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Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:19 pm
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos
Melody Clementin
Christopher Caligo
Valerie Ermengild
Vladimir Valentin

Dauven sat on the edge of his stream watching and waiting for anything to happen. He had felt the change in the wind pattern and knew what that meant. Tyr was close by. The thought made him smile as he wrapped his fins closely around himself before pulling his smaller fins over his hood to form a make shift hood against the chill of the breeze. He had noticed a long time ago that whenever Tyr was nearby the wind began to blow in his direction which annoyed Dauven seeing as how he had a low tolerance to the cold and he lived close to the snow capped mountains in his stream. If it weren't for the hot water running through his stream he would not have been living as close to the mountains and that would have been a real shame in his opinion. He really did like to look over the mountains and just think. And, the surrounding area was generally peaceful and no one but that Rusalka that kept coming around just to tease him. Though he usually either chased her away or let her leave on her own.

He looked up at the sky for any sign of his friend the wind entity. Wind... Why of all things did Tyr have to be wind? He never stayed in one place for longer than a week at a time which really got in the way of his time with Tyr. How else was he going to worm a confession out of his friends and 'crush' as Elizaa put it. That was such a weird word crush. What was he supposed to crush Tyrius or something? Elizaa sure did know some really weird words. Plus with the amount of passion running through his very being he doubted that Elizaa's weird little word could get across his feelings of friendship let alone love so he always tried his best not to use her little made up words. She might of been his 'little princess' but she wasn't very smart. Atleast not in his opinion. Then again he did pride himself on the fact that he knew more then any average person. There were only two other people that were as smart or even smarter then him withing his friend circle and they were Seveny Turann and Tyrius Branet.

"I wish that if he were coming here that he would just arrive already." He mumbled sourly as he thought about slipping back into the water. No he couldn't do that. Then he would just have to come right back out as soon as Tyr finally arrived so that he could actually talk to the other male instead of just disappearing into the water where he would have been way to comfortable to even consider coming out to see anyone. Even his little princess Elizaa. So he would just stay up on land and let his annoyance with Tyr be known. It should be fun to watch Tyr try and figure out why Dauven was annoyed at him.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:48 pm
Tyrius Branet
Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah
Sedell Dezaster
Piony Remark
Reniver Erista
Mini Amelanchier

Tyrius stared up at the sky like he was looking for answers. Not that the sky held any; he should know, having travelled it for all his life. He was much more likely to get answers from the earth than the sky, which was devoid of all presence but birds and storms, both of which he considered very empty-headed. Not to mention other winds - useless, the lot of them. He had just made a cursory visit to the mansion of a certain minor god, giving regards to his Librarian as well, and his skin was already itching. He wanted to run, to leave, to let his physical form drop into nothingness and fly free. That couldn't happen, though, considering he wanted to spend some actual time around his friends. He would be gone in a week - a week, no more, because then the itching would just be unbearable. Already the feeling of another breeze drifting across his skin, not the one he controlled subconsciously, was egging him on, telling him that nothing could happen if he let go -

But he could disappoint his friends, and that was something he would not do. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his own breeze strengthening slightly and pushing the other one away. It also pointed him in the direction of the person he was concentrating on, the one he wanted to visit most after spending a little too much time away. He'd been gone for maybe a month, perhaps longer, and was no doubt in for some sort of a scolding from his friends. Ivelin hadn't really cared, but that was Ivelin; anything not directly pertaining to himself, he didn't quite care. Tyr twisted one hand in the fabric of his shirt - why did he even bother with clothes? - and sauntered faux-casually towards where he knew his friend's stream rested. That was, the stream belonging to the better of his two stream-dwelling friends. To the intelligent observer, he would have appeared tense, but he did his best to try and seem relaxed.

Tyrius, the breeze, one of far too many. He hated being part of too much; but he hated his physical form just as much. Not to mention, when he was in the air, he got so caught up in the joy of flight - the joy of travel - and he did manage to collect so many stories for his friends. He'd spent a while away, so he would no doubt be bombarded with requests - at least by Elizaa. He smiled softly at the thought of the mermaid and ran a hand through his hair; she was just the cutest little thing... A jolt ran through him, and he realised his breeze had left him, dying as he'd entered a still zone. With a bit more conviction than before, he revived it, forcing it through the little paths it refused to navigate naturally.

