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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[1v1] Wounds Ripped Fresh (Sharra/Yaya)

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Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:35 pm
Hadiyya hadn't consciously been heading towards the gym, but that's where her feet had carried her. Her eyes were red rimmed from crying, and now that she was alone she felt like an absolute fool for having broken down as much as she had in front of her friends, but with solitude there had also come a certain, unsettling numbness. Not that she hasn't wished for something similar during long nights alone. What she would have given to have been able to just so caring so the age in her chest would ease. This however was different. She felt drained, exhausted both physically and mentally, and the emotional wounds she had worked so hard to cover up had been ripped anew, and now her chest thrived with a dull, familiar ache.

It had taken months to get over the boil that had simply vanished. Months of pain and loneliness, and here he was. Waltzing right back into her life and offering apologies for having abandoned her.

That thought was enough to chase back the numbness, and the ghoul let out an infuriated growl under her breath as she walked the edge of the pool, the water rippling and churning in her wake.

In all her admittedly short life the ghoul had never before felt fury such as this. She was a creature of coolness and calm, and so perfectly embodied those traits it had been easy to believe her temper nonexistant. For the most part that had been true, but here and now, Sharra suddenly returned with no warning, the djinn could feel her blood boiling.

Or perhaps that was the water in the pool.  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:21 am
She wouldn't be alone for long.

Sharra had come pounding after her, just in time to see her head for the gym. They'd had an escapade or two in there, and knowing that that was where she was going for refuge was rather comforting. After all that had happened in the past few days, it was decidedly unlikely that anyone else would be inside, and that they'd be afforded some modicum of privacy. This altercation was between the two of them, something regarding the most touchy of matters and the most volatile set of emotions.

All he knew now was that he loved her, that he loved her even to the exclusion of all else. His aunts had been right, that he should have returned long ago. There were things, after all, that Sharra and Sharra alone had the power to remedy. Mind, he didn't know if he could repair the great, gaping rift he'd created betwixt the ghoul that he cared so much for. His beloved. If it took a century...then he'd still be trying, at least, for now, that was what the depth of his conviction told him. That he would do whatever it was that he had to do in order to make this right.

Pushing through the door, he spotted her, as she had conveniently slowed, and human fingertips reached out, trying to catch her arm. "Yaya, please...can I talk to you?" It was soft, imploring, the boil a touch out of breath, causing the words to be ragged. It had been a long day, after all, having had the wind beat out of him by a beast comprised of Insanity and Jack knew what else. Now he was taking an emotional thrashing....just what he needed, but then again, it was precisely what he expected, what he deserved.

And if the djinn needed to throttle him in order to come to terms with her emotions, well, it was a side effect that was very richly merited.

Azure Desiderium

Eloquent Lunatic

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Beejoux rolled 2 8-sided dice: 2, 4 Total: 6 (2-16)



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 9:25 pm
She knew it was only a matter of time before the boil caught up with her, but ask the same, it felt as though her stomach dropped when she heard the door to the gym opening behind her and hurried steps approaching. Her insides were so knotted with anxiety it was painful, and she had to fight to keep from simply breaking down. It was an effort, and it showed in the ragged sigh that left posted lips as she heard him slow to a stop behind her. For just a moment she entertained the idea of not turning to face him, of simply walking away into the ghouls locker room, but that would have been petty, and cowardly.

She turned, but the look on her face as he reached out to try to catch her arm was not friendly. Any calm she might have had evaporated as warm fingers touched the curve of her elbow. "Don't touch me!" Her arm jerked away from him, and every ounce of frustration and pain she'd felt over the past year cascaded out of her as she rose that delicate hand up and brought her palm down at his cheek in a resounding slap.

"You don't have that right," she snapped, voice thick with emotion as she backed away from him. Water collecting to pool at her feet, flowing up and out of the pool. "You lost it when you stopped writing back."

Any hope she had of keeping her emotions in check were in vain. As she stared at the boil who had so easily captured her heart something within her snapped. The flood gates were now open, and she would rain down upon him all the pain he had caused her.

HP: 40
Damage: none yet, but I'll bet that slap stung like a b***h anyways.
Azure Desiderium rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)
PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:18 pm
Sharra took an instinctive step back as his attempts to catch her attention resulted in one of the most universal signs of female hostility. Wincing, he took a few seconds to compose himself, hand held out before him still, though now it was in more of a defensive position. "Yaya..." It was just a whispered word, still pleading with the djinn. "I know...I know...that what I did was terrible. I do." His acidic claws clenched once more into a fist, spines flexing up and down again in a gesture of unhappiness and not-so-very submerged distress.

It took him a moment, to notice the liquid she was calling up, and he had to wonder how conscious her actions were, or if her very element was merely responding to her emotions. The nergal knew that he deserved quite the sound thrashing for his decidedly ungentlemonsterly behavior. All he could really do was brace himself for it, as the last thing he could ever do was bring himself to cause her intentional harm. Gritting his teeth, he took a careful step forward. Perhaps, if he could just work his way to her, let her know everything he'd held bottled up within himself...that she'd allow him just a chance, just the smallest of opportunities to redeem himself.

"I just want you to let me try...let me have a chance!" They couldn't stay this way, with all this hurt betwixt them. Even if he were to leave now and never see her again in a purposeful fashion, he knew it would eat away at the both of them, decay at the very root of what had once made them happy. It was an eventuality that he could not allow to transpire.

