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Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[HH 1 v 1] Eat It [ Ofelia vs Alex ] FINISHED Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2

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Rown rolled 2 10-sided dice: 6, 2 Total: 8 (2-20)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:35 am
"Yanno, Ah did say Ah was sorry fer sayin' ya smelled bad, there's really no reason fer ya ta keep insultin' me in the same way." Ofelia crossed her arms as she dodged the rock that was thrown, her lips pursed and her brow bent in a similar manner to show she didn't really approve of being called crazy. "Ah get plenty'a people mockin' me back at Deus, Ah dun really need someone Ah barely know commin' in an' tossin' the same words at me. S'not like Ah'm sittin' here an' makin' fun'a ya fer like...wantin' ta bite me or sommin'."

To be honest she was getting a bit disappoined with this person and how they were acting. It was like being back in high school which would totally make sense according to the age levels that should be listed for the Amityville people anyway. Her feelings weren't being hurt though, her tough skin made her pretty much immune to being offended, but she could get annoyed at people just running their mouths. "Also, dun throw rocks. Someone could seriously lose an eye." She picked up the rock that had been tossed her way and threw it back, actually having her jaw drop open as it made contact. "Well s**t, that wasn' what Ah meant ta do."

Go Ofie go.

hp 47
damage 2 pt
charge 1 [ 1 ]

S'okay Ofelia wants to just poke him piece by piece and stuff
Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 2, 4 Total: 6 (2-16)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:46 am
Like Alex really gave a corrividus s**t whether or not he was hurting a hunters feelings by calling her crazy. Still, he stopped backing away from her, feeling as though he'd gotten enough distance now, and glared at her from afar.

Because glaring at her was how he was going to do damage now. And that is to say, he wasn't going to do anything at all, because he couldn't get close to her, and obviously his aim sucked.

But her's apparently didn't. The rock that she threw hit him square in the middle of his forehead, though thankfully it wasn't a very big rock and his Fear shield took most of the impact. It ricocheted off and into the grass.

Alex just glared at her harder, willing her head to explode.

Damage: wut is damage?
FP: 4

This is the most terrible fight ever. I'm running out of reasons for him not to attack.


Ice-Cold Hunter

Rown rolled 2 10-sided dice: 7, 1 Total: 8 (2-20)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:02 pm
Okay, Ofelia was bored now and had had enough. He didn't say sorry, he didn't do anything except back off, and considering he took the time to get angry and insult her, and then run away once she punched him, she decided that a certain amount of teaching him a lesson was in order.

That lesson involved Ofelia sprinting across the ground, getting up close to him, and tackling him to the ground. It didn't matter that he smelled, she was just mad he was trying to escape after insulting her so much.


hp 47
damage 2 pt
charge 2 [ 1 ]

this isn't nearly as bad as the spar I had with nyet one time. we rolled nothing but ones and misses the ENTIRE time
Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 6, 1 Total: 7 (2-16)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:15 pm
Of course, Alex needed to remember that humans typically could move a lot faster then him, which was a detail he was quickly reminded of when the hunter ghoul threw herself towards him, sprinting, with movements that he couldn't hope to dodge or avoid.

And so he found himself on the ground, pinned beneath her. More insults sprang to mind, but he felt that perhaps he was not in any position to deal them out, at the moment.

"Get off." He growled, reaching up his hands to grasp at the flesh of her arms in an attempt to push her away. A strange surge of emotion was rushing through him now, even as the crystal hidden in the skull pin that was attached to his tie (yes, he was still wearing a tie) absorbed more of her fear. Anger, combined with a need for revenge. Revenge for what the hunters had done. His lips curled back from his teeth.

"Or stay, and I'll sink my teeth into your face."

