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[Open Class] Manriness Training (Yin and Alex)

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Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:28 pm

General information: Malcolm had always been one of those professors who always seem to take things to the extremities; this training session was no exception. Held on a mountain that is located just 5 minutes' walk away from the school, there was also something about fighting bears...

~Image here, I guess~

The Course:
The Garowl Mountains, located just 5 minutes' walk away from the school. Yes, this mountain had always been there; don't question it.


Phase 1
The climb up the mountain was a really tedious one; it was absolutely freezing, and the strong winds did not help your cause at all. Unless you actually liked the cold, walking to where the training session was supposed to be held was a test in itself...

Note: If your student is cold/frost/ice-based or is used to living is extreme cold, you may skip this phrase and move onto phrase 2! Just leo strut your way up!
Note 2: If your student is heat/fire-based or cold-blooded, you will use 1d8.
Note 3: Everyone else will use a 1d10!

1 : You were frozen on the spot, resembling a live ice sculpture, as you failed to beat the cold; that night, Malcolm would find you and carry you back to your room to thaw out. Shameeeee. Major fail!
2-5 : You almost got there, but unusually strong winds and what was probably an approaching snow storm nearer to the peak forced you to turn back. Fail!
6-10 : You made it! You're tired (and possibly grumpy) but you made it- Hey, where did your clothing go? If you are a boil, you lost either your shirt or your pants to the winds. If you are a ghoul, your clothing had been ripped up pretty badly by the winds. Pass! But at what cost?

Phrase 2
Despite your missing/ruined clothing, you had walked too far to back down. You are a man! A MAN. Or a woman... But you can't spell woman without a MAN. Nearing the ice cave, you could hear faint growling coming from inside as your challenger stepped forward... And give you the grumpiest look known to bear-kind. Hah, what a lousy, weak looking thing...

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 0 : Bearel practically ravaged you, and you might had screamed loudly like a little ghoul in the process. Fail!
2 - 3 : You managed to land a weak hit, but Bearel managed to get the best of you before escaping back into the cave. Pass!
4 > : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, sending Bearel flying back into the cave with tears streaming out of its eyes. I hope you're quite satisfied. Great pass!

Phrase 3
Before you could recover from your encounter with Bearel, you hear even a louder, but more feminine growl coming from within the cave. Soon enough, Bearel's mama stepped out of the cave and made a gesture at you with her tint fists of fury; come at her, bro. Funshine is ready for some fun-time...

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 1 : Funshine beats the crap out of you, and you couldn't even land a single hit. Shame... So. Much. Shame. Fail!
2 - 4 : You managed to land a weak hit, but Funshine managed to pretty much put lots of tiny fist-shaped bruises on you before collapsing into the snow. Pass!
5 > : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, sending Funshine stumbling and face-planting into the snow. You feel a small, pitiable sense of pride. Great pass!

Final phrase
Just as you thought that your training was over, a series of angry-sounding clicking noises came from the direction of the cave. A second later, an adorably white and furry teddy walked out, picked the fallen Funshine up in its arms, and carrying it back into the cave. It then reemerged from the- OH JACK WHAT IS THAT EVEN?!

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 4 : TeddyWeddy probably beat you senseless and made you scream like a little ghoul while crying for mummy repeatedly. You also feel a sense of shame. Fail!
5-7 : You managed to land a weak hit, but TeddyWeddy had gotten several scratch marks across parts of your body; well, battle scars are cool, right? Even temporary ones? Pass!
8-9 : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, causing TeddyWeddy to go back to its original, cute and harmless form. Great pass!

Optional finale
Having proved your worth and strength as a real MAN of MANLINESS, you were allowed into the cave, where a treasure chest was...

Note: This part is completely optional!
Note 2: Roll 1d10 to determine your prize!

1-2 : A pair of socks, decorated with images of Bearel, knitted by Funshine Mama bear herself. You're steal baby Bearel's socks? )8
3-4 : A giant bear suit. Hey, at least it's warm?
5-6 : A delicious pie with a filling that you like! How mysterious!
7-9 : A trophy with the words "I FOUGHT THE 3 BEARS AND LIVED" on it.
10 : A silver seed! Hurray! Please quote "Dragain" with your Minipet sn for your prize!

