Terra slung an arm around Len's shoulders and gave him a shockingly sweet smile. Sickeningly so really.

"I couldn't help but think that you'd be just perfect to watch over my two kits. It's too bad that friend of yours had to go, I wouldn't have said no to her help either." The demon let out an almost dramatic sigh. "Simply cannot trust the help with these things. I imagine some of them don't like me, and aren't properly afraid of me, and I simply couldn't trust my darling Aloysius and Oriana to such a person, you understand, don't you?"

"Of course," she said, "you are free to say no and crawl back to that tramp of yours. Do know, however, that the next time your life is threatened, it might just be me doing it." She hummed a bit. "Oh yes! And my resource pool is not small. If you do this for me...while you're staying with me, I could perhaps put out some feelers for information on your sister." Carrot and stick, right? Threats and bribes, properly balanced. "And you do sort of owe me."