Any insane stories? Particular with friends? Like this for instance.

I was nineteen in a few weeks, this was 05, and my friends got together. Robin and Kacee and kacee's sister kal went to Spencers to buy shall I put this as not to get in trouble....a very very very very very VERY large..."ROOSTER" pinata. I'm a guy. They filled it with "Rooster" suckers, "rooster" confetti. Blowpops and tootsie rolls as a bonus. Oh, and hundreds of condoms, wich we later used as water balloons. Not smart.When they left the mall, as robin later told me, kacee made them take a bag so robin put it in the bag, wrapped it tight, and poked kacee in the back of the head thruout the mall. Now picture this night, we break it open, and the fun begins. My friend ryan who had this fro woke up the next morening and freaked. We spent all night putting the confetti in his hair. Most disturbing part? My mom with one of the suckers. Tho I almost passed out laughing when my stepfather at the time walked in to say something only to see me and four of my friends eating the suckers. Walked out without a word. UGH! It was a great night tho.