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Zaki stretched his wings out in the cool breeze. He loved the way it felt, ruffling through them. His pink hair flowed gracefully around him as he closed him eyes and enjoyed the feeling. Wind had always been something he was fond of...but then, there weren't too many things in Mother Nature's basket that he disliked. Zaki put his arms behind him, laying his palms flat on the cool grass. He leaved back, propping himself up on his arms and tilting his head back. This was a beautiful day.

His eyes opened slowly. The sun was still high in the sky, and Zaki couldn't think of one good reason to make his way home. Wasting a day like today indoors must be a sin. He pushed himself up off the ground and stretched his arms up over his head. Today, he would set out to find something new. He looked at the same beautiful things so often, and though he loved an appreciated them, he knew that even more beautiful things existed beyond his normal spots. He nodded to himself and headed out into the woods. Perhaps he would find a tall tree to climb, and discover a treasure in its leaves.