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xxxx My username is Xx Lawliepop xX, and I'm going on my 2nd year anniversary. I would like to do something unique for my partner. She is an artist and I'm nothing of the sorts, but I would love to put together a collage of art of her and me by other artist. Here is reference of two of her pieces of her and I.

Candi That's me


Sashie That's my Girlfriend

I'm not just looking for Chibi, and you can draw us in whatever outfit. Just know Sashie has more of an artsy look (She's an artist after all) And my look is much more formal (I am DSP/ Mental Health Coun.) I'm looking for goofy, romantic, serious, colorful, Black and white... anything you can think of.


If you are interested in drawing us as a couple. Please fill out this form and state a reasonable price. =) I will start off with 1k and when the picture is drawn we will go from there

Art Style: ex (Digital, traditional, chibi, popular, etc....)
How long will it take: (I need it far before November 1st)
Examples of your art:
How much are you looking for: