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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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[Exam] Trashbot Jump (Meixiang)

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Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:58 pm
Something very small trundled up to Meixiang's door. Something very small and sweet indeed. It was, in fact, the tiniest trashbot, a veritable paragon of mechanical adorableness. And it seemed very out of place.

It was the work of a moment for it to slip under the door, at which point it put itself in the middle of the floor and waited to be noticed. Or stepped on. Whichever.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:14 pm
((Its Meixiang btw, no hyphen. 8Da ))

Immediately as the tiny trashbot had entered her room it had drawn the attention of one very lazy Feslime and two very rambunctious Venus Flycats. Goop burbled and oozed over to the edge of the bed, one of his eyes rolling over to start pointedly at the little bot. Minsks and Ookie sat perched on Meixiang's desk, snapping their tails back and forth and making little screeching noises.

Luckily for the teenie weenie trashbot, Mei just so happened to enter not soon after it had slid under her door. Having returned for a small spell at the gym. She didn't notice it at first, instead her attention was caught right away by her mini's who were staring very hard at the little bot. "What in the...." Following their gaze, she soon laid eyes on the tiny bot.

It. Was. Adorable.

The ghoul had to contain herself from squeeing at how cute it was. But where had it come from? And what exactly was it doing here? Tossing her bag on a nearby chair she got down on all fours, putting her head close to the ground so that she could get a better look at it. Reaching out a slender finger, she poked at the trashbot's little body. "Where did you come from cutie?"



Super Sex Symbol


Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:36 pm
The tiny trashbot whirred, then... spoke? Oh, no, it was playing a recording...

"Hi there, spookie! It's time for your exam - come on down to my 'office' when you're ready, okay? Toodles!"


And then, a moment later:

"OH yeah sorry spookie it's Moir-"

The name cut off. Evidently the trashbot had run out of recording capacity at that point. Oh well.  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:00 pm
She blinked as the bot played the recording. The familiar voice bringing a smile to her face. Having become fond of the Headcrab Janitor.

Exam time!

That sent her stomach all a flutter, after the exam she would be moved up to year two. Exciting. Pocketing the tiny trash bot into a sleeve pocket she turned to her minis and gave them a thumbs up. "Wish me luck!" To which they merely bubbled and screeched as she flew out the door.

Mei knew where to go. She had been to Moira's 'office' once before to drop off homework for a class. It was easy enough to find anyhow. It didn't take her very long to get there, having to control her excitement so that she didn't literally run. Stopping in front of the door she knocked lightly, hoping the door wouldn't fall off. "Moira? Are you there? Its Meixiang, I'm here for my exam."



Super Sex Symbol


Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:36 pm
"Ah! Hang on a second, spookie-" Something loud crashed inside, making the walls of Moira's shack shudder for a moment. A bit of dust plumed out from the cracks in the walls. Hmm...

When the door opened, though, Moira seemed none the worse for wear, a bright smile on her face as always. "Hello there, spookie! You're ready for your exam, huh? All set to become a knob?" She set off towards the corner of the building without waiting for Mei, clearly expecting the ghoul to follow her.

Around the corner was a large... well, pile of metal? No, it was a huge heap of scraps, spread around a large area, with Trashbots engaged in pushing bits of it around. "Ahh... isn't it beautiful, spookie? My Scrapyard! Anything that I want to make, I can make with what's in there! But it's also a great test, spookie! I want you to make it to the other side, okay? That ought to be a super-worthy exam for you!"

She beamed. "Any questions before you head on in?"

Exam: Trashbot Jump!

To pass this exam, Mei must successfully make her way through the maze of Moira's Scrapyard, a tangle of metal and moving Trashbots that can change minute by minute! The best way to make her way through is to use her jiang-shi jumping skillz, it seems...

Roll 1d6 to advance! There are 15 'areas' to pass through - keep track of where you are, based on your number. So if you were in section 4 and roll 2, you move to section 6 - where you would follow the instructions for section 6!

0 (Start) - A headcrab looks at you funny. Roll to begin!
1 - You jump up and smack into the ceiling. Ow. (Go back to Start!)
2 - A Trashbot rumbles past, disorienting you. Take -1 from your next dice roll.
3 - A bag of particularly squashy trash gives way under you! Ew. Still, did it do anything...? (Mei is now stinky.)
4 - FLIES. EVERYWHERE. They're blinding! You must roll 1d12 - you are stuck here until you roll an odd number, at which point you clear the flies away and may continue normally.
5 - You hear a vast buzzing and hurry onward... hm.
6 - A high bounce gives you a great view of where you need to go next! Go forward 2 steps.
7 - There's a set of huge showerheads here, cleaning off dumpsters and Trashbots. Hrm. Nothing happens other than you getting wet, though...
8 - You splat right into a mound of something moist. Ewwww. (Mei is now stinky.)
9 - You cleverly follow a Trashbot, which clears the way for you for a few minutes before making a U-turn and doubling back. Go forward 3 steps!
10 - An apparently solid dumpster gives way under you! Go back 2 steps!
11 - A Trashbot looks at you... if you are stinky, it mistakes you for trash and drags you to Section 7! If not, it does nothing.
12 - There is a mailbox here. ... Weird. You decide to keep going.
13 - A gnome zooms past, screaming something about not wanting a bath. Its cries disorient you... Take -1 from your next roll.
14 - You can hear Moira humming. Are you close?! You must be... but in your excitement you take a wrong turn, and go back two spaces.
15 (End) - Moira is here! She looks pleased... have you beaten your exam?!

