort of thumb. No face of any sort would be distinguishable, but there were a pair of lights that flickered red on either side of the head.

On the diagram, there is a small outline of information on the creatures:


These are hive creatures, and as such function underneath a queen. There are guards or 'soldiers' (which you see here), as well as workers (not pictured).

General Information
1. They don't react to movement, but they will react to sudden noises and flashing lights
-----> They do not respond to speaking voices and almost appear to not hear them.
2. There is a response to scents - especially to sweat, but even things as lingering as someone having used a scented soap to bathe with will also cause some looks.
3. They do not respond to light touching with fingers, but strong jabs with them or full palm contact does rouse a response.
4. Despite looking made of light, they are very much solid and almost feel like wood to the touch.
5. The red lights only turn on when they appear to be picking something up
6. If you suddenly move away from them, they will chase and almost seem to run digitgrade.
7. Hanging items draw their attention for some reason.

They are prone to hoarding treasures that will be hurtful for them to keep - such as man made objects like eyePods and phones - and thus I am tasking you with entering the hive, taking one of these out-of-place treasures, and returning with it without being captured.

As a warning, the Queen will be guarding the treasure itself and tends to be very...territorial over it.



Stage 1:
- Roll 4 d8 (either all together at once, or in separate posts)
--- This is the 'entry' into the hive to find the Queen. Match the numbers of your rolls to the following results:

1- You were caught an thrown out. Start over from the beginning with your HP still effected by the negatives from being spotted!
2, 4, 6 - Undetected, continue on!
3, 5, 7 - Something picked up on you! You can flee from it to keep from discovery and continue on to the next room, but you lose 10HP in the process!
8 - You found a shortcut! Proceed immediately to the Queen's room!

Stage 2:
- Roll 1 d6
---- This is the retrieval of the Denizen-made item from the Queen's Room! These range from strange things like eyePhones for some reason, as well as the Trinkets that were retrieved in the forest. Sometimes you might even find they've squirreled away a minipet!
-- Match your roll result
-- Roll until you grab something!


1 - You grab something up in a small burlap sack. It seems to be... moving? Curious! You take it with you.
2, 4 - The queen rolled over while you were trying to grab something and landed right on your hand! OUCH! - 20 HP! ROLL AGAIN
3, 5 - Grab and go! The Queen didn't even notice you were here!
6 - QUEENIE HAS NOTICED YOU! She throws a fit above all fits and summons her 'Warriors' to her chamber. You're dragged out! Start over if you're so inclined, but your HP alterations are still in effect.

Stage 3:
Rinse lather of stage one, only you're on your way out! Repeat the steps for Stage 1, including the Dice Roll effects!
-- 8 in this case is an auto-escape! NICE!



  • A spherical light that could be turned on to flash repeatedly

  • A can of scented lysol

  • A length of ribbon

  • A series of firecrackers

The tools Invictus has offered you will allow you to alter your roll ONCE for Stage 1 or 3 only by +/- 1. You cannot change 1 to 8 or 8 to 1, however.

If you roll a 1 in Stage 2, you retrieved a minipet! It seems very happy to be out of there! Quote me to let me know along with your minipet SN! YOU MUST GET OUT SAFELY WITH IT TO CLAIM IT, HOWEVER

You fail at dissipation - which is -10 HP!

Bonus Mechanics

The tool given out universally to all who make it to this trial is the only 'bonus' given this time.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:18 am
NAME OF CLASS: Disguise for Dummies (aka the TL;DR class)
ToTER'S NAME: Old Batty

General information:
Batty is a doppelganger, and as such he's pretty good at disguising himself amongst humans, hiding in their midst until he sees the opportunity to wreak havoc. He knows some of Amityville's students don't have it so easy, and he has made it a mission to help those kids who were not fortunate enough to have been born awesome as they attempt to blend into the world of humans.

Whether you have expressed interest in attempting this class yourself or Batty has singled you out for whatever reason, one day a map and an electronic card key will be shoved under the door of your dorm. If you choose to follow the map, you find yourself standing in front of a featureless metal door sunk into the side of a short, rocky hill. There is a slot to the door's right which seems to be the perfect place to swipe your mysterious card. When you do, the door slides open, revealing a long staircase heading further into the hill, and a cool rush of air washes over you.

it's game time

Your first stop is Batty's Costume Warehouse. If you want to blend into human society effectively, you have to dress convincingly. Wigs, noses, face paint, uniforms, socks, underwear, earrings, toe rings, tongue rings - Batty's got 'em all.

As you enter the costume warehouse you might feel slightly uneasy, whether because it's your first time visiting the giant underground structure and you don't know what to expect, or because it's your thousandth time in here and you do. You choose a direction and start on the path to your disguise destiny.

Roll 1d100 and match your result to the guide below to see if you have successfully chosen a costume. The results of your roll may change periodically, so please check to make sure there are no differences if you haven't attempted this class in a while!

