
1 – You grabbed a FEAR trinket.
2 – You grabbed a FEAR trinket.
3 – You were seen! Run for cover!
4 - You grabbed a FEAR trinket.
5 – You were seen! Run for cover!
6 – You grabbed a FEAR trinket.
7 – You were seen! Run for cover!
8 – You grabbed a FEAR trinket.
9 – You get grabbed! Too bad, start over.
10 – You found a safe zone, you’re safe in the next instance you roll 3-seens in a row or you roll a ‘get grabbed’!

Alright, he'd had enough of this, and he was getting tired. Tired of stalking through the forest, tired of climbing trees and ducking through thorny thickets and bushes, tired of those stupid...things and their infernal squawking. Tired though he was, he refused to surrender, refused to give in. He would defeat this trial and those stupid things, even if it meant flying through the forest and turning everything into frozen plasma!

Fortunately for him, he would soon find he did not need to resort to such tactics. Stalking from the base of his tree and to the next, his eyes caught the familiar glint of color and he quickly collected the trinket. How many was that now?

Unwilling to stay on the ground and within easy sight of the patrols, he climbed back into the tree he had been in moments before. Only when he was on the highest branch that could support his weight did he search through his pockets to count the trinkets he had collect. One, two...eight, nine...thirteen, fourteen, fifteen! He had finally collected all the trinkets he needed, and this time without attracted the attention of any of the large patrols.

A triumphant smirk, he quickly moved through the branches of the forest, making his way back to the edges and finally out into the clear air. He had beaten the course, displaying this fact by unceremoniously dropping the collected trinkets in front of the horseman. Hah, take that! He did not speak, but only smirked before turning on his heal and striding away from the horseman and his infernal trial, feeling rather satisfied with himself.

(( trinkets: 15 - PASS!
seen: 0
safe zone: unused (x2) ))