When you reach the end, quote me! Your pass/fail will be based on two factors: on your dice rolls (number of rolls, etc.) and your roleplay.

Yayoi rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-6)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:35 pm
Section 0 -> 3
A bag of particularly squashy trash gives way under you! Ew. Still, did it do anything...? (Mei is now stinky.)

Mei waited patiently outside the door. Blinking a couple times at the sounds coming from inside and the sudden shudder of the shack. She rubbed at the back of her neck, wondering just what exactly was going on inside.

But as Moira finally opened the door and stepped out a toothy grin spread across the ghoul's face. Glad at least that whatever it was hadn't seemed to phase her in the least. "I sure am!" There was excitement in her voice as she nearly bounced in place. She'd been waiting for this moment for quite a while now.

Hurrying along after her they soon came upon the large scrapyard. Mei's eyes widening as she peered out at it in awe. It was certainly impressive to say the least. Where had Moira gotten all this stuff from anyhow? Well, now was not the time for such questions. She had a task set in front of her.

Get to the other side of the scrapyard. It seemed simple enough but looks were always deceiving. "Nope no questions! I will see you on the other side." With a grin she took off into the scrap yard, ready to give it her all. She would try her best to succeed.

After running a long for a little while she felt something particularly squishy beneath her feet and before she knew it a bag of trash exploded beneath her. She gave a gasp as she went down. Bits of trash and stinky things flying up around her. "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" It was going to take her forever to get the smell out of her clothes, she just knew it. At least she had other things to wear but this trash that she had fallen into just happened to be really really ripe.

Wrinkling her nose. She slip n' slided to her feet, trying to get a sure footing which proved to be just a tad bit difficult. A few more things squished and squirted beneath her boots as she finally managed to grasp onto a nearby lead pipe that was wedged into a pile of scrap metal and slowly but surely got free of the mess. She didn't dare try to touch her clothes for fear the smell would rub off on her hands.

And so she continued on.  


Super Sex Symbol

Yayoi rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-6)


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:48 pm
Section 3 -> 6 -> 8
6 - A high bounce gives you a great view of where you need to go next! Go forward 2 steps.

8 - You splat right into a mound of something moist. Ewwww. (Mei is now stinky.)

It seemed like she was making pretty good time. Having avoided a few things a long the way, Mei was feeling super confident about this whole exam.

Running up a pile of what seemed to be sturdy trash she stopped for a moment to survey her surroundings. Was she going the right way? Hmmmm. Looking around she spotted an old crusty mattress which gave her an idea. Taking a few steps back she full out sprinted towards it, leaping at the last second and landing right in the center. Its rusty springs groaned and creaked beneath her weight. Until suddenly she was launched into the air.

Ahhhh, this was awesome! She could see way better this way and it gave her a great view of where she should be heading to reach the other side. Landing on the mattress, a cloud of dust and grime poofed into the air. Mei coughed lightly, waving her hand in front of her face to clear the air.

Now she was on track again. She stumbled and skipped down the pile of trash, humming to herself as she scurried along. Rounding a corner and...


Face first into a pile of something just as moist as the trash in the bag had been. "Ohhhhhh my Jack." Letting out a groan, she tried to push herself back away from the pile of whatever it was. Only to have her hands sink in deeper. The whole front of her now was covered in something sticky and very very stinky. She didn't even want to know what was in this pile of yuck.

Finally working herself free, she wiped her face with the back of a dirty sleeve. Though it only seemed to compound the problem and leave a wretched stench in her nostrils. She was going to have to toss some flowery smelling bath salts or something into the hot springs and sit in there for a week now!

Stinky and wet she slipped around the nasty and continued pressing on. If she didn't know any better little wavy stink lines were coming off of her right that moment.  
Yayoi rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)
PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:00 am
Section 8 -> 10 -> Back to 8
10 - An apparently solid dumpster gives way under you! Go back 2 steps!
8 - You splat right into a mound of something moist. Ewwww. (Mei is now stinky.)

It was a good thing for her that she didn't really need to breath. So for the most part she could just....hold her nose and not smell the stench that was coming off of her. Were those flies buzzing around her head? Just what she needed. A fly entourage.

Clambering up a big stack of dumpters, she reached about three high before the one she had scrambled onto gave way. And Mei watched as the world in front of her suddenly got farther and father away as she fell.

Down down down.

She'd tried to stick a grip to one of the other dumpsters but to no avail she was still pretty slippery from her trash bag and yuck pile encounters. When she hit the ground it wasn't a solid thumb like she had expected. The sound her body made was slick and wet. Her whole body shuddering as she could feel a thick wetness soak into the back of her clothes this time. Triple stinky? I think so.