1-10: You search the warehouse for a while, finding no costumes that interest you. But suddenly... LAB COATS. EVERYWHERE. You pick one out and put it on, mostly because they are the only articles of clothing for what seems like miles. And what's that in the pocket of your new coat? A rubber scalpel and some nitrous oxide! Now we're talking! You are a (bad) plastic surgeon. PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP TWO.

11-15: You have chosen the perfect costume. It fits. You look good. Too bad about that security tag. As you reach the warehouse exit, a row of deadly lasers spark to life and burn your new clothing from your body. YOU FAIL

16-20: Left, left, left, right, left. No, you haven't found an army uniform, but you are hopelessly lost in the warehouse. Maybe if you cry, scream, or rage long enough, some of Batty's bats will come rescue you. YOU FAIL

21-30: You find a sweatervest, a pair of glasses, and a clipboard under
a pile of life-size human dolls. You are a psychiatrist! PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP TWO.

31-40: This wing of the warehouse smells faintly of hot dogs and chlorine. And look! There, on the only hanger in sight, is a tank top, short-shorts, a whistle, and a giant tube of Zinka! You're a camp counselor! PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP TWO.

41-45: The costume you chose is far too large. As you try to exit the warehouse, some of the fabric gets caught on something and begins to unravel. Your costume is ruined! Sorry about that! YOU FAIL

46-50: You have stumbled upon the rockstar section of the warehouse. The outfit you change into here not only leaves you barely dressed, but the little you are wearing is bedazzled beyond belief. PROCEED TO STEP TWO. Your costume is so awesome that you automatically pass Step Three if you make it there.

51-55: The only outfit you can find is made entirely of fruit. As you stroll toward the exit, a handful of hungry bats steal your costume piece by juicy piece. YOU FAIL

56-60: You are an archaeologist! You've got a magnifying glass, a whole bunch of those little brushes, and more khaki clothing than you know what to do with. But you want to be even more convincing. You need treasure. There's a shiny medallion sitting on a pedestal nearby, but when you pick it up, there's a rumbling and suddenly a giant stone ball is rolling toward you! Run! Get crushed! Any way you slice it, YOU FAIL

61-70: A poofy hat, an apron, a big twirly mustache... You are a sous chef! PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP TWO.
71-80: After walking for quite a while, you come to a dead end. But this is no ordinary dead end. The ground here is blanketed with a neatly trimmed carpet of grass and there are golf balls and clubs strewn around the area. There are also several fanboy/girl dolls here, as well as a polo shirt and a pair of plaid pants. You are a golf pro. PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP TWO.

81-85: You wander through an area of total darkness. Even if you can see in the dark, you find your vision impaired by some strange force. You feel many tiny pairs of hands strapping you into an outlandish outfit. When you can finally see again, you find that you have been dressed like Lady Gaga. There will be no blending for you. YOU FAIL

86-95: Your costume marks you as one who hails from a long line of asbestos abatement experts. Congratulations, you are a hazmat worker. PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP TWO.

96-100: You wander through the warehouse for a while, finding no outfit that really speaks to you. Eventually, however, you feel a wave of knowledge wash over you and you know that for the duration of this challenge, your connection with the animal world will help you along your journey. You are a zookeeper, and this costume grants you the ability to pass Step Two no matter what you roll. PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP TWO.

Humans love animals. There's no easier way to blend into the human world than to take your pet sloth out for a jog after work.

Once you have changed into your new outfit and nothing seems to have gone wrong, you are free to continue into the "kennel" where toy versions of some of the human race's favorite pets are available for your use.

Roll 1d10 to choose a pet. These results may change periodically as well.

1: You picked a dog. Some form of collie, it seems. PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP THREE.

2: You have chosen a manx cat. PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP THREE.

3: Your elephant doll is too heavy to carry. Too bad, so sad. YOU FAIL

4: A flamingo! How nice. PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP THREE.

5: You have chosen a charming, slimy slug. It brings out your eyes! PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP THREE.

6: What's that? A unicorn? You're so lucky to have found one! Not only may you proceed to Step Three, you may also have another life.

7: You pick up an alligator plush and it explodes in your arms. YOU FAIL

8: A beaver! How woodsy! PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP THREE.

9: You probably have no idea what possessed you to pick up the Human Toddler Doll(tm), but now it won't stop crying and asking questions. You'll never hide in plain sight now! YOU FAIL

10: A quagga? Seriously? Those are extinct, fool! YOU FAIL

You're finally ready to try your hand at blending. You won't be meeting any real humans in this next phase, but these human simulators (robots) are close enough.

Upon exiting the kennel, you are faced with a long hallway. At the end of this hall is a four-way crossroads, the door at the end of each path marked with a different direction. Roll 1d4 in your next post to see which door you choose.

1 (North Door): Everyone on the other side of the North Door loves hats. Sure, you might stand out a bit at first if you don't have one, but either way they'll find you a fine chapeau soon enough, no questions asked. PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP FOUR.