"Dauven!" he called, spotting his - friend - sitting on the edge of his preferred stream. "How are you, dewdrop?" Tyr asked from a slight distance, making up for it by closing said distance in what was hardly record time for a wind. In one step, he was smiling down at the person he considered one of his very best friends... And maybe more, he thought - and hoped, perhaps, a little - a slight blush rising to his face. He looked back up at the sky, almost pointedly, and hoped that Dauven wouldn't notice. That would be slightly shameful, even though he no doubt already knew. No doubt everyone already knew and the rumour had made its full rounds of his circle of friends. Not that he would ever admit it out loud... Not while he could be tossed down.


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 6:18 pm
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos
Melody Clementin
Christopher Caligo
Valerie Ermengild
Vladimir Valentin

Dauven looked up as his friend approached. He subconsciously smiled at Tyr's nickname for him that was actually very accurate. He could be a dewdrop but then again he could also be a lake. It just really depended on how much water was around and the location. Though he tended not to go into water to often seeing as how it took quite a bit of time and energy to force himself out of the water and onto dry land where the cold winds nipped at his skin and made grouchy. So why the flying ******** was he sitting here talking to an entity of wind if he hated the cold? The answer was quite simple. It was because he obviously because he harbored feeling for the poor spirit of the wind and said male was making it really hard for Dauven to control his emotions with him standing only a couple of feet away. He swore that Tyr did this on purpose but then again no one could control the fact that Sprites were a very passionate race so he really couldn't blame Tyrius for his under balanced emotions.

"I am ok Mr. Branet. It's so nice of you to visit after a month of being gone. Elizaa would be happy to know that you are safe and well. She actually took down her first shark a few days ago you should expect to here about that from her soon enough. It wouldn't be fair of me to tell her story for her." Dauven said calmly as he tried to seem as uninterested as possible. "How are you? Did you see anything interesting on your travels this time?" He asked politely. He had to force himself not to smile when he saw the faint blush that was starting to work it's way across his friend's face. God. He hadn't even said anything to the other male and he was already starting to blush. How smitten must one be to blush in just the very presence of one person? "Um Tyrius. You look a bit red in the face. Is everything alright?" He asked innocently as he reached a cool, damp hand up and placed it against his friend's forehead to check for a nonexistent temperature. It was a bit awkward seeing as how he was sitting down and Tyr was standing but he managed. "You don't seem to have a fever." He said calmly.

He let his arm fall to his side before patting the spot next to him. "Come sit next to me." He said with a light smile deciding that he was going to have some fun with teasing Tyr today. It would serve the a*****e right for disappearing for a month... He didn't even come and say good-bye before he left. Of course he never said good-bye but then again he is hardly away for more then a couple of weeks. A month and a half is a long time to go without someone other then your 'daughter' to talk to. It's not like anyone other then Tyr, Elizaa, or Bessy came to visit him. His other friends knew where he lived... Well unless that annoying chick named Mini counted as a friend though he doubted that because he really couldn't stand that girl. She was always trying to steal his stream from him and it annoyed him because there was no way he was going to give up his stream. His stream was the only one habitual to his needs in the area and she had the nerve to try and talk him into giving her his stream? He didn't think so.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:07 pm
Tyrius Branet
Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah
Sedell Dezaster
Piony Remark
Reniver Erista
Mini Amelanchier

Tyr paused and tried not to let his smile falter. Looking back at Dauven, he shrugged, controlling himself carefully. "Has it really been a month? I could have sworn it was only a week or two," he said, bashfully, flicking a bit of hair out of his eyes without touching it. The breeze that followed him even in physical form faltered a little. "It's... good that Eli brought down a shark. I'm sure she's proud." He shifted his weight uncomfortably, trying to ignore the itch that was formulating silently at the nape of his neck while at the same time raising his hand to scratch at it. He was completely unaware of what a walking contradiction he was; it was the blissfulness of being a wind.

He thought about how to answer Dauven's question, then started out of his shallow reverie when the water sprite's hand rested lightly against his forehead. "N-no, I'm fine," he stuttered. Was it really that obvious? He winced slightly and added, "I just - I might have picked - something - up." It was a blatant lie, of course. He couldn't have gotten sick if he tried. Tyr focused his energy on draining most of the blood from his face before he sat next to Dauven.

