Night had been patrolling around the dorms today. The sun was bright, the day clear and not a peep of danger or s**t going down at the academy. He wondered what could make this day any more better as he crawled his way up a tree, his tail flicking behind him before he reached on of the higher branches.

So far there had been no stray cats nor any cat demons to bother him. He wasn't sure why but every time he thought of what Levi told him about there being another...Cat in the school had him all tiffed and cat bothered.

And extra terroritorial. Hence the patrolling. Though...a nap sounded good too, especially so high up in the branches.

At least he thought that until he caught a unfamilier scent and the faint cries of a cat mew. Minipet maybe? Or was it the cat demon that Levi had mentioned? The female one named Riyo?

He hissed as he crouched on the branch, butt in the air as he waited for the arrival, if there was one. (especially if there was one on the ground know...Night doesn't think that other cats are in tree's like him...)