Heyo, I'm Daku. I'm a 22 year old writer, currently doing some work for a European author's website and I'm in need of some snuggly 1x1's. I can do adult ones too I guess > /// > though I'd prefer to take it off Gaia and will hand out me email if that's what people are wanting to do. [/ hides head under pillows] I prefer hetro pairings, though I can do some yuri. I'm a guy by the way( > /// < ) sorry, I should have said that earlier.

Currently, I'm craving some pairings from a book series called Shadows of the Apt. I would suggest heading over to the wikia or something if you don't know what that is. ummm ... meer? Time to list what I want. More hearts = more wants! Bold is mine.

Totho x Tynisa heart heart heart heart heart
Gaved x Sef heart heart
Varmen x Any female Mantis, Spider, or Dragonfly-kinden. heart heart heart heart heart
Seda x A male Assassin Bug-kinden heart heart heart
Seda x Totho heart heart