The idea here would be, it's on a planet that isn't Pandora. If you've played Borderlands 2 you know *SPOILERS IN WHITE* there are Vaults in places that aren't Pandora. This RP operates on the non-canon assumption that there is a Vault on every planet, at least one Vault per planet. There will be four Vault hunters and at least one bad guy. I'm not sure what could be in the Vault (and if anyone has ideas about that I'd like them to PM me, not post it here). There will be one Siren, played by me, unless someone wants to be an evil Siren, at which point a discussion would take place. The same basic plot as the games: The Vault hunters are looking for the Vault, while the evil person wants to get it first because dibs and evil and whatever.

Also, lesbians all over. Because you should expect that from me.

Another idea.

This takes place in a weird future. Think feudal Europe, but with guns. There's a kingdom that has very advanced firearms, but is a kingdom with lords and ladies and princes and princesses and everything. The capitol is tiered: The Upper Cities are the posh people, the Middle Cities are average, and the Lower Cities are basically the sewers, and anyone who doesn't belong in the kingdom is kicked out of the kingdom or shot. Above the Upper Cities is the Palace, which runs on 'witch-tech', an incredibly advanced technology that seems like magic. The Palace holds the kingdom's most important, and its the strictest of all. The only heir to the throne is the Princess, and just a year earlier she was acting very strangely, regularly slipping out of the Palace with her bodyguard, to places unknown. She was going down to the Lower Cities, to train a doppelganger to take her place, and one day they did just that, so the real Princess could be with the woman she loves, her personal guard. Lots of drama and eventual reuniting and stuff. Plot to be determined. I'm thinking something about succession, suggestions welcome.