2 (South Door): All of the people behind the South Door are psychiatrists. If you're not a psychiatrist, they will sniff you out and YOU FAIL. If you are a psychiatrist, you may proceed to step four.

3 (East Door): These "people" don't speak any language you've ever heard of. They're scaly and they walk on four legs and they might remind you a little of home, depending on who you are. You've invaded a den of robotic komodo dragons. Luckily for you, they don't seem to care what you're wearing or what toy you're carrying. PLEASE PROCEED TO STEP FOUR.

4 (West Door): A sharp-eyed kid sees you as soon as you pass through the West Door and promptly tells the authorities. You catch a glimpse of the community you might have successfully infiltrated, but that is all you see before you are ejected. YOU FAIL

You have dressed like them, adopted their domesticated wildlife, and been accepted into their midst... for now. Will you pass The Final Test? Roll 1d20 to find out.

1-13: You're pretty good at this human thing, but something's still not quite right. While hanging out with these faux fearbags, you make some form of unforgivable error which alerts them to your presence. YOU FAIL, unless you still have one of your lives, in which case, lucky you.

14-20: Your human act is flawless! Congratulations, you've passed!

Bonus Mechanics:
Doppelgangers get an extra two chances to pass Step Four if they make it that far.
Y2 students get two lives.
Y3 students get three.

If you fail a step and still have an extra life, you must use it to retry that step, not bypass it.

You complete the class when:
You pass Step Four! Yay.


Blessed Member


Blessed Member

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:04 pm

Name of Class: Your Very Own Halloween Costume!
Professor name: Professor Selene Apophis

General Information: This class is open to Amityville students as well as Horsemen!

Professor Selene has collected far too much memorabilia from her trips to the human world, especially during Halloween. She wants to put some of her collection to good use, by helping out anyone who wants to make an appropriate costume for the all too important Trick or Treating that occurs every Halloween in the human world! You get to keep what you put together here - you may even get to use her costume in her Halloween Helpers Field Trip or one of the Horseman's Trick-or-Treating (Treat only) mission, should you want to!


Part One
: Picking outfit pieces

There's boxes lined up all in a row, all of which are filled with colorful pieces of costumes from days gone by. You're allowed to pick out four pieces to make a costume, so make it count!

Roll 4d12. If you don't like the pieces you rolled in this option, you are allowed to try again one time! Matching pieces will give you more points!

1. A Witch/Wizard Hat
2. A Witch/Wizard Robe
3. A Broom
4. A Pirate's Hat
5. A Pirate's Tunic
6. A Sword
7. A Skull Mask
8. A Skeleton Bodysuit
9. A Pumpkin Stump Hat
10. A Giant Pumpkin Bodysuit
11. A Blue Fairy Dress
12. Blue Wings

As you can see, 1/2/3 is a match, 4/5/6 is a match, as is 7/8, 9/10, and 11/12. If you manage to match two pieces of an outfit, you get +2 to your final total. If you manage 3 pieces, you get +4 to your final total! If NONE of your pieces match, you get +1 added to your total for originality. Remember you are allowed to roll again if you don't like your first find, but you must roleplay both posts out (minimum 100 words each), and you can choose whichever of the two you like best!

Part Two:

Putting together your costume:

It's time to show Selene what you've chosen! Put the costume on and try to explain to her what you are, even if your pieces mismatch. Are you a pirate fairy? A Skeletal Pumpkin? That's horrifying! You must tell her a story (minimum 200 words) about the character you've created. You can even give it a name, a backstory, and a goal in life! Make it interesting, Selene loves to be enchanted with a good story!

Roll 1d6 with your explanation post. Add the total of this dice, to the points you made in part one. Match your total to the fields below!

1-2: Selene is so disappointed in your lack of attention to detail. She doesn't even know if she should let you keep the costume you made.. you clearly don't care about it! (Fail)
3-4: Is.. is your professor about to cry? She looks like she's about to cry.. maybe you should have taken your work more seriously.. (Fail)
5-6: Selene says nothing, but puts a green star sticker on your forehead. For Effort! (Pass)
7-8: Well done! Selene is so enchanted by your story, that she's lost track of what she was doing. Oh, that's right! Giving you an A! (Pass)
9-10: Is.. is your professor about to cry? She looks like she's about to cry.. did you do something wrong? Was your costume not good enough? No, she's just.. so.. proud.. *SNIFF* (Pass)


You complete the class, whether you pass or fail. +2 RP points for completing this class with at least 600 words!

Should you pass, you will get a bonus to the Horseman Trick or Treating (TREAT) EM, or Selene's Halloween Helpers Mission! You also get this neat-o special ability:

Super cool IC ability that you get for passing: You can now magically transform into your halloween costume instantly!
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:11 pm
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Name of Mission: Field Trip: Halloween Helpers!
Professor name: Professor Selene Apophis

General Information:

Professor Selene has chosen you to come to the human world and help her make a few things right. There seems to be an epidemic of missing Halloween candy, and the human children are in need of your help! It's time to try and make some Halloween magic!


