Rep cried out in pain as the sharp claws raked the flagging remnants of his shield, feeling how close they came to breaking through what resistance remained, the impact hard against his arm. It was all he could do to keep his grip on Tracey, try to back up, try to get the range to defend himself.

Home. He wanted to go home. He wished he'd never ******** left.

He had to hold out.


There was only one single option left open to him. Fight or flight and he had no hope left in the fight. He should have done it sooner. He turned to run, run from death - try to lead them away from the fallen hunters, in case they were still alive, draw both of the creatures away.

But there was no time, just as he turned to run, the great knife's blow fell across his back, with no shield remaining to deflect it's assault.

He threw back his head in a startled and defiant cry of pain before he stumbled hard to the ground and lay still. He dreamed of fog and hurried voices.

More of them over here!

HP: 0 (-8 )