So what controversial or strange occurrences do I have to tell you today?

Well lately I've been watching Haunted Gaming videos on YouTube and reading Creepypasta stories. GOD they're creepy (lol no wonder)

But here's one for you. LTS, otherwise known as Lavender Town Syndrome.

In Pokemon versions Red, Blue and Yellow for the original Game Boy Color, there was a spot you could travel to called Lavender Town. You know that tiny area with a big ghost tower? The song that plays while in Lavender town wasn't the first version of it.

In fact, the first version was made for Pokemon Red and Green, but only the Japanese versions. It may be the same one in America's red version, but I have my doubts.

Since this game was first marketed for young children and some teens, it became a widely popular game. As did the Lavender Town Syndrome case. Apparently, the original Japanese track for LT was a bit different. It played two different songs at the same time, on two different wavelength. For small children, the sounds were eerie and a bit disturbing, psychologically sending waves to their brain. You can become nauseated, dizzy and gain headaches from listening to it for too long.

The rumors go on to say that, if a child listened long enough, the music made their eyes and nose bleed, as well as transmit suicidal thoughts to the player, even resulting in death. However, if this had been the case, the first game never would have been released out of Japan.

This story is in fact true. The maker of this video about LTS - - has a link in the description to the original Japanese Lavender Town track. He did listen to it, and it indeed gave him a small headache and minor nausea, This effect might work a little better (worse?) if you have headphones or earplugs.

So, any creepy stories of Video Games or Movies you wanna talk about?