Part One
: Costumes

You might have already made a costume in Selene's Costume class, but even if you didn't, you can find something! How great your costume is will affect your rolls in part three. If you did not do the open class, you may simply choose what they end up wearing! As long as it is not too frightening.
  • Roll a 1d6 and match your results below:
    • 1-2: Scary! Too scary! No one is going to let you near their house wearing that! (1d cool
    • 3-5: Three children nearby are already wearing the costume you are. At least you'll fit in.. (1d10)
    • 6: What an original, fantastic costume! You have a real knack for creativity! (1d12)
  • In brackets you will notice a dice value - this will be how much candy you manage to place in bowls, in part three!
  • Once you have your costume, you may go ahead to part two!

You have your costume. You're safely in the human world with Selene, in a town whose name you did not bother to pay attention to. The streets are lined with charming little houses, all lit up and bearing candy buckets just outside of the door. The children will be here soon to find them empty - their little hearts will be broken! We have to fill these buckets without being noticed! It's time to make some magic!

  • Roll a 1d8, and match your results below:
    • 1: How sad, this giant cauldron's completely empty, it's going to take a lot of work filling it back up again! (Candy: 0/100)
    • 2: This brick house has a small goblin shaped bowl with two Werther's in it. Pathetic. (Candy: 2/20)
    • 3: A Typical glass bowl with a few pieces still remaining. (Candy: 4/40)
    • 4: Instead of a bucket, a little child is holding their basket up to you. It seems they've figured out what you're doing... (Candy:8/20)
    • 5: There's a party going on inside this house! They probably had candy inside, but the bucket looks empty. Maybe if you start them off? (Candy: 0/80 - every time you put 20 candy in, someone comes from inside to match your 20 candy with 20 of their own.)
    • 6: A Typical plastic bowl with a few pieces still remaining. (Candy: 5/40)
    • 7: The lights are off in front of this house, but the bucket is still there, and still empty! (Candy: 0/40)
    • 8: A gorgeous house with a giant bucket filled with candy - apparently, this one has a good security system. No one's been stealing too much here. (Candy: 95/100)
  • Each house has a Candy Value. Your job will be to fill those buckets, but careful not to be noticed, someone might think you're stealing from them!
  • Once you have your house, you may go ahead to part three!

You have chosen the household to help. Now it's time to do your best!
  • Your 'attack dice' - meaning how much candy you manage to grab in one handful - depends on your roll in part one.
  • Part three acts like the opposite of a battle. You're adding, not subtracting to the total!
  • Example: I rolled a 5 in part one, and a 6 in part 2. This means my house's bucket has room for 35 more pieces of candy. I have to roll a 1d10 until I score a total of 35 or more.
  • You can only roll one dice per post. Don't forget to RP your student trying to stay out of sight!
  • If you fill the bucket, get out of there quickly and return to Selene! Congratulations, you helped save Halloween!

gaia_crown [ BONUS MECHANICS ]
  • If doing this in a group:
    • Every group member must do all the dice requirements. If one member fills their bucket before the others, they may help out in filling out the rest!

gaia_crown [ REWARDS ]
  • +2 rp points for completing this mission with 600 words!



Blessed Member


Blessed Member

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:16 pm
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Sweet Sinnamon Roll
Too evil, Too impure for this world.

As some would know, a good breakfast is the key start to a great day. Or night, depending on at what time your 'day' began. And with the season for Sinnamon Spice in the air, a traditional holiday pastry is making the rounds.
However with such a high demand, (and often a high price tag!) its just cheaper and often easier to make some for yourself at home. Or well, in Home Wreckonomics. The school has opened up small bake sessions in the spirit of the season anyone and everyone can bake their favorite holiday classic. But to those who make the oh so tasty Sinnamon rolls? Well.

You can make some serious dough off of those.

gaia_star Step 1: Make the dough.
Simple enough! Roll to gather the ingredients. Take as many rolls of the dice as you need, (max 3 dice per roll).

Use 10-sided dice.

1- You can't seem to find what you're looking fo- oh wait you would have HAD SOMEONE NOT TAKEN IT. Rude.
2- You can't seem to find what you're looking for in the fridge.
3- AHA! You found the key ingredient. Fresh Sinnamon.
4- You can't seem to find what you're looking for in the cupboards.
5- You can't seem to find what you're looking for in the pantry.
6- You found all you needed from the pantry! Awesome.
7- You can't seem to find what you're looking for in the trash. ...Why did you think you'd find anything in there anyway?
8- You can't seem to find what you're looking for in recycle bin. Hey, gotta try and stay green right?
9- The fridge just had it all hiding in the back, score!
10- You can't seem to find what you're looking for and blame the gnomes. Because you can hear them laughing. Jerks. It's very likely was them. You'd put money on it.

gaia_star Step 2: Prep
Dough made, roll it out and roll it up, but careful not to put in too much of that sinnamon sugar goodness!