HP: 24
Damage: 1 ;;
FP: 5

The trend continues~


Ice-Cold Hunter

Rown rolled 2 10-sided dice: 6, 3 Total: 9 (2-20)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:25 pm
Really now? Biting her face off? Ofelia's features, normally so calm and even though she was annoyed, turned from the look of displeasure to a...well, an awkward grin. "Ya wanna taste mah face?" Ofelia stayed on the zombie, ignoring his grip on her arms. Her weight was enough to keep him down, her strength was enough it keep him down it seemed. That was all she needed. "Okay then, s'all yers."

The teen took a deep breath and pulled her upper torso back before she brought it down in a hard headbutt, smacking into the zombie's skull. Her shield would protect her from any after damage but man, she was glad she had a hard head.

Meanwhile her blade had nicked against him ever so slightly, giving Rue the last taste of what she needed.

hp 46
damage 3 pt
charge 3 [ 1 ]

So I hope her launching at him totally was okay XD;; and headbutting him. . . . and . . . .
Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 7, 4 Total: 11 (2-16)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:40 pm
She head butted him, and Alex let out a hiss from behind clenched teeth, his upper lip still pulled back from his teeth. He barely felt the small, stinging bite of her blade beyond the explosion of pain that blossomed from the middle of his forehead, the same place she had hit him with a rock, earlier.

"You asked for it." He growled. And literally, she had. While she might have pulled her face back away from his now, his grip on her arms tightened, his nails digging into her flesh before he yanked her, hard, and opened his mouth to try and bury his teeth into her shoulder.

HP: 21
Damage: 5
FP: 6

Naw, it's all good! Up to you if he bites her or not! Also, if he does, up to you if you want to play out his natural ability of 'contagious bite' with her or not as well. Basically his saliva contains a virus that makes the receiver of his bite feel stupid/slow for like, a minute or two~ No long lasting effects.


Ice-Cold Hunter

Rown rolled 8 4-sided dice: 4, 1, 3, 3, 1, 4, 1, 4 Total: 21 (8-32)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:58 pm
Ofelia felt his teeth dig into her shoulder and she shrieked from it, though it was more or less a loud groan rather than a scream of pain and unhappiness. She had challenged him, her shield protected her from most of it, and all she felt was a pinch that made her unhappy.

Unhappy enough that she pulled her arm back, keeping one down on him with pressure, and she drove her bladed fist deep into his torso. He was a zombie, this wasn't going to kill him like it would a human partner, and as as soon as it went in she twisted it a few times before pulling back out and stabbing it in again and again. There was FEAR behind her attack, a powerful push, and even if the motion was limited due to the space her hitting was a lot harder than it would have been before.

"Bite me again. Ah dare ya."

hp 41
damage 17 pt
charge - [ 2 ]

i'll have it kick in after this attack, which will add maybe a - 8 to her rolls? how does that sound for two ic rounds? ( since modifiers don't work on FEAR attacks )

Though would her shield prevent it from kicking in? What do you think?
Seussi rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4, 8 Total: 12 (2-16)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:12 pm
His mouth was unwillingly forced away from her shoulder, but he'd had a taste of her now, and she tasted pretty damn good. Almost sweet, even, like her skin had been dusted with sugar. He wanted more, he wanted to tear out chunks of her flesh with his teeth. He wanted to destroy her, piece by bloody piece. His teeth snapped open and closed, spittle coated his lips and sprayed from his mouth as he growled deep in his throat. If she had thought that he was feral before, he was acting like it now.

And then she was stabbing her bladed weapon into his torsoe, twisting it, pulling out, repeating. Again and again the felt the sharp blade sink through his flesh, some of his old stitches sliced through as cold, rotting blood sluggishly rolled forth from the wounds that were opened up. His fear shield took a sound battering, weakening drastically from each blow that he took. He grimaced each time he felt his insides punctured, everytime he felt the cold blade twist inside of him, but he didn't cry out in pain. He kept his teeth clenched shut and growled, louder and louder, until she stopped.

And then he shoved at her again, ignoring everything else but that thirsty need to destroy her, to tear her apart, to sink his teeth into any bit of flesh he could find. He was weakened..his Fear shield almost destroyed, but he could no longer control himself.

