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Ah, It's a wonderful cats life. (Tweeterbri & I Yoai) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:58 pm

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┞ ┟ ┢ ┡ Ciel • Ӎ ı Г Θ • Lancaster ┦ ┧ ┩ ┪

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A smile tugged at his lips as his companion complemented his company. Milo pulled his legs into a crossed postion and sat straight, "Why thank you, i would like to hope that I come across as an interesting character." he had his head tilted, eyes following a butterfly as it teased the waiting plant life. What a delicate little creature...
Attention moved back to Monty as he to shifted about and spoke of his plan on exscape if the tom grew to bothersome to the boy. He chuckled, but held his tounge so he would not anger the feline once more with the snarky comebacks that threatened to pour out of his mouth. Instead, he simply took to relaxing in the shadey grove of the large and lush garden.
It was not often one got to sit amongst so much green when you lived in the vast metal jungle known as the city, it was nice to share the landscape with his friend to.
"Me?" he removed his hands from his chest after signaling to himself and curled his calloused finger tips into his pants legs. He was only pulling the cats leg so to speak and didn't take real offense to the comment. Toying with the fancy kitten was simply to fun!
But his words did not hold the same nature as Milo told Monty of his reasoning, "Because Monty, when one sleeps the harsh lines of reality don't distort the face. Instead it takes on a more innocent mask..a more vulnerable one." green eyes studied the brown ones for a moment before looking elsewhere. An abashed pink tinted his nose and cheeck, embarrassed he had spoken in such a tone. "Have you ever watched someone sleep?" he questioned, turning the spotlight from himself and back to Monty. "You may be surprised.." he grinned, left ear dropping.
It felt somewhat odd making a sarcastic comment after he mushy explination..things like that wasn't his forte, he was a cocky know it all! Take take, and take..not give or talk such soft words. Ridiculous...
Yet he somehow always said something lame around Monty, it was inevitable really .

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:27 pm
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⊰Monty Brendan⊱


Monty looked over at the other male as he finished his explanation. That was actually a really interesting way of explaining. Did everyone actually look more innocent in their sleep? Or was Milo lying to him. He had never actually watched anyone sleep and every time his owner was sleeping he was either busy doing something else or he was sleeping as well. Though it did make sense. And if a person was more relaxed that would make the muscles in one's face relaxed as well wouldn't? "I see so in other words your some creepy person who likes to look at others when they sleep because that is when they are most vulnerable... And here i just thought you were strange but it goes beyond that apparently. And just when you think you know a guy." He sighed quietly. No matter how he looked at it watching someone who looked innocent, or vulnerable was just creepy. He looked at Milo suspiciously before scooting away a bit. Ok now he was just messing with the tom. Monty knew that Milo wouldn't do anything to him. Besides Milo was straight wasn't he? What else would he be because Monty refused to believe that he didn't have some pretty little cat girl out there some where. All of the the ally cays seemed to have atleast one 'sweet heart'.


(OOC: )


Cisala Elden

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:03 pm

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┞ ┟ ┢ ┡ Ciel • Ӎ ı Г Θ • Lancaster ┦ ┧ ┩ ┪

