Soo I was planning to post this yesterday and was about to post it when my computer died on me and froze and I had to restart it and lost everything! Anywho decided to try again today. Oh but yes the story behind twister is long and if you're interested in it it's on my blog link be in my siggie Sooo....

Yes we brought home our newest addition about 2 weeks ago! I would like to introduce everyone to Twister! Twister is a 16 week(as of today) old miniature poodle. Originally we were told he was black, but we noticed the brown on him and his markings indicate he's a "phantom" which is a coat color/pattern. You can't really see it in pics, but you can see the markings in person.

Anyway Twister is an awesome addition. Originally he was shy and nervous and now he's spunky, crazy, and annoying. I'm hoping he will be another performance prospect granted not knee issues(LP) show up. But yes he's a great little dog and will make an awesome agility dog granted no health issues. We are currently working on shaping behaviors and working on building toy drive and he's doing great with both. And it's actually awesome to have a toy driven dog! He much prefers to tug on a tug toy than to eat treats so yay for tug drive!

Both Bo and Abby are doing great with him! Bo is doing sooo much better than I could've ever hoped! The first 2 or so days he was trying to be a bit dominate and would growl and bark at him, but after a while he settled and now he either ignores him or tries to play with him which Twister can't quite handle just yet.

His socialization is coming along great. He's doign awesome with people, but since we got him at 14 weeks and I have no clue what type of exposure/socialization they had with her it's something I'm trying to focus on. He get really nervous around strange dogs. He tucks his tail, barks, and tries as hard as possible to run/get away. After a few minutes he will calm down and then start to investigate, but initially he's terrified. So dog socialization is something we really need work on. Since we couldn't make it yesterday due to my sisters game I'm planning to take him next saturday to a puppy socialization thing and then we should be starting puppy classes soon so that should help as well...

But yeah I absolutely love this lil man!

Oh and how could I forget? We also have little 14 week(15 weeks this thursday) old max. Max isn't our puppy, but he came from the same place twister did. We actually picked him up for a friend because she couldn't go get him and I call him our part time puppy because he's here all the time razz

So everyone meet Twister!
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Twister and max on the ride home
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twister compared to Abby
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And compared to Bo-man
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you can kinda see the brown in these two pics
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Max the night before he left
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Max(when he got a little shave around his ears and eyes)
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