At summer I applied for a transfer student program for Japan. There is four other people as well, and no-one knew will all of us go or just one. Well, on Monday I heard that all five who applied for it, are chosen. Now, I don't know should I go or not. (I applied for other countries as well; Iceland, Slovakia and Latvia. Don't know yet was I chosen or not).

Going Japan is chance of a life time since my school will pay flights and cover other possible expenses. We will even get money (scholarship might be the right word). It would be rather expensive to go there on my own.

We would stay there for two months. The city where we are going is Osaka. The city where I wanted to visit anyway. We will go to local school to study character design.

There is two buts;

1) I have my graduation project, I worked with it through summer, I'd like to finish it and graduate on December.

2) I do fear flying and narrow places. The flight would be about 12 hours.

I have been in aeroplane before. It was on my class trip to Denmark. I cried and panicked. The flight lasted about 30 minutes.

My boyfriend says that I should go and if you might regret. Perhaps. The other people as well says that I should go. I don't know. 12 hours in the plane...

My teacher didn't like me having a cold feet. Also I worry about speaking japanese. I can read it and I understand but I can't talk. I've been studying japanese about three years now, alone. I fear making a mistake if I speak more than couple of words.