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Monty's face took on that daydream clad form while the gears in his head turned with thought. This pulled a curious mask onto Milo's own face while he watched the boy process. Creamy ears stood straight while the tom sat quietly, eyes on his friend.
What is going through the little chocolate haired head of yours? he silently questioned. Was he thinking of sleeping faces? The turn of events? Or even that Milo was weird...the blonde squinted his eyes at the other lost in his oen mind before interrupted.
"That's..t-that's not what I meant!" the distressed male ducked his head at how loud his voice had come across as. Did I stutter? his brow lifted while he scooted back into the bushes to hide from the human boy encase Milo had been heard.
Was he a freak? That he found a sort of curiousity to watch the sleeping? Maybe so, but he wasn't a perv at that like some ally felines were..no! Milo often felt a wave of protectivness wash over his being when one trusted him enough to slip into the alluring world of sleep while he was there. Buut, everyonce in a while his adventurous self got the better of him and he would run a finger down a cheeck, or tug a strand of soft hair just to see the unconscious reaction...ok, he was a freak! But hey, if they didn't like it then they could push off right?
The tom laughed as Monty scooted away when finished with his sly comment. My turn? he smirked. The tom cat leaned back untill he was laying comfortably on the ground. He laced his hands through blonde locks to form a makeshift pillow. His tail flicked back and forth randomly while he turned his head to Monty, "Say what you will my friend but don't knock it till you try it!" he laughed quietly. With that the male promptly turned over so his back was to the boy, "Now, just because I do that to you doesn't mean you can do it to me. Avert your eyes lass! I'm going to steal your nappy time." a barely contained chuckle exscaped the snarky tom while he buried his nose into his jacket sleeve to hide his smile knowing he was going to get quite the scowling from the fancy feline.
But unfortunately for Monty it was true. One rather humid morning Milo had come over to start some chaos with the other boy but was left disapointed when the cat wasn't in the yard..or on the porch for that matter. Somewhat worriedly he roamed the houses grounds, peeking into the windows and eventually was rewarded with a sight that brought a blush to his ears. Apparently Monty and his lady master had slept in late that morning. The small feline looked so at ease curled amongst the blankets with the human, a shrowd of dreams floating across the others features as they rested. Milo couldn't help but almist feel..envious towards the human for sharing such a moment with Monty and not him being the one there. That emotion alone had freightend the allycat. For it wasn't right to feel that way about your newly aquired friend. To be jealous that someone other then himself was cuddling with the kitten . The sudden thoughts about Monty like that had driven the embarrassed tom into confused seclusion for a few days.
But all said and done Milo was sorted out now, and knew just how he felt about the kitten.

Or so he hoped anyways..

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:22 pm
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⊰Monty Brendan⊱


Monty scowled at the other male. When had he gotten the chance to watch him sleep? Did the sick perv break into his house? Did he get bored one day and decide that he would look through all of the windows in the house? "Your sick you know that right. How in the world were you able to even catch me sleeping? I would never let my guard down like that so you must be lying." He growled quietly as he looked over at the tom ho was currently 'trying' to sleep. Hmpf as if. He was probably just trying to mess with his head. He seemed to like playing mind games. Hm. Well i guess two people can play at this game. Lets see how he takes a more friendly Monty. He thought with a small grin as he let out a practiced yawn. He always practice being 'cute' for his owner and he could see that it was going to pay off in the spat of mind games... Hopefully. "Monty calmly wriggled into Milo's arms as he let a soft purr escape his throat. "Milo..." He mewled softly as he looked up at the tom. If Milo was going to play his little mind games he should have expected Monty to retaliate. After all who doesn't like playing games? "Milo don't fall asleep just yet. Cant you stay awake a little longer and talk to me instead? I didn't mean what i said. Your not creepy at all." He said softly as he batted his eye lashes. He hoped he was doing this right. It always seemed to work on his owner when ever he wanted to get her to play with him. But he wasn't sure if it would work on another cat. And another male at that. Then again he didn't see why it shouldn't work. Though he himself never found it appealing to watch anyone else just sit there and bat their lashes even if Emily thought it was adorable. Then again his owner was also very strange.


(OOC: )


Cisala Elden

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:31 pm

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┞ ┟ ┢ ┡ Ciel • Ӎ ı Г Θ • Lancaster ┦ ┧ ┩ ┪

