Ugh, why couldn't she just meet a nice Halloweener who welcomed dissipation with open arms? This reaper.. she was stubborn. On top of that, the fact she looked so human, aside from those freaky eyes, pissed her off immensely. "Oh? Is that what you think?" Her brow furrowed, thrusting a gun into her gut, pulling the trigger before raising the other to shoot her point blank in the head. Had Fell struck a nerve? Maybe.. But none of that mattered now. This attack was enough to force the girl to dissipate, where she would re-spawn back in Amityville. Her work was done here.

Lifting a chin, she brought her hands up, de-summoning Xedis as she folded her arms behind her head, grinning to herself. "Good riddance, b***h."

Name: Katherine Taylor
HP: 41/50
Target: Fell
Damage: 12
Charge: 3/3