You stole from three minipets! I hope you feel fantastic about yourself!

Bonus Mechanics:
THIS IS THE WILDERNESS, TOUGH IT OUT. Oh yeah, these minipets are rather oversized, by the way, but still smaller (and cuter) than you... With baby Bearel being almost minipet-sized and papa TeddyWeddy being close to grizzly size!


You defeat Teddyweddy and drag your a** back to Amityville. Any less is failure because you are not a MAN.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:35 pm
This was it. Today was the day. Yin woke up bright and early, eyes shining brightly and practically leaping out of bed.

Today he was going to fight bears with Alexander.

"Hurry up and get ready," he urged, though really, telling the zomboil to hurry was just a ridiculous notion. Personally he stood up on the bed and just walked over the zomboil to start getting ready, needing to feed the new kittens, brush his teeth, and at least do his basic stretches. Oh, and go out to the hallway, make sure no one was coming, and shift to be more fully human. He was going to be prepared for the chill of the mountain this time.

Just as soon as Alexander was up and about Yin was half leading, half dragging him out of the dorm and on the five minute (for most, with Alexander, significantly longer) walk to the mountain. This was going to be so much fun.

User Image

Oh, and he might have been sparkling a bit too.  


Alarming Consumer


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:58 pm
Yin woke up ridiculously early, and while Alexander would have been more then content to continue to lay in bed until at least noon, he was quickly being urged out of bed by a weremantis that seemed almost giddy with excitement. What was this? What...what did his boilfriend have planned that was making him so happy?

Alexander was getting a bad feeling in the pit of his poor, empty, undead stomach.

"Ready for what?" He sounded a little whiny, but still, he rolled out of bed, sitting up and running fingers through his hair a few times in a futile attempt to sort it out. He then took a ridiculously long time to shuffle over to the closet and get ready, wondering why Yin had ducked out into the hallway only to come back with more humanoid features. Hadn't they talked about this? Yin should be comfortable changing in front of him by now.

Once changed, Yin was practically dragging him out the door, not even allowing him time to have a snack before they were out the door and on their way to some 'mystery location'

A mountain. Yin had taken him to a mountain.

"Uhhhhh, what are we doing this morning, Yin?" He asked, sounding rather apprehensive, as he glanced over to his bonded.

Yin was sparkling. This could not be good.  
ramenli rolled 1 10-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-10)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:12 pm
"Professor Malcolm has a very good class set up here. It is rather challenging, but it should be both fun and educational." There now, would not Alexander be pleased? He was being so responsible by making sure that they did their school work. And training. And just...every good thing rolled into one. Except for the cold, but he was going to be prepared for it this time.

Yin started up the mountain, but the cold was vicious even in this form. He was shivering when he realized he had not told Alexander where to go. He turned, the wind at his back now pushing him down the mountain toward the slower zomboil. "We need to head to the ice cave," he said, gesturing toward the way he had come.  


Alarming Consumer

ramenli rolled 1 10-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-10)


Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:15 pm
Yin turned around and started to trudge back up the mountain, before turning back. He had to make sure Alexander was actually following after all, he had not seemed quite so excited about the training exercise.  
ramenli rolled 1 10-sided dice: 9 Total: 9 (1-10)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:16 pm
But it was time to go again, time to be the very best that there ever was, and climb the mountain. Again his clothing seemed to just want to disappear as he traveled upwards, though really, Yin would have preferred to keep his pants.  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5, 4 Total: 9 (2-12)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:20 pm
A class? Well, Alexander could hardly say no or complain about that! Though he was a little confused about the location as he slowly trudged his way up a mountain. Yin seemed fairly determined that he join in, however, as he made sure to trudge back and forth as though concerned that the zomboil would just turn around and leave.

"Ice cave. Right." He nodded and smiled, hands tucking into pockets as he continued along.