Belatedly and hesitantly, he answered. "I didn't go many new places... I saw the kelpies again, little Linda and her folks, and they... invited me to stay for a while. I guess I was gone longer than I thought because of that. I... I'm sorry. Sorry I was gone so long. I should've said goodbye." He let his smile drop completely and crossed his arms over his chest. "Has anything been going on lately? Did I miss too much?" Tyrius glanced at Dauven worriedly, trying to figure out what exactly he'd done to make the other annoyed - or mad - or whatever - at him. It couldn't have been spending too much time away; he was almost always away, so it had to be something else. Had to be. He ran his tongue absentmindedly over his teeth, forcing a slight smile. People he knew tended to worry if he looked worried, at least elsewhere, when he visited the nomadic tribes that considered him at least a welcome visitor.


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:53 pm
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos
Melody Clementin
Christopher Caligo
Valerie Ermengild
Vladimir Valentin

Dauven shivered when the breeze picked up once more. Couldn't Tyr use his hands to push hair out of his face like a normal person? "No it was a little over a month or so. Elizaa told me how long you had been gone. She really couldn't wait to tell you about her accomplishment." Ok that wasn't a complete lie. Elizaa had been excited about taking down her first shark for the first couple of days and she was in her right mind to be. That was a huge milestone in a Merfolk's life and not all of them who tried to take one on lived. Their bodies were just to small, and breakable to take to much damage. But the real reason he knew why Tyr had been gone so long was because he always had Elizaa tell him when their gust of wind was near by so that he wouldn't still be underwater by the time Tyr had arrived. He didn't want to miss out on a visit with his 'close' friend. Though he could do without all of the wind that chilled him.

"Aw poor baby has a cold." He teased lightly when his friend sat next to him. He doubted a wind could catch anything let alone a cold but then again what did he know? Other then the real reason behind his friend's blush that is. Tyr was such a terrible lier. Everyone knew how Tyr felt about him. Even their little, unobservant Mermaid Elizaa knew which was saying something seeing as how that girl didn't even notice it when Aslion went missing a while ago while they were in the middle of having a conversation. Why couldn't he just get over himself and... No he wasn't going to let his thoughts go down that road again. He had spent way to much time out of his life exasperated at the fact of Tyr's pure stubbornness and he wasn't want to spend anymore of his life on the subject... Ok that was a lie. He had become obsessed with getting Tyr to come clean and this obsession wasn't healthy either. He spent so much of his time thinking up new ways to push Tyr over the edge but each idea was shut down by Elizaa who said that they were either 'to dangerous' or 'to inappropriate'. His little princess could be a real kill joy sometimes.

"Oh how is your little friend doing?" He asked calmly while looking up at his friend. God why did all of his friend's have to be taller then him? He was only taller and or as tall as a few of his friends and this fact annoyed him. Atleast he had Aslion to make him feel taller. "Why should you have said good bye? We all understand that the freedom of being wind calls to you just like the cool depths of the water call Elizaa, and myself back to the water." Yes he was actually upset at the fact Tyr never said good-bye and in his defense so was Elizaa so it wasn't just him! But he did understand why Tyr left without so much as word. All elementals had to return to their element or their would be consequences. For some elements though the consequences were more dire then others. "You didn't miss much. An old friend from the sprite community came by. You might of actually seen... Er felt him on your way here. He's a wind sprite so you both share the same element. I thought that was pretty cool the last time i had seen him he still hadn't of chosen an element to live by so it surprised me when he came through as a gust of wind." He said with a light smile as he managed to keep himself from jumping back into the water. He had just finished healing from his 'friend's' last visit. God did Vaughn like to draw things out. To be quite honest he hardly even knew the wind sprite when they were the community and he had no clue why this Vaughn had decided to follow him here to his stream but he did know that he wasn't able to go back to his stream because he had to be able to help Aslion when he came to talk about his problem. Seveny was going to freak when he found out what Aslion's problem was.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:47 pm
Tyrius Branet
Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah
Sedell Dezaster
Piony Remark
Reniver Erista
Mini Amelanchier

Tyr grinned brightly. "Nice to know someone cares about how long I leave for. I'll have to drop by Eli next, see if I can hear more about this 'shark' venture. Obviously you're getting bored of me," he said melodramatically, drawing a hand across his forehead in a gesture reminiscent of a different world. They lived in a dead zone, separated from a world that Might Have Been, and he honestly thought it was the most beautiful place in a beautifully devastated world. He'd been to cities full of every type of supernatural creature, setting up on corners and in stores, and the island with its snow-capped peaks, little rivers, and forest - the climate leading to so perfect a lifestyle - was possibly his favourite place in the entirety of his world. He let the gesture drop and continued, "Honestly, though, do I annoy you? I could always leave you alone for... a bit. Or forever, if you'd like," he said cheerily, calling his falseness into play. He could be a fake breeze when he wanted to. Tyr grinned down at Dauven, hoping the other couldn't see his gritted teeth past the double set of fangs, made for latching onto prey. Curved backwards, too, so they couldn't get away... But he could.

