Sors salutis (Fate is against me)
Et virtutis (in health)
Michi nunc contraria, (and virtue)
Est affectus (driven on)
Et defectus (and weighted down)
Semper in angaria. (always enslaved.)
Hac in hora (So at this hour)
Sine mora (without delay)
Corde pulsum tangite; (pluck the vibrating strings wink
Quod per sortem (since Fate)
Sternit fortem, (strikes down the string)
Mecum omnes plangite! (everyone weep with me!)
Et virtutis (in health)
Michi nunc contraria, (and virtue)
Est affectus (driven on)
Et defectus (and weighted down)
Semper in angaria. (always enslaved.)
Hac in hora (So at this hour)
Sine mora (without delay)
Corde pulsum tangite; (pluck the vibrating strings wink
Quod per sortem (since Fate)
Sternit fortem, (strikes down the string)
Mecum omnes plangite! (everyone weep with me!)
Welcome to... the "Plot X" organizational thread! Plot X is the plot in which Samsara attacks the Padmapani herd with her Mahapadma minions. If you aren't involved in this plot, this thread may not be too useful for you! Things are underway, so I don't think I'll accept any more players at this point.
~~ Plot Summary ~~
Samsara was not always a skinwalker. Once she was a member of the Padmapani herd, Hayagriva's daughter. When she was cursed and became a catwalker, Hayagriva was torn with anguish. He knew the dangers that skinwalkers pose and rejected Samsara, driving her off away from the herd. This instilled a great rage within Samsara, and she felt abandoned and betrayed. She vowed to take her father's life for refusing her.
She gathered a group of skinwalkers to attack her father but they failed and Samsara was driven into hiding again. During that time she practiced killing, gaining in strength and cunning until she formed a herd of her own, the Mahapadma. Now, with a new and powerful group of allies, she's decided it's time for one last attack on the Padmapani....