Using 6d10, try to keep your sinnamon-sugar combo below 7. Anything above and well... it's no longer going to be sweet but more... semi choking.

1- +1 Sinnamon scale
2- +3 Sinnamon scale
3- +0 Sinnamon scale
4- +2 Sinnamon scale
5- +1 Sinnamon scale
6- +0 Sinnamon scale
7- +2 Sinnamon scale
8- +1 Sinnamon scale
9- +0 Sinnamon scale
10- +3 Sinnamon scale

If you get over 7, you'll have to start over from scratch, and that's terrible.

gaia_star Step 3 BAKE

All rolled up and cut up, it's time to bake these buns in the oven. Sweet sugar spice babies you can't wait! But alas, the aroma has lured hungry gnomes come to knock you out so they can steal the fruits of your labor.

Fight off the three Gnomes, Popper, Artiehokie, and Snapies. This gross trio is head on ready for a culinary showdown, so bring out your best. Each one has 10 HP, and does an auto-2 HP each turn.
Thankfully, armed with the spice rack's unlimited back pepper, you can do an additional +2 damage with each hit.
One their all taken out, it's only a matter of time before...

gaia_star Step 4: Relish in your victory.

Enjoy, and weep at your tasty sticky buns. For these are the true treats of the crisp season's culinary finest.

gaia_diamond LEARNED ABILITY: Sweet Sinnamon-
By the infusion of evilly delicious spices, you student can now outside of battle, make any food they touch palatable and vaguely taste like there is a bit of a sweet kick to it. In battle they just smell good. Which is nice if they start to get a bit sweaty I suppose.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:17 pm
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Hauntingly Creepy
Frightfully Satisfying

A certain professor had a special love for the dark on Halloween. It is the greatest night for shadows and spirits, and it is a night of passion and fright. Ah, to be young again. Or forever. Still, children did so like games on this holiday, and the professor has set up a small course in the woods for students to practice their creeping. They're leaving most of the work to the various wards and enchantments to keep things organized, and you can't seem to find any teacher anywhere. Yet the feeling of being watched is heavy, and you get the impression that it would be in your best interest to read the signs, and follow the rules.

The course is a dark, barely lit forest grove, with tall trees, thick underbrush, and the occasional boulders. The rules are fairly simple. You either choose the creeper's course, or the haunted course. One is harder than the other, and the easier has the option for co-op. Depending on the game, you could walk out with a lot of fond memories... or a lot of pain. Up to you really.


The creeper's course is by far the easier of the two courses, yet the reward is not that great. To play, characters must bring with them a small scream-o-meter pin with them, (these one are bat shaped! How cute!), which will measure just how much they scared their targets. Gnomes wander the area and it's your job to scare them. As you wander, be careful to avoid their flashlights and the various alarms that would give you away. The shadows are your best bet, and with the terrain there are sure to be some great spooktacular hiding places.

You have exactly 15 minutes in the area to max out your scream-o-meter after which point, it will begin beeping and end any creeping attempts. Meaning you have a total of 15 rolls to use to reach the scream-o-meter's max limit of 5. These rolls must be separate. You will be using 1d8.

1- You slide behind a tree, narrowly missing a beam of light by a gnome. Phew! (No Gain)
2- You sneak along the undergrowth, and a gnome, shaking walks past. You make no sound, but reach out, grabbing their leg. Screaming they fall over, dropping their flash light and run away. (You have Gain, +1)
3- A branch under your feet cracks, and the gnome you were creeping on spins, catching you in the light. They sneer and laugh at you before you sulk back into the shadows. (No Gain)
4- You climb up a tree and as a gnome passes under you, you drop down. In shock, they don't scream, but rather just pass out in fight. Looks like you were a little TOO good. (No Gain)
5- As you hide behind a bush, you bump into another student. You end up scaring each other which..hey, still works! (You have Gain, +1)
6- You stay still behind a fallen log, and you notice a large toad next to you. As a gnome passes by, the toad lets out a large ribbit, (which is really odd for a toad that size). As the gnome shines a light upon the toad, you take the risk. The mini opens it mouth, but you mask it's call with your own ghastly sound. The gnome screams and flees. (You have Gain, +1)
7- You think you've found the perfect hiding spot to wait for a gnome. In the hallow of some tree's roots you wait for a few minutes, but no one appears. Time is running out. (No Gain)
8- It was the perfect set up. Two gnomes, one clinging to the other in obvious jitters. You reach out from the shadows, tapping the shaking one on the shoulder before resuming your hiding. The one screams, causing the other to scream and they just start running. (You have Gain, +2)

gaia_star Multiple Player Mechanics:
You can play this game with other players either with each other on the same team, or against each other.
Each player as 5 Scream points to collect in either scenario.
If against it is who can collect the points the fastest.
If together, each player has 15 rolls, and together must hit a combined 10 for their scream-o-meters to max out.
The max players is 2.

gaia_diamond LEARNED ABILITY: Dramatic Darkness
Whenever you laugh 'evilly' or rather ominously, it seems that the shadows themselves warp and twist around your features making you seem larger and more powerful than before. You voice also echoes and sends chills down the spins of those who hear it.