He could get away from Dauven, just completely separate himself from the water sprite. He could leave, he could run, he could resume his process of only coming back to his friends once or twice a year, spending most of his time rushing around the world like a madman looking for something he couldn't remember. Tyrius was always losing something - his friends, his memory, his mind. It was the peril of taking life at a run: No matter how much he had of it, he would always be leaving something behind him. Every time he left to go visit friends in other places, the kelpies or the little tribe of whatever-they-weres he kept visiting, the ones he would speak with repeatedly, he was leaving a bit of himself on the island. And every time he came back, he'd forgotten something while he was away. He could make sure that 'thing' he left behind every time was Dauven - though it would hurt, he was sure he could eventually get over it. He was nearly immortal, after all. He could get over anything.

For now, though, Tyr shook those thoughts out of his mind and resumed action, a couple moments later than perhaps he should have. "Linda is fine," he said. "A new... predatory... group has moved in near her. She and her family might have to leave before they become targets. And dammit, Dauven, I don't care what you say, I should have said goodbye. I owe it to you all." He fought a shiver of an itch that ran down his spine and tried to smile naturally. "Oh, I might have passed by your friend. There was a rather odd wind on my way in, but that was... oh, two hours ago? Our little god up on the mountain can talk someone's ears off."


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:42 pm
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos
Melody Clementin
Christopher Caligo
Valerie Ermengild
Vladimir Valentin

Dauven's fin shaped ears lowered dramatically when Tyr started talking about leaving him alone. This upset him a bit. "No don't leave me. You can't do that to me TT." He said using Elizaa's nickname for him before practically crawling into Tyr's lap in a weak attempt to keep him where he was. Of course it wouldn't be very effective seeing as how all Tyr would have to do is turn himself into a gust of wind and just spirit off to some unknown place. That would not be good. He liked having Tyr around even if her did chill him to the bone with his stupid breeze. Even as he was shivering like crazy from the chill running down his spine he could feel steam begin to rise off the back of his neck as the set finally reached over the trees. Damn it. Why did the sun have to beat down on him? He was sick and tired of Tyr and Elizaa making fun of him for trying to cool himself off... And for some reason that lead to Tyr asking a very awkward question.

He tried his best to keep himself from giving into the heat but the sun just had to beat down directly on him so within seconds he was beginning to pant much like a dog and hating life. "One word and you die." He mumbled between pants while he hid his face from Tyr by resting his forehead on his friend's shoulder. It was an empty threat of course. There was no way a small water sprite such as himself could even think about harming someone who is a pure wind. An earth sprite might have a chance but he sure as hell wouldn't. "Oh god. You went to Ivelin's? I don't know how any of you can stand that brat? He is so boring and he won't leave Laylia alone so she always comes here to complain. Even if i'm in the damn water and can't answer back." He said sourly. There was nothing he hated more then when their werewolf friend came to complain to him... Well other then that Mini girl who liked to come and bother him for no reason other then just as an an excuse to bother him.

He did feel bad for Linda though. He just didn't want to show any concern for someone he didn't know. That would just be awkward. Then again sitting in someone's lap could be considered awkward as well. And, Elizaa would have gotten a kick out of it if she had seen why he had crawled into Tyr's lap. And she would be in the right to do so seeing as how he may have over-reacted just a little bit. He would have been willing to tease Tyr over this little fact if he wasn't so damn cold. Maybe he should get back at his friend for all of the times his stupid breezes had chilled him to the bone... But how do you offend a wind? "You know Tyrius. Now that i think of it i don't know why you keep coming around when it's obvious that i only put up with your visits because your Elizaa's friend. So why do you waste so much of your time coming here?" He asked calmly. Of course he didn't think Tyr would actually believe him. He just needed something hurtful to say to get back at Tyr... And this might also be how he force a confession out of the wind.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:07 pm
Tyrius Branet
Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah
Sedell Dezaster
Piony Remark
Reniver Erista
Mini Amelanchier

"Fine, fine, I won't leave." Tyr laughed and shook his head, running a hand through his hair. He wished he had a way to tie it back, but everything would just fall out the moment he started moving anyway. There was hardly a point to it, so his hair was always falling in his face, and he was too lazy to change his physical form to amend this fact. That would involve an insane amount of energy for him, and he would rather not expend that on something that would hardly matter anyway. So he just left it as it was and lapsed into a grin as Dauven started going on about Ivelin. "Oh, he's not so bad. He knows he can't stop me," he said. It was a casual statement, one-off, but there was a hint of a darker past beneath it. He'd run into the little god a few times in less... favourable... situations. Not that he'd tell the water sprite about that. "Poor Laylia, though. He's really set on her, isn't he?"

