Purple Robot King
Purple Robot King
Personally I want to see a story with a gay dwarf. All rugged and bearded and, just incidentally, gay. That way you not only avoid making his entire character be about his sexuality, but you actively break down stereotypes about how gay males look and act and dress.

I have absolutely nothing against more lithe, delicate, effeminate men. In fact I typically find them quite attractive. That being said, half the world already calls Legolas gay anyway, because elves just have that effeminate quality that most people associate with gay men. Making Gimli have a boyfriend, though... well that's something that I haven't seen yet.

EDIT: Sorry, I know that's not what you asked, but it was just the thought that immediately popped into my head when I saw this thread.

That's a good idea. :3 My universe probably has dwarves, I recall mentioning them once.

If you do it you'll become my new hero mrgreen

I'll see if I get an opportunity to someone like that, then. 3nodding