Leaning forward, the pull of her body out of this second pile of yuck make a sucking noise until she was finally able to free herself.

Seemed like many, many baths and showers were in her future now. Could anyone get anymore stinky?  


Super Sex Symbol

Yayoi rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-6)


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:07 am
Section 8 -> 11 -> 7
11 - A Trashbot looks at you... if you are stinky, it mistakes you for trash and drags you to Section 7! If not, it does nothing.

7 - There's a set of huge showerheads here, cleaning off dumpsters and Trashbots. Hrm. Nothing happens other than you getting wet, though...

As she rounded another corner Mei preyed that she wouldn't run into another yucky pile and end up bathing for a year. Lucky for her this corner yielded no stinky trash piles. But there was a trashbot there.

For a brief second they exchanged curious glances before the trashbot sputtered and clanked it's way towards Mei. Arms flailing as it whirred and hissed. Grabbing her around the waste it dragged her off of her feet. Apparently mistaking her for a piece of trash because she was sooooooooooo stinky.

"Ah! What are you doing put me down!" She beat her fists against the trashbot's metal body but to no avail the thing went unphased. Before she knew it she in an area were there were huge shower heads cleaning off dumpsters and trashbots. The one carrying her tossed her beneath a shower head, before she could get out a word of protest a torrential down pour of water barreled down on top of her.

Sputtering. Soaking wet and still not smelling too pleasant, though not as bad as she had been smelling just seconds earlier. She crawled along the ground, out from beneath the shower head. Well...at least the dirt was gone. For how long though remained a mystery.

Wrapping her arms around herself she continued on. Wet, slightly stinky but not as much, but determined to finish this course one way or another.  
Yayoi rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-6)
PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:16 am
Section 7 -> 12
12 - There is a mailbox here. ... Weird. You decide to keep going

Trudging along now, water dripped from her clothes and ran down her legs from her previous, though not so unwanted, shower. At least now perhaps the trashbots wouldn't mistake her for stinky trash at least. Good thing she was Undead, can't catch a cold if you are already cold to the touch. Right?

As she continued along she heard random metallic and mechanical sounds. The whooshing of water from distant shower heads. All of a sudden she came upon a lone mailbox. It was just sitting there, minding it's own business or something.

Curious, the stopped and circled around it. Was it part of the exam? Would it transform into some stinky bag of trash and explode at her? Reaching out with a careful finger she pushed it's little flag up. Nothing. Pushed it back down. Still nothing.

Weird. "Huh..."

Well, it seemed like it was just a mailbox after all. Thank Jack at least.  


Super Sex Symbol

Yayoi rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-6)


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:20 am
Section 12 -> 15
15 (End) - Moira is here! She looks pleased... have you beaten your exam?!

Mei could see it now. The end! It was so close. So close she could taste it.

The run through the scrapyard had, admittedly, not been all that horrible. Though once she got back to her dorm she was going to make sure she scrubbed every inch and crevass of her body until the stink went away. She really didn't feel up to smelling like a pile of garbage for a month.

Stopping for a second, she looked from side to side. Could there possibly some final thing that would pop out or fall on her. Or worse. Make her ultra stinky? So stinky that she would reek the rest of her life? Oh Jack please no. She'd never be able to go out in public cause people would pass out from her stench. She would have to hide away in some bell tower downwind of the school so that people wouldn't complain about the smell in the dorm.

Cautiously at first, she took a step. Then another. Paused, looked both ways. Another step. Step. Step. So close. Step. Finally she scrambled out of the scrapyard. Wet, slightly stinky but not too much. But she had a grin on her face none the less as she put her hands on her knees and looked over at Moira who was standing there. She looked pleased it seemed. Hopefully that meant she had passed.

"Easy peasy!" Letting out a small sigh, she gave Moira a thumbs up as water dripped down her arm. Swatting at a random fly who had gotten it in it's head to try and follow her out.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:18 pm
"Oh, spookie! You did it!" A moment later Mei would find herself squished in a zombie hug. "Congratulations! And so fast, too~ I think that can be called... passing!" Moira put the ghoul down, then winked, pulling an emblem out of her pocket and handing it to her.

"Though, uh, you should probably take a bath before you go celebrate, spookie. You did a real good job... you should be proud! You're definitely ready to be a Knob." Moira beamed. "Do you have any questions? Like where's the showers, maybe? Or if I have toasty hot towels?"



Enduring Muse


Super Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:09 pm
She grinned as she was squished in the hug. Lucky for her she didn't need to breath or else she might've been gasping for air by now. Taking the emblem, Mei's smile grew more. She felt accomplished in this task. And getting through so quickly. The praise from Moira was just the frosting on the cake.

The passed exam cake that is.

"Yes, I should...probably take that shower. Maybe go sit in the hot springs for a week or something." Laughing, she smiled up at Moira. "No questions. But thank you for handling my exam Moira. I really appreciate it."

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