He paused and mustered a bit more strength to his wind, letting his energy out a little at a time before he calmed the breeze down again. He knew how much Dauven hated it, but there was absolutely no way he could have completely muted it; for a wind to stop moving was for a wind to die. He could certainly direct it elsewhere, farther from his physical body, but that - much like a short pause in a 'dead zone' - caused an uncomfortable sense of dissociation. Perhaps he was just being selfish, but there was little other way he could manage himself. If he stopped the breeze, he died; if he made it too powerful, he would be avoided. And, singularly, as an elemental, Tyrius loved dealing with people. They were so interesting, with their little ins and outs and psychological pressure points, and he would have loved to conduct an experiment if he could stay in one place long enough. He'd created a young tribe in a far-away swamp region just by introducing some people to each other and helping them get along a couple of centuries back; he was sure he could manage an actual psychological examination. It was his interest that caused him to stay around most of his friends, and his interest that had led him to grow closer to some of them, including Dauven. It kept him willing to live, cheery as hell, and hoping that he wouldn't lose track of too many people. Their lifespans were just too short, though.

He nodded off a little as Dauven started talking again, then snapped to attention when he realised what had just been said. He gritted his teeth slightly, double set of fangs cutting into his mouth from the force, then bared them in a ferocious grin. "Well," he said sharply, "if you don't want me around, then don't keep me here. I'm sorry, I must have mistaken you for someone who cared." He stood, picking Dauven up and lightly placing him back on the boulder, then turned away. How much he wanted to fly - damn it, if the boy couldn't keep his head straight, then how did he expect Tyr to be able to manage him? His grin turned into a pure snarl, and he clenched his hands in the fabric of his shirt, trying to resist the urge to turn back around and absolutely destroy the fragile sprite. He could have - he could have torn Dauven limb from limb, particle from particle, until he was nothing more than a slight mist that could have once been anything. He could have ultimately murdered him... But he wouldn't, because he didn't hurt the people he loved. He'd learnt his lesson on that a long time ago.


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:36 pm
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos
Melody Clementin
Christopher Caligo
Valerie Ermengild
Vladimir Valentin

To say he was surprised would have been an understatement. He was dumbfounded. Did Tyr really take him seriously? And it had bothered him that much? He is so touchy. Doesn't he realize that i force myself out of the water just to great him when he comes to visit? I don't even do that for Aslion when he decides to come and visit. He thought with a small frown. He knew that it might bother Tyr a bit. That was the point after all. But he hadn't expected this. What was there to even get upset about anyways? After all he was just a water sprite and though he may be able to travel through any form of water he would still have to return to his steam after a few months of travel. He had tied his very existence to his stream and though he could change location he would just have to tie himself down once more which could take years. He had actually been connecting to his stream when Elizaa first met Tyr which would explain why he hadn't of met the wind sooner.

"Your acting like a child Tyr. Do you seriously believe that i hate you? How dense can you get?" He said calmly as he held back his sigh of annoyance. The fact that the steam around him was getting thicker didn't help any at all. That only ticked him off further. "And if you don't believe me why don't you go ask out little mermaid friend. I'm sure she would love to finally beat some sense into your head. "And any ways why would react in such a way even if i wasn't kidding? It's not like you'll get over yourself long enough to..." He said managing to cut himself off mid-sentence before he made a fool of himself. He had to calm himself down before he said something he would regret. If he angered Tyr to much the wind would tear him to shreds. Of course he would just reconstruct himself but that would take weeks and it would leave him powerless afterwards until he could regain his strength.

