Iyari stepped back, her blade retreating from the shock going through her. A burning desire inside was screaming like a beast, primal. Home, you need to get home. It was overpowering and she shuddered, sending a look back to the obstacle. "You-!" A gasp escaped from her mouth and her eyes temporarily restored color to them, seeing the blue hair Jay over her face as it stared longingly at something.

Her eyes focused but her insides were churning with the need to fight or flight.

"Senga." It spoke, causing the soldier to grow rigid. She knew that name, she longed to find him. Her blood, her kin, her brother. Huffing, she glared at the other only to watch the fog take her into it, disappearing from her sight.

Hunching over her own body she held it tightly. "I couldn't save him." She whispered. "Or her, or home." A great trembling took her and her eyes glazed over in a listless gaze, color gone from her vision once more. The horseman hunched over clinging desperately to the last of her ability.

She was so damn tired of fighting it, so damn tired. Home was gone now, she'd let it be taken. So weak, so small, so alone -

The soldier was defeated.

"No one was saved..." Her voice echoed dully as the fog began to swirl over her, taking itself into her body. She felt contorted and let out a haunting laugh as she stood again, the monochromatic hues taking her completely. There was one way to make sure she'd be safe...

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"HOME." she roared.

(Status Effect: Post 9)