The haunted course is MUCH more difficult, but the reward is certainly worth it.
To play, characters must done lightly glowing bed sheets with two eye holes cut out, (if it even fits or covers your character is another story). You have a much larger scream-o-meter, (this one is ghost shaped! Adorable!) maxing out at 10. Sadly, with the new glowing bed sheet, it's much harder to hide in the shadows, and it will be requiring a lot of still to get those screams. You also still only have 15 minutes, and no one is going to be able to help you either.


You have exactly 15 minutes in the area to max out your scream-o-meter after which point, it will begin beeping and end any creeping attempts. Meaning you have a total of 15 rolls to use to reach the scream-o-meter's max limit of 10. These rolls must be separate. You will be using 1d10.

1- You slide behind a tree, But the glow gives you away and a gnome throws a rock at you. Owch! (No Gain)
2- You encounter a ghost, who seems to be... a legitimate ghost in sheet form and they're blocking a GREAT hiding spot. They give you a sad look and say 'Oh....' They keep ignoring you, and after a while ask out loud 'Are they gone yet?' You're still there, and the ghost pretends to be busy, loudly saying 'ZZZZZZZ'. It's not a good impression. After a while you leave. (No Gain)
3- A branch under your feet cracks, and the gnome you were creeping on spins, catching you in the light. They sneer and laugh at you before remarking how you are 'too spoopy for them'. (No Gain)
4- You climb up a tree and as a gnome passes under you, you drop down. In shock, they don't scream, but rather just pass out in fight. Looks like you were a little TOO good. (No Gain)
5- As you hide behind a bush, you bump into another student. You end up glowing even brighter. You can hear 'Two students hiding in a bush, k-i-s-s-i-n- ' Oops. (No Gain)
6- You stay still behind a fallen log, using a bush to help mask the glow. A gnome walks by and fails to notice you. As you slide behind them, they spin screaming and kicking you before fleeing. While painful, you did get a scream...(You have Gain, +1)
7- You think you've found the perfect hiding spot to wait for a gnome. In the hallow of some tree's roots you wait for a few minutes, but no one appears. Time is running out. (No Gain)
8- It was the perfect set up. Two gnomes, one clinging to the other in obvious jitters. You reach out from the shadows, tapping the shaking one on the shoulder before resuming your hiding. The one screams, causing the other to scream and they just start running. (You have Gain, +2)
9- As you look for a place to creep, you run into a real ghost laying in your path with some headphones on. They notice you, but just lay there and let out a moan of sadness. A nearby gnome screams at the loud sad moan, but the laying ghost just sighs sadly. "I'm not feeling up to spooking right now, sorry." Best leave them be. (You have Gain, +1)
10- You sneak along the undergrowth, and a gnome, shaking walks past. You make no sound, but slowly rise from your spot, letting out a tiny 'boo' when you have reached your full height. Screaming they fall over, dropping their flash light and run away. (You have Gain, +1)

gaia_diamond LEARNED ABILITY: Imposing Darkness
With a snap of your fingers all light in the immediate area/room is consumed in shadows. This lasts only a minute at most before they slowly get back their light, yet you can see perfectly fine. If you snap your fingers again, you flash in a bright glow momentarily before the light vanishes once more.
NOTE- Even students who have dark/night vision find they cannot see in this inky blackness! 2Spooky.

gaia_star If you run out of time on either course:
You must start over at the beggining.  


Blessed Member


Blessed Member

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:22 pm
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General Information: Static can't get enough of this season. Never enough. Everything is pumpkin spice flavoured or scented, and it's the absolute best thing to ever exist, ever. Lattes, candles, booze, just…everything! So she wants to know: what else can be pumpkin spice'd up?

The Course: Create something that manages to passably use one staple ingredient: Pumpkin Spice*.
* - please note, no respawn or offspring pumpkins will be used or harmed in the making of deliciously spiced foods