He took a deep breath when he finally managed to get his untamable emotions (somewhat) under control. There was no way for a sprite to calm down their emotions entirely. They were just to unpredictable. "Calm down Tyr. I was only kidding. Do you seriously think i would drag myself out of the comforts of the water just to see you if i didn't appreciate your company? And didn't i just ask you not to leave me only a few moments ago after you threatened to leave me alone? You can be really dense sometime Tyr. You know that right?" He asked gently as he tried to get Tyr to calm down as well. There was no way that he was going to go over to Tyr and risk being ripped apart particle by particle. That would just be a stupid thing to do.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:56 pm
Tyrius Branet
Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah
Sedell Dezaster
Piony Remark
Reniver Erista
Mini Amelanchier

Tyr fought to relax, trying to drop his snarl as he said, rather loudly, "What are you saying, Dauven? That it's a joke? Something to get at me?" He didn't breathe - didn't need to, as the air support for his words came from his own wind, sourced somewhere deep within his physical form. That was a blessing, considering if he'd breathed in he would have ended up taking out a tree. "It's not funny," he growled, clenching one hand into a fist and digging his nails into his palm. "Do you know how many places I am unwelcome simply because I am a foreigner? Do you know how ******** seriously I take being able to be places and visit friends? Obviously not, or you wouldn't ******** joke about it. I travel the world, and I have maybe fifty friends. Maybe forty. I don't know." He crossed his arms and turned halfway to face Dauven, keeping an eye on the water sprite.

He absolutely hated it when people got on him about his emotions - or about how he dealt with something. He was a pure element of wind, not used to having to control himself in the slightest degree, and worked diligently on keeping himself at a reasonable level to deal with his more sensitive and delicate friends. Tyrius could hardly control himself normally, at least, and especially not when provoked in such a manner as Dauven had dared to indicate most recently. So he stood there and clutched his forearms tightly, where he would have drawn blood if he could bleed. He relaxed his jaw a bit, saving himself from the pain caused by his teeth, and let his snarl drop into a slightly raised frown. The sprite... god dammit, he wasn't so oblivious, he just seemed to like acting it.

"Listen, Dauven." His words were short and clipped, carefully measured to the perfect degree. "I have a question for you. I expect an answer." His frown dropped into a neutral expression as he watched the sprite, trying to word things how they would fit best. "Aren't I expected to trust the one I love?"


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:13 pm
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos
Melody Clementin
Christopher Caligo
Valerie Ermengild
Vladimir Valentin

Dauven could feel his temper rising with every word Tyr said. "Really now? If i recall correctly you travel the world to visit all of your friends while i'm stuck here at my stream. And out of my fifteen friend only you and Elizaa seem to visit me regularly. But you know your right. It must be terrible being able to explore the world and meat up with all of your friends. I'm sorry for being so insensitive!" He snapped. He hadn't meant to hurt Tyr. He had only been playing around with the wind. But what he said had crossed the line. He couldn't even remember the last time he had seen Filomi or the others. They all just sort of lived their own lives while he was stuck by his stream out of fear. There was no way he could leave his life force unattended... What if that Mini chic mucked it up while he was gone. Though there was nothing he could do about it. Maybe his friends just didn't want to see him. Maybe they only pitied him and just allowed him to call them his friends.

"You know i'm not forcing you to stay here. I will admit that i look forward to your visits but if i annoy you that much then why do you even bother? It's not like it would take you long to forget my existence... I was thinking about relocating anyways. The only reason i haven't yet is because of you and Elizaa you know. I didn't want to leave you guys but now i see that maybe things would just be better if i did leave." He mumbled just quietly enough to let his thoughts be voiced. He didn't want Tyr to hear him ramble but there was no telling what Tyr heard and what went right through one ear and out the other. He was just scared of what would happen now that Tyr was angry. He had never seen him like this before and it surprised him how much he resembled Vaughn when he got angry at Dauven for... No! He would not bring up such memories. They would only freak him out further.

"Yes you should be able to trust the one you love. Now have i finally gotten a confession out of you or are you going to keep pretending as if we are just friends? Because to be honest Tyr i'm getting tired of waiting for you get over yourself and take action." He said calmly as he looked away from Tyr and down at his hands. He had gotten tired of waiting for Tyr. In fact he obsessed over getting Tyr to confess his feeling for three years. Or maybe it was more? He couldn't be sure. Time just seemed to pass him by without him noticing. "You know Tyr your really slow at realizing other people's feelings as well. Elizaa and i have only been dropping hints every chance we get and you still haven't realized that i..." He stopped. Why did he stop? Was he nervous? Of course not Dauven didn't get nervous... Often. "I-i.. Um... I really... ********!" He cursed quietly before hiding his face in his hand. Why was it so hard to form words now of all times? "I love you ok? There i said it." He forced out quickly.
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