Relativism is the philosophical position that all points of view, no matter how strange or ridiculous they may seem, are equally valid. And that all truth is left up to the individual to define.
This means that all moral positions, all religious systems, are truths that are relative to each individual. In other words, there are no right and wrong answers to anything.
It's easy to recognize relativism because most of the statements sound intellectual; but at the second glance, they make no sense. They are self-refuting. They go something like this: "You can't know anything for sure." "You shouldn't judge." "You cannot know anything." "What is true for you is not truth for me."
Now the easiest way to refute statements like those is just to turn it back around.
You cannot know anything for sure.
Are you sure of that? Are you sure that you cannot know anything for sure?
You shouldn't judge.
Is that your judgment? If you shouldn't judge, then why are you judging my judgment?
Nobody is right.
Are you right? Are you right that nobody is right? If you are right that nobody is right, then you are wrong about nobody being right. Then who's right?
What is true for you is not truth for me.
That's true. And what is true for me is that you are wrong. So who's right?
So next time when you are comforted with that relativity nonsense, just turn it around. Question their logic and help them to realize that their point of view doesn't make any sense.