Customing into the Family! Soquili's Name: Wise Willow; Mother Willow; idek this may change later
Species: Regular
Gender: Female
Relation: Grandmother to Yggdrasil
Appearance: Cream with a Teal Willow Tree growing from her, light purple/greens leaves blening into her mane and tail with pink cherry blossoms bunched at her ear then flowing down her mane (which is droopy and long like the willow branches and pooling on the ground).
Personality: She's quiet, serene, and wise.
Backstory: Willow was one of the first known to herself to start bearing the tree. Her and each of her companions were dedicated to life and found themselves bonded to their tree, as if it were an extention of themselves. She saught wisdom from her tree, and from those before her, so that she may enlighten those of other generations. It was her duty to prepare the foals that bore the seed on their backs, show them how to nurture and learn from their own trees.
Role in the Herd: Wise Woman (or Priestess?)
RP examples: [x][x][x]Anything else?