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Milo peeked at the boy as he growled out a very displeased reply. The blonde frowned, closing his eyes and squeezing his fingers together while he looked away once more. It seemed the tom had crossed a line not meant to be stepped over..
He hadn't meant to see the adorable Monty sleeping! It just happened.. when he didn't find the feline lounging about in the yard or on the kitchen window seal he had grown alittle worried though now that Milo thought about it he had probably over reacted considering his lady master could of simply taken the loved house cat out to town or something.
Being distracted the tired allycat hummed out a reply to the boy while sighing all at once. It was awefully nice here in the shade, with the breeze tugging at his hair and the baby grass tickling his nose. The quick to sleep male loosened his hold upon his jacket sleeves and relaxed. Monty wouldn't mind if he took a nap right? Maybe hee to would join the tom in an early afternoon rest....
Or not! It looked as if the clever cat had other plans as that boy crawled his way under Milo's free arm and snuggled in. The purr of his name was almost enough to make the tom shiver in reply but luckly he swallowed that down.
A quiet voice worked its way from his mouth while he shifted, making room for Monty..and putting a few inches of need seperation between them. "Don't worry my kitten, I can still keep a conversation. I have been told I spout a bout of nonsense when I sleep." what was this kid pulling? Did he know of Milo's childish crush on the fancy house cat? Is that why he was acting like this..or maybe it was a form of revenge! That had to be it..instead of attacking the blonde tabbys ears or tail he was teasing him. What a tricky kitty, but just for good measure Milo moved his tail out of range.
"You should be careful, I'm feeling a bit cuddly
Milo half heartedly joked. He dared to open an eye to gaze down at the boy and instantly regretted it. Monty was right there! Infact, if he were to angle his head and lean forwards just a inch or two they would-
Dear lord! I'm gunna loose it.. he had to admit that the ever spontaneous cat knew how to push his buttons.
Once said feline was settled the tom cat situated himself into a comfortable postion. This left their knees bumping and their noses nearly touching, he lightly dropped his arm onto the boys hip from its previous lifted postion. Though his eyes were closed he began to speak, "Alright my fluffy compadre, fire away. What is it you would like to discuss?" he said this but really he was else where. Well played my silly kit, but pay back is inevitably a b***h. he would get a good tease in before the day was up! The allycat inwardly chuckled..

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:10 pm
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⊰Monty Brendan⊱


Monty had to suppress the grin that threatened to surface and ruin the innocent enough mask that he had put on. Though he had to admit he hadn't expected their position to be so... Intimate. He also hadn't expected to enjoy this close proximity. It was rather nice and warm. Why had he never thought of getting this close to the tom before? He obviously had enough body heat to share with the rich cat. But, anyways his thoughts were getting off track. Now what did he want to talk about? He had expected Milo to ignore him actually... Hm maybe for once he could move the topic of the conversation over to the tom. "Why don't you tell me about your adventurous life as a stray? I always love hearing about your adventures." He mewled quietly. It wasn't a complete lie. He did like to hear about all of the fun the tom had outside beyond the front yard but he wouldn't go so far as to say he loved to hear them. In fact they made him jealous because he knew that he would never have such fun... It didn't matter. He would just get dirty if he did have such fun anyways.. He once again pushed his thoughts aside before fisting the front of Milo's shirt as if to try any get his full attention as he squirmed a bit closer to the tom. It was painfully obvious that their closeness was bothering him and this amused Monty to no extent. "Pretty please?" He asked quietly as he tried to catch the tom's eyes with his own. Seeing as how the tom was going to continue pretending that he was taking a nap he was going to find some other way of messing with his mind. So in an attempt to do so he rested his head against Milo's cheast as he looked up at the other male. He has no clue why his being so close bothered the other male but for right now he didn't care... Though it kind of hurt his feeling to know this.


(OOC: )


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:28 pm

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┞ ┟ ┢ ┡ Ciel • Ӎ ı Г Θ • Lancaster ┦ ┧ ┩ ┪

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If he thought he had a chance of "playing it cool" before it was gone out the window now. A purr of content began to push its way up from his chest to his throat.
Their shared heat was lulling and the rise and fall of Monty's sides as he breathed only made the effect more lullabilic in nature..all around difficult to hold onto his layed back attitude.
"Hmm? My adventures.." brows raised up a fraction to show that Milo was listening. What could he tell the kitten today? Of his trip to the harbor or maybe about the time he had lost a bet with an all to clever crow. The different topics of interest wrestled for the toms half awake attention, but all was lost when Monty clutched at his shirt. His voice drew open Milo's eyes to see the felines face. He gave a thoughtful smile, "Ok. How about... he drew out the last word while he plucked a tale from his mental library. The tom absently tapped his fingers on the small of Monty's back for a moment.
When had that soft burnette toned head of the rich kit gotten there. Milo looked down, only the boys hair and face were visable at the moment, or from this point of view it was. He sighed, why was it exactly he had scooted away from the male in the first place? An idiotic move on his part..
Would he get snapped at if he were to nuzzle the boys forhead? It was all to tempting for the tom who was crushing for Monty. He..doesn't know.. what he did know was that he should do this more often!
"Have I told you of the time I rode an elevator?" Milo asked. That had been quite a day indeed! He was only a fresh stray on the streets at the time and was a foolish one at that but it made for a good time in the end.
Somewhere in between him thinking and actually talking his tapping fingers had moved into a circular rub. Instead of pulling away he tentatively continued the motion.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:48 pm
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⊰Monty Brendan⊱


