If she'd been in a better state of mind, she probably would have been out for blood. The hunters had taken them. Two people she hadn't expected to fall - they were gone. It was a low blow to her somewhat fragile emotions to begin with, and perhaps it was something else she'd been looking for when the doorway had appeared before her.

The hallway had been familiar enough, the Pricolici squinting at it with a rather intense frown, her hand playing at the strange new trinket she'd added to her repertoire and the strange little glint it had to it. A curious thing, but she hadn't been very interested in what it was Medea had been wanting them to do.

Or had she been?

She didn't know anymore, actually.... All she knew was that the house wound about itself in a way that made for a good walk to clear the head with, even if it would never really be clear with all the thoughts that had begun to muddle it up.


Nothing Yet