Really though, making his way up into the bitter cold was no problem. In fact, he rather liked the cold, so this was proving to already be a fairly pleasant experience. He was a little bit concerned for Yin, however, and cast worried glances at him every time he wasn't looking.

And then his bonded's pants got tore off by the wind and Alex was seriously beginning to think that this might actually be a much more interesting and exciting morning then he had first envisioned. The ice cave was just in front of them now, and Alex could hear something scuffling around, making odd noises before it emerged. Oh...it was..a very grumpy looking bear!

Startled by it's appearance, Alexanders first instinct was to throw a punch at it, even as he stumbled back and away. He appeared to have landed a solid blow on it's face, however, as it backed off immediately.

Alex is pro, and passed phase 2
(skipped phase 1 due to being used to extreme colds)  
ramenli rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5, 3 Total: 8 (2-12)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:37 pm
At least one of them was enjoying the cold. Yin was enjoying it much less now that he was pantless. Having a longer shirt helped, but with the wind trying to flip up the edges as he trudged along it was not very comfortable.

The smallest bear made its appearance, and, perhaps remembering Yin, went straight for Alexander. Yin watched rather happily as his bonded punched it in the face. There were no rippling muscles to admire, but still, the strength he displayed was intriguing. Yin might have been caught eyeing him before the bearel emerged again, perhaps a glutton for punishment.

What he got was a kick to the face.

What Alexander got was possibly an eyeful.

Great Pass~ (Barely)  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5, 4 Total: 9 (2-12)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:44 pm
Well, that had been weird. Alexander shook his fist out, glancing at it before flexing his fist and relaxing it a couple of times. Was this all the class entailed? Punching a bear like minipet in the face? Alexander felt a little uneasy, like there must be more to it then just that. He couldn't believe for one moment that it could be that easy.

His gaze went back to the cave as the first bear he had punched re-emerged, and then to Yin when the weremantis kicked at it, remembering at the last second that the boil no longer possessed any pants, and quickly diverted his gaze, though he'd already seen...well, pretty much everything. The zomboil was trying very hard not to laugh when he turned back towards the cave.

"So, was that everything the---" Oh wait, another sound. Alexander assumed that it would just be the same minipet, coming back for more punishment, but this time it was a much different looking mini, that was flailing at him with it's little fists.

Okay, this was just getting ridiculous now. He swiped his foot out at her, knocking her into the snow before backing up a couple of steps and tilting his head at it curiously, feeling a little badly for hurting it so much.

Phase 3-Pass!  
ramenli rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2, 5 Total: 7 (2-12)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:56 pm
"There are more," Yin informed him cheerfully, not really noticing the nudity problem, and not really considering nudity a problem. The next bear was out, the mother, and while he did not wish to harm the ghoul he still needed to defeat her to get past her.

He hit her lightly, more of a reminder to stay back than trying to injure her. :There is yet another," he warned, still almost happy about the opponent. This was so fun and exciting. This was the type of experience he wanted to share with Alexander.

Phase 3 - Pass  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6, 5 Total: 11 (2-12)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:01 am
Okay, so they were to stand here and beat up bears all day. Alex could manage that, really, he could. He just...wasn't at all sure what a class like this was actually meant to be teaching him. Well, whatever it was, he was here with his half naked and incredibly cheerful boilfriend, so he could shrug off the questionable learning he was receiving in favor of just trying to enjoy the experience.

"Oh, another one?" He sounded slightly amused. So far this had been a rather easy class, and he couldn't imagine that anything coming out of that cave now was going to cause him any problems. Indeed, as the creature emerged just to pick up the minipet that was laying in the snow, only to go back into the cave, he was already thinking about how simple this was going to be.

Until it emerged again looking like something that had gotten spat out of hell. "Unholy mother of Jack, what the hell is it?" He cried out as it scurried it's way across the snow towards him, reaching out with claw tipped legs to take a couple swipes at him. He tried to dodge, but was too slow, and ended up getting some slices through his shirt and into his half-rotten skin below. Still, with Yin watching him, possibly judging him, he needed to stand strong. He pushed past the legs, drew back a fist and plunged it forward, glancing a blow off of the teddy weddy's shoulder that made it stumble back and away from him.