Monty rather enjoyed the rhythm of Milo's finger tapping on his back. It was actually very soothing and it helped him relax him muscles which had tensed up when he had gotten to close to Milo. That was one thing he would never be able to control. The way his muscles tensed when someone touched him. But, the tom's touch seemed to melt away the tension in his body. Which was strange. Wasn't Milo usually the cause of his stress? To put it bluntly yes he was. So why was he practically melting in the tom's arms. He nuzzled into the older cat's cheast before he knew what he was doing. Why hadn't he noticed how good Milo smelled. He smelt like earth and something else he couldn't place. "Whats an elevator? He asked quietly as he struggled to fight off sleep. He was not going to ruin this round of mind games because he couldn't stay awake. He subconsciously wrapped his arms around Milo's torso. He knew that he got really cuddly when he was tired but this was ridiculous . He never even got this cuddly with his owner Emily and she raised him for crying out loud. But he was really comfortable and he was to lazy to move so he would just stay right here. Who cared how compromising their position looked? And, he was really interested in Milo's story about this 'elevator' Whatever that was. He had never even heard of one but then again he wasn't even allowed to leave the house so how would he have heard of one if he was stuck in a house for the rest of his life?


(OOC: )


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:18 pm

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┞ ┟ ┢ ┡ Ciel • Ӎ ı Г Θ • Lancaster ┦ ┧ ┩ ┪

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This is exactly how he could spend everyday..to share jokes and nap comfortably with his friend. Normally dude friends didn't cuddle but usually flaunted their muscles and smarts. But Milo wasn't like normal males..
Sure he enjoyed tooting his own horn to the others and teasing poor Monty but the simple and sweet was what he craved. Such as this for example. How Monty nuzzled himself close, or the purrs, and relaxed content. Milo sighed, "An elevator? Its..its a box that carries humans up and down large buildings by pushing these flashing buttons." oh how silly his explanation sounded but it was how the thing worked. Once the correct number was pushed those squeaky metal doors would close and the up the box would go. It sounded quite frighteninng but Milo found it to all be a game of timing. For if one jumped about just as the machine was going to stop, it felt like you were hovering! The enthusiastic tom opened his mouth to spout the bit of information he had learned but stopped short.
This is..new. and indeed it was. The half asleep feline had snaked his arms around the toms middle like one might a pillow. Normally the fiesty kitten took to smacking the sarcastic all cat or snap at him for his obsurd behavior. Milo chuckled at Monty's new found cuddly nature and replyed accordingly. The allycat unfolded the arm from underneath his own head and slipped it softly under the other, his rough fingers drew their way across the ever smooth skin of the youngers face and into the burnettes hair before finally straightening out to support the drowsy males head.
"When I first moved out I used to think those buildings were houses so I wanted to live in one because they were the tallest. Did you know that after a certain level they sway?" he questioned quietly. "Moving out" was an understatment to what really occurred but he preferred to keep that sop story behind lock and key. The tough tom wasn't fond of the pity face that followed after the telling of such a story. Besides, he was fine now. Milo lived in an apartment where handouts were plenty and got to explore everyday! Not to mention visit his favorite companion anytime he wanted. Truth be told, once Milo arrived here most of the day was indeed spent in this very yard toying with Monty and chasing bugs or what not. Well untill he or said fancy cat was caught and he was chased away.
The tom tightened his hold on the tired boy, But alas, your efforts are forever wasted aren't they you dumb humans. I will also come back..stupid meat monkeys. spring green eyes squinted at no one in particular before slipping closed completely. To say he disliked humans was fact, but he was aware that not all of them were bad. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was smirking, for it was Milo who was cuddling with Monty now and not the she-monkey...yes jealousy is an ugly thing but did the street cat care? Not particularly.

Ooc: Sorry for the late reply...I was having trouble writing a good post. @.@'

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