Mechanics - Solo:
PART ONE: The base
Now, everything starts with a base. This does as well! When you choose this class, it's assumed that Static hands you something from one of the categories below. The categories themselves are incredibly vague, so you have to decide what it is exactly that she handed you to pumpkin spice up!
  • Roll a 1d20:
    • 1: A drink. (Off-limits: Lattes, Alcohol)
    • 2: A liquid of some sort (Off limits: anything that is already listed as off-limits)
    • 3: A vegetable.
    • 4: A fruit.
    • 5: A raw meat.
    • 6: A cooked meat.
    • 7: Something that was probably once food, at one point, maybe.
    • 8: An inanimate object. (Off-limits: anything that is already listed as off-limit)
    • 9: A hair product. (Off-limits: Shampoo/Conditioner)
    • 10: A mouth product.
    • 11: A skin product. (Off-limits: Soaps, Perfumes)
    • 12: Make-up.
    • 13: Nail product. (Finger, toe, or spike-growth kind of nail)
    • 14: Clothing of some sort.
    • 15: A toy.
    • 16: Something you could find in a crafter's desk (Off-limits: anything that is already listed as off-limit)
    • 17: Home decor. (Off-limits: Candles)
    • 18: Office Stationery
    • 19: Dessert (Off-limits: Pie, Cheesecake)
    • 20: A book.
  • Once you have your vague category, choose something more specific that fits in it, that it not already off limits! (Example: I roll a 14. My category is clothing. I think about it for a while, and decide that my character was handed a left sock. My character now has to try and pumpkin spice a left sock. I RP out my character being confused as to why they have to pumpkin spice a sock.)
  • Once you have completed this, you may move on to part two!

PART TWO: The Spice-ening
Alright, well. You have your base, for better or for worse. You then get handed a rather monstrous container of this fabled pumpkin spice. Time to add it in! …Somehow…
  • Roll a 1d4
    • 1: Oh, what the heck, you dump the whole darn container into/onto/around/etc onto your base. (-5)
    • 2: You put only a little bit of spice in/on/around/etc it. (no value)
    • 3: You put a moderate amount of the spice in/on/around/etc it. (+2)
    • 4: You try to be smart about it, and you strive to find a good balance between the thing, and the amount of spice it needs. (+5)
  • RP out your character trying to add pumpkin spice to whatever unfortunate thing they've been given. (Example: My character still has that sock. I roll a 1d4, and get a 1. I RP them being so fed up by this sock that they just fill it with pumpkin spice until it overflows, then I try to seal the sock to make a really weird air freshener.)
  • Once you have completed this, you may move on to part three!

Right. So. You got your thing. You spice'd it up. Now you take it to Static, to see how she likes it!
  • Roll a 1d20. Add or subtract the bracketed value you received in part two to your total roll, and match your results below:
    • 1-5: Static seems to have gotten bored and left the building entirely. You didn't even see her leave. (Fail!)
    • 6-10: She really does not like what you created. At all. (Fail!)
    • 11-15: Well, she's not unhappy with it, but decides that you can keep it. (Grudging pass)
    • 16-20: She LOVES IT. So much so that she takes it and leaves with it. It's hers now, sorry! (Pass!)
  • Example: In Part 2, I rolled a 1. Meaning I have a -5 modifier on this roll. I finally roll my 1d20, and I get a 15. 15-5=10. Turns out, Static did not like my invention! I have failed.
  • RP this out! Static doesn't talk much when she isn't on air as a radio DJ. She will mostly use body language and a few weird static-sounding noises to get across how she's feeling!
  • Once you have completed this part either pass/fail, please check the FAIL/FINISH quote box below!

Mechanics - Group:
You can do this in a group, but each character will have to do every roll on their own. Static will hand out as many items, and judge as many things, as there are people!

Bonus Mechanics:


Lose: If you fail to impress Static, you lose! You get +2 rp points if you managed to go over 600 words.
Successfully Complete: If you impress Static, you win! You get +2 rp points if you managed to go over 600 words, AND you get the fabulous super cool IC ability below:

Super cool IC ability that you get because of this: You can now passably pumpkin spice flavour/scent anything.


PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 11:33 pm

NAME OF CLASS: Shadow Stalking

General Information: Professor Darcy has no time for idle student chatter and the droll task of hand holding you as you make your way in this fine educational establishment. However, he does know certain individuals will often go above and beyond the minimum requirement they need in order to progress their education. To this effort, he commends those few, and offers a very selective course to those who think themselves up to the challenge of a more advanced education. However, education of such a level is not for those who think they can simply walk in and obtain it. There is a standard one must have and a certain skill set shown in order to attend this course and learn all that it offers. To get to said course you must first find your way to where it is held.
To this, he has provided a few Gnomes with the task of carrying the keys needed to unlock the door to the room. In order to prove you are ready for the advanced level of coursework and extra material you must stalk the gnomes and steal the keys from their person without alerting them to your presence. After you have the key, use it on his office door to get the permission slip for his advanced course work.


There are 3 Gnomes with 4 Different keys. Only 1 key will work however. This also means there are 4 different Gnomes you must obtain the keys from. Once you have their key, you may try it on the door (step 3) or keep repeating steps 1-2 until you have all 4 keys.

Step 1: Roll your Gnome.
Rolling 1d4, you roll the gnome you are going to stalk, each gnome has their own mechanic. If you roll a gnome you have the key for already, you may choose the gnome above or below them.

1: Susan
2: Karen
3: Rebecca
4: Ashley

As per the norm, they all look the same. Even if their hats are just all slightly different shades of red. (One is Blood Orange, if you bothered to ask.)

