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Louella ❝Ella❞ Badem


Ella stayed calm through out his little rant. "News flash. Life is already hell." He said calmly as he watched Devin retreat over to the pin ball machine. He didnt see why men were obsessed over the mean guy reputation... Well not every man but most did. It just made them look like a jerk. He gave a light sigh before letting a smile cross his lips once more. "Yes i am serious about not playing. But, as a journalist i like to know things. Everything to be exsact. So, why dont you tell me something about the mysterious Devil. I promise that none of this will end up in the school news paper witrh out your permission... Though can i ask why you havnt let the let the newspaper interveiw you?" He asked curiously as he went to stand net to the pin ball machine. He knew that if he got anything on Devin and everyone else on in the News room would hound him if they found out. So, then he would have to keep quiet about it... Even if it ment giving up the biggest interveiw the paper would have seen.