Final Phase- Pass!  
ramenli rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5, 3 Total: 8 (2-12)
PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:12 am
Alexander's guess was as good as his. But he watched as this final creature once again started off toward the zomboil, perhaps taking his stitched wounds as a sign of injury and weakness. But Alexander more than proved his strength. It was difficult to wait his turn as Alexander got sliced up, but the zomboil more than had it handled.

But watching the zomboil fight was certainly distracting. So distracting that he forgot the cold seeping into him, slowing him down. Not thinking that the teddyweddy would be able to move so quickly. Not really prepared for it as it flung itself at him, attacking relentlessly. He did not scream, but nor could he withstand the attack. Was this to be his fate? To watch others achieve victory and never achieve it himself?

Failed by 1 again FU Yin.  


Alarming Consumer


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:25 am
Alex had no question in his mind that Yin would easily be able to dispose of the monstrosity, so he was only too happy to let it scurry away and attack his bonded, ready to be the fearleader on the side, so to speak.

Except that Yin was moving rather sluggishly, reminiscent to Alex of the time around Christmas when the school had been turned into a winter nightmare.
"Yin?" He hesitated to call out to him, or to help him, not wanting to make the other boil believe that he needed it because he was weak. He knew that Yin was far from weak. It became quite obvious quite quickly that something was wrong, however, as the other boil was getting attacked relentlessly.

Shambling up from behind, Alex directed a firm kick to it's back side. It whirled around and glared at him, but then scurried back off into the cave. There. Dealt with.

Now if only dealing with Yin could be as easy.

"You okay?" He asked, sounding slightly awkward, worried that the other boil was going to take offense as he so often seemed to when it came to things like this.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:33 am
Seriously? Again? Yin sat up, wincing various injuries the bears had managed to inflict. "Of course," because that answer was completely appropriate. Really. He reached up, hands almost drawn to the shirt and wounds gracing Alexander's chest, a look of concern crossing over his face. "I did not expect you to be injured. Are you alright Alexander?"

This cold was painful really, especially lying on the ground with the ice and snow seeping in. He struggled a moment to push himself up off the ground, refusing to reach out to use Alexander to steady himself or pull himself up. "Shall we go back down for breakfast now?" Hopefully they would find his pants on the way back.  


Alarming Consumer

Seussi rolled 1 10-sided dice: 9 Total: 9 (1-10)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:36 am
The fact that Yin would shrug off his own injuries only to worry over Alex's only served to make the zomboil feel slightly angered. Not at Yin, really, but at this entire ridiculous class. Also at that stupid teddyweddy, who had ducked back into the cave and had chosen not to reappear. "Ya, you don't need to worry about me though." A tight lipped smile as he waited for Yin to clamber up to his feet, his fingers and hands twitching to reach out and help him up.

"Breakfast sounds wonderful. Spider bear sounds awfully tasty, doesn't it? If you don't mind just waiting here for just a moment, I'll be right back." Ya, Yin was probably cold and just wanted to leave, but Alexander really felt like he had some unfinished business to attend to now.

Entering into the cave, the zomboil shuffled in, searching for their earlier assailants but none of them appeared to be in sight. The further into the cave he got, the darker it became, and soon he knew he would not be able to see anything at all. Something shining in the darkness caught his eye, and he shuffled over to it, reaching down to retrieve the object that seemed to be discarded on the floor. A trophy, and in the very dim light, words that he could barely make out. "I fought the three bears and lived? Is this some kind of joke?" With a disgusted sound, the zomboil tossed the trophy back onto the floor with a clang. He had a much better trophy waiting for him back outside, anyways.

So, Alex shuffled back out, unbuttoning the shirt he was wearing and holding it out to Yin upon his return to the outdoors, expecting the other boil to slip it on. It was fairly long, as well, and would probably cover his legs better then his current attire did. "Okay, I'm ready to go now." A smile, and they were on their way back down the mountain, searching for Yin's missing pants as they went.  
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