Step 2: Obtain The Key
Having rolled your gnome, use the prompts below to play out how to get their key. Once you have been ‘noticed’ 3 times, you have been caught and must start back at stage 1! (You will not lose any keys previously obtained. If trying to obtain the final key, you lose 10hp and may continue until you have lost all HP)

Roll 1d20 until you have their key or are Caught!

1-5: They’re having a nice brunch with Kaitlyn. Laughing at all the students whist sipping their Pumpkin Spice Lattes. You use this as the perfect diversion to sneak by, slipping close enough to swipe the key. (KEY OBTAINED!)
6-10: On a shopping spree for TP, Eggs, and other what you can assume is only regular purchases for Gnomes, you follow Susan into a Spookmart. Out of habit you grab a cart but it gets stuck. You try and fight with it, but as you manage to free the cart, the noise and commotion has alerted Susan, who just looks at you with a lifted eyebrow. Time to go. (NOTICED!)
11-15: As you follow the gnome you get a text from the school, informing you to remember to order your yearbook! How did they get this number and what’s this about a yearbook? You never- The buzz has blown your cover sadly, so you make a covert retreat. (Not Noticed)
16-20: Hiding in some bushes, you know that Susan came in this way, so you assume they’ll come out this way too. After all there is just one way in and out of this park. Turns out you were wrong, and spend a good two hours waiting for nothing. (Not Noticed)

Roll 1d20 until you have their key or are Caught!

1-5: As you walk past Karen, some other gnome asks why they’ve switched out hats today. They answer that crimson was feeling a bit too much this season, so they went for a more vermillion look. This conversation leads to your realization that gnomes know too many shades of red. It’s very boring, and you are forced to wait it out until Karen moves on. (Not noticed.)
6-10: The gnome goes to the creeperteria to aid in todays lunch. You have a choice. Get lunch or- You realize stepping into the kitchen is perhaps not wise in general and get lunch. It’s Screechloaf today. (Not Noticed)
11-15: This is your chance. The gnome is busy eating a very expensive looking salad and texting, utterly oblivious to the world around them. You casually walk by and manage to pickpocket the key. (KEY OBTAINED)
16-20: You thought you had the perfect chance and get in close, only for a very, very, VERY, small Pygmy foxfire starts barking at you. Oh no it’s so cute and spooky with all it’s tiny teeth- whoops! Looks like that belongs to the gnome you’ve been following. Time to scram! (NOTICED!)

Roll 1d20 until you have their key or are Caught

1-5: A clatter, you followed them past a bunch of brooms and knock one over. (NOTICED!)
6-10: The gnome is currently eyeing Susan. Rumor has it they were seen hanging out with Kaitlyn the other day, and Rebecca is not one to hesitate as is known. Neither are you. As they stalk Susan, you creep up close and manage to swipe the key out of their back pocket. You try to ignore what you think is a BB gun in Rebecca’s hand…. (KEY OBTAINED)
11-15: The gnome is headed down a dark alley and as you follow, someone else notices your shadow slipping by. They eye you as they and Rebecca exchange something under the cover of darkness, but they say nothing. Phew. You really lucked out! (Not Noticed)
16-20: Rebecca is reading the local newspaper at a café and seems to be going over the classifieds. When you get close you bump a table, they look up but notice Desu-chan nearby, eyeballing the much larger table in the back corner. Both you and Rebecca leave before anything happens. (Not Noticed)

Roll 1d20 until you have their key or are Caught!

1-5: Slipping into the shadows you think yourself very clever to ambush the gnome. One problem. They never show. You’re left standing in a dark corner half a day. (Not Noticed)
6-10: As you follow the gnome through the school, they get into a fight with another gnome over the color of their hat. One says it’s just red and to stop being so pretentious and well- things escalate. You just steer clear for now. (Not Noticed)
11-15: It’s been a long tiring day for Ashley. They’ve gone to buy some fermented grape beverage and you foolishly try to follow them into the store. No minors. And even if you’re not a minor, you’re being weird. Don’t think the shop owner didn’t notice. Because they did. (NOTICED!)
16-20: It’s far too early in the morning but you’re determination has led you to see the gnome doing weird exercises in the gym. A quick rummage in their (gross) gym bag and gagging over the smell you manage to get that key. (KEY OBTAINED!)

STEP 3: Try the Key on Professor Darcy’s Door.
Rolling 1d100 You find if you have the right key or not. If correct, you PASS this open class. If it does not repeat steps 1-2. If you are at the final key, you Pass Automatically.

1-50: You try and try until SNAP! The key breaks. Looks like this was the wrong one. Better go get a different key… (Start over)
51-100: You wiggle the key and- Click! The door swings open and inside the office, a bat screeches at you and flies over, dropping a letter of recommendation into your hands. Looks like you’re ready for the next level of creeping! (PASS!)


Magical Incubator

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