Don't beat yourself up for it. A lot of people make these mistakes and were never informed about it. At least you know now what you need to do to improve your fish's life then later after the fish passes away.

Do not buy the Tetra Aquarium Starter Kit, 5 Gallons in Walmart! The light in the lid does not last long, at all! If you buy a lid in another store and try to fit it in the tank, it will be a few inches too small or big. It's caca, don't buy it. Unless you're fine without a light.

You can go find some cheap cheap tanks on craigslist. If not, you can go with Akari_32's advice.

The WalMart kits work just fine. I have one, a 10 gallon kit, thats 5 years old, and its still kicking. The filter finally died, after 4 1/2 years, but everything else still works. You just got a dud wink

I never tried the 10 gallon one, but I always had trouble with the 5 gallon. I wasn't the only one who had trouble with the light bulb on the lid. gonk

But its the same, just with a double socket.... Strange lol