The world began to swim dizzily around him, colors distorting momentarily to sickly shades of green and orange, but he didn't care. He was out for blood, and flesh.

He clamped his teeth into her again, opposite shoulder this time, and bit down, hard.

HP: 4
Damage: 6
FP: 7

It doesn't have to effect her attack modifier at all XD It's more for RP flavor then anything else~ We can just say her Fear shield kept his teeth from fully penetrating her skin and so she wasn't effected~


Ice-Cold Hunter

Rown rolled 2 10-sided dice: 6, 8 Total: 14 (2-20)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:26 pm
Both of her shoulders had been bitten, she'd been shoved back and off the creature, and Ofelia tried to raise her arm and found that it ached to do so. There wasn't any point then of trying to punch him, even though her shield was amazing and she was perfectly fine, and so Ofelia dismissed Rue and ignored the complaints that followed in a wonderful choir of curses and screams. She would call her back, she had a plan, and Ofelia was looking at the boy with the look of a person who had been made cruel. She got to her feet with a swagger and stepped backward, rotating her upper torso as she looked at him.

That was all it took, she didn't wait for him to get up. Instead Ofelia ran to his side, kicked him hard enough that it would rock him over a few times, and when he stopped rolling from the force of her kick it was too late. Rue was summoned, Ofelia's arm was pulled back, and with a cackle that would make Rue proud the teen brought her fist down strong.

The tip of her middle blade on her left hand went straight through his left eye, digging itself down into the ground, and Ofelia pulled her hand back and tore the eye out with it. She pulled the weapon close to her face and looked at the object on it, a grin spreading over her face that was more monster than human. She used her free hand to slide the eye off and then brushed her hair back to show off her own empty left eye socket, her face nearly split from her expression. "Lookie here, looks like Ah got mahself a replacement."

Rue was so proud of her.

hp 35
damage 8 pt
charge - [ 2 ]

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:08 pm
As she pushed herself off of him, he pushed himself up on his elbows, eager to follow, eager to sink his teeth into her one more time. He would only too happily continue on the work that he'd started.

He had barely begun to get himself up, weakened as he was, when she rushed in and delivered a kick to his side that sent him rolling several times across the field of grass. And then he felt it, his Fear shield had shattered. If he wanted to get out of here, whole and in one piece, now was the time to do so. He reached up to push his hair back out of his eyes, scrambling with his feet to get away from her, backing up across the grass. He was so out of there. As much as he wanted to continue and tear apart her flesh with his teeth, it was no longer really an option.

But it was too late for him to get away. She had followed his rolling body along, and before he knew what was happening, a blade was penetrating into his left eyeball. He snarled again, in pain and in anger, still unable to feel anything emotionally beyond his rage and want for revenge, and pushed against her hand, scrabbling backwards yet more, even as she pulled away, taking his eye with her. His one pale eye, skwered on that blade. His eyelid had automatically closed over the now empty socket, leaving his right eye to squint up at her. Slow, black, rotting blood oozed down his cheek from where his eye had been taken away.

It took everything he had in him not to throw himself at her and start his assault on her anew. To his side was the shirt that he had thrown to the ground, and he clutched for it even as he scrambled unsteadily to his feet. The door was there, it wasn't far. He had this chance to get away, and he should take it. After all, for him, an eye was replaceable. There were worse things that she could take. He pressed the shed shirt to his empty eye socket, and began to back away.

"Enjoy it now, because someday, I'll take the eye you have left," he growled, reaching for the door behind him. He was pretty sure humans couldn't replace their eyes like he could. She'd be rendered blind while this...this could be fixed.

He opened the door and slipped away, filled with the raw emotions his crystal shard infused him with, only to find himself in another strange room altogether. It took him some time, stumbling around, weak, and half blind before he found an exit from that room as well, and the next, and the next.

Eventually, he found the exit.

HP: -4
Status: running da ******** away

Annnnd done~ Ty!


Ice-Cold Hunter

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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