HP: 30
Damage: N/A

Sharra's busy defending like a champ. 8'D

Azure Desiderium

Eloquent Lunatic

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Beejoux rolled 2 8-sided dice: 7, 4 Total: 11 (2-16)



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:57 am
If not for the anger coursing through her, Hadiyya would have broken down into sobs by now. This was awful, absolutely torturous. She'd already hurt, already wondered about him and had begun to make peace with his sudden and complete disappearance, and here he was. No warning, no word in advanced. Just here. She stared back at him as he retreated a step, whispering her name and trying to reason with her.

There was no reasoning though, least not at the moment. By now the water was boiling up and out of the pool near where she stood, rushing to her feet and winding up along shapely legs. "You knew what you meant to me, and you knew what it would mean when you just lost the... the," she fought for a word, blue eyes blazing. "Motivation, to write, or call, or give any sign whatsoever that you still gave a damn about me!" He took his careful step forward, and the water at her feet rose up like a wall and slammed back towards him to force him back.

"Why should I?!" It was a scream, and it left her slam fists shaking at her sides. All at once she swung at him again, but her it wasn't her hand that she aimed to strike him with. Like a writhing snake, the water all around her headed her call and lengthy 'tentacle' of crystal clear fluid shot at him like a whip.

HP: 40
Damage: 5

Azure Desiderium
Azure Desiderium rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:26 am
The emotion coursing through Sharra's very being was no less intense, but unlike the ghoul, he knew that he had no right in the world to feel wronged, or upset by Yaya's actions. He knew full well that he deserved every single lancing blow that she dealt him, be it physical or emotional. And yet here he was, baring unhealed wounds because....dammit all, he loved her...and nothing in the world could stop him from attempting to right that wrong. It was the fervent hope that he still harbored, that underneath that hurt, that hurt that had been born out of his mistake and her love, that he could salve her spirit, and bring that love back. He would never forgive himself, should he fail to bring back that boundless joy and energy that they'd shared together.

Mind you, it was intensely difficult to focus on that with a wall of water rushing up and around her, her element responding to the thrum of her emotions with a beautiful, rapid fluidity. "I know!" It was almost desperation, as he moved around her, trying to duck, dodge, get nearer to the ghoul...all at the same time trying to avoid decreasing his proximity to the pool, as it would help neither of them were she to accidentally drown him. "It's my fault! It's my fault that I didn't think...and...I..." He closed his eyes, hands still in front of him defensively, "I don't have a reason! There's not...a reason in the world that you should forgive me! No reason other than I love you...I want to amend my wrongs, Yaya!" His distress bled through, as her wall of water hit him, and he stumbled, though had he not braced himself, he'd likely have fallen.

Righting himself only to be bombarded once more, he quickly brushed clingy, dampened tendrils of blond from his eyes...right before he took that next hit in the side, cringing as the water collided with his ribcage. All right, that one was going to leave a mark.

HP: 30-5+3=28

Azure Desiderium

Eloquent Lunatic

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Beejoux rolled 2 8-sided dice: 7, 2 Total: 9 (2-16)



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:32 am
There was a slight hesitation from the ghoul as the boil staggered after the hit to his side. A flash of surprise at her own ferocity, or maybe remorse for having actually struck him. Whatever it was, it was gone again in an instant, and Hadiyya had drawn herself back to her full height, her fists at her sides, and her elegant frame all but shaking in the plethora of emotions coursing through her. All that had happened, and all that was happening now. The declarations of regret and love he was shouting at her. The apologies. All of it. It was all too much.

She stood there for a moment, blazing eyes narrowed upon him as he regained his footing and straightened up himself, waiting for him to advance again, and when he did, her reaction was almost automatic.

The second he'd moved within range of her body she'd lash out, not with water this time, but her own hand. Delicate palm smacking against his cheek as a rough sob fell from her lips. His confession and his pleas had struck her, and she didn't know what to do with it, but she loved him, she always had, and with him trying so desperately to reach her, her defense was growing weaker.

The yelling had ceased now, and all that was left were tears.

HP: 40
Damage: 3

Azure Desiderium
PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:08 pm
Sidestepping once more, he darted left, trying to come around her, but she rose to meet him, and he heard her before ever her hand connected. And the fingers of his human hand reached out, reflexes saving him from the brunt of that blow...and he reached to capture her delicate wrist, to catch her, his other arm, the spines flattening, claws dulling, making their best attempt to circle 'round her torso, to embrace her and pull her close. His side throbbed with the motion, the nearness, but it was dull and far away, the pain meaningless now. "Yaya..." It was a whisper, cajoling, his voice thick with the emotions that he had displayed so clearly this evening.

He couldn't bear to see her so sad. "Please..."

"You're right." The blond youth's words were a fervent whisper, the sad green of his eyes meeting tearful blue, "I don't have any idea how you feel. But I want to. I want to take that pain upon myself, make it our pain. So that I can take that pain away. I won't run again, Yaya. I'll heal the both of us. Please. Just give me the chance. " Steady words in her ear, as the dark tendrils along his spine rose and fell with the desperate beating of his heart, the Nergal breathless and water-soaked.

This...this was the moment that would surely make or break them.

ILU <3 ;; Also babbies.

Azure Desiderium

Eloquent Lunatic

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Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:08 am
Warm fingers encircled her wrist, and she tried to jerk away from that touch, unsuccessfully. Even as she struggled to move away he had caught her, arm around her waist, and drawn her in against him. "Let go!" She was crying, but even as