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Name: Kathryne Loraine
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Race: Meridian
Personality: Very quiet, and always has a sad look in her eyes...well after her husband died.
Bio: She got married at 19 to a wealthy man, and let her parents behind to live in his huge mansion. They were married for 2 years before he got sick with cancer then son died. She new that she was a gateway for souls to the after life, or wherever they go, but she could never do that, and still hasn't since. And 2 years after the garden is over groan outside and she still hasn't helped him move on. And she still can feel his spirit in the house.

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Name biggrin amian
Race:ghost whisperer
Personality: depends on the masters....he will obey if they are good
Bio:He was living with his parents in a small house.When he was 10 his mother died and then it was the first time he saw a ghost.Damian was sleeping and his mother's ghost came to him as she couldn't move on without saying goodbye.Damian then learned his ability.owever his father freaked out no believing him believeing his son got insane since he was seeing him talking to air and sold him to a slave seller just to earn something out of the whole story