The night was cool, the stars shiny, and yet the man did not care. Too many years had he spent his nights in the underground, far from the stars, far from the moon and it's ever changing orb. It was not his place, to live among them, to walk among them. There were more important things. His projects, his Chantry, there were things that must be done. His clan had fallen to ruin and even now he was fighting to make something from nothing. This, this was his true ambition, and a proof of true power if one can create true matter...true life from these ashes.

He had called on the Prince for help. Their first meeting may have been short, but he had been impressed with her, her power and influence, and he knew where to place his power. This Alessa Caito....she showed promise. It was she he went to see this night. His dark jacket pulled around him as he walked the streets, stopping before the indicated door. 'This must be the place....for there are no other buildings about...' He thought to himself, he knocking firmly. He could offer her only one thing, his loyalty, his advice...if nothing else he knew the ways of politics...power...and how the two mingled. He also knew the other clans...what sort of scholar would he be if he did not?