I just love writing! I also love the anime Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann! That's why I've decided to share my newest work which is a fan fiction for Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann! Yays! Here's how I'll be posting my work: First the prologue, then the individual chapters and finally an epilogue if I end up writing one. Please enjoy =D


In this universe known as Grandoris Simon is a fourteen year old boy from Giha Village who wishes to join The Dai-Gurren Knights. Having saved enough gold coins to buy his own sword Simon demonstrates his mettle for King Genome by slaying Bahamut, an ebony red eyed dragon that had been terrorizing Giha Village and the Teppelin Kingdom for ten years. His older brother Kamina is the leader of The Dai-Gurren Knights and promises King Genome he'll watch over his younger brother Simon should he cause trouble in the castle. However after an invasion from the Beastmen of Spiral Kingdom Kamina and Simon discover two suits of armor containing the spirits of two legendary warriors, Gurren and Lagann.

Having becoming the owners of these suits of armor Kamina and Simon help protect Teppelin Kingdom from the Beastmen until Princess Nia Teppelin is kidnapped by the Beastman Lord Viral. Simon, having deep feelings for the princess, ventures off alone until Kamina and his fellow knights arrive as backup. With The Dai-Gurren Knights and the combined forces of the legendary suits of armor Gurren and Lagann Beastman Lord Viral and his kingdom falls and Princess Nia is rescued. All is well until a dark oracle arrives predicting the fall of Teppelin Kingdom.

Three years have passed and Teppelin Kingdom still stands. Kamina is still the leader of The Dai-Gurren Knights and Simon is now engaged to Princess Nia. Gurren and Lagann are still being worn by Kamina and Simon to fend off any rouge Beastmen that still linger even after the fall of Spiral Kingdom. One night however Teppelin Castle is over run by demons and sinks into the Underworld. Kamina, Simon and the Dai-Gurren Knights manage to escape but Princess Nia and her father King Genome is trapped inside the Underworld with Teppelin Castle. Once more Simon and Kamina fight together to battle the evil demons of the Underworld to reclaim Teppelin Castle and rescue Princess Nia wearing the suits of armor containing the spirits of the legendary warriors Gurren and Lagann.

A/N Please keep in mind this is suppose to be an Alternate Universe fanfic. For those who don't know what an AU fanfic is think of it as the same characters from the actual franchise but living in a different universe that may or may not have the same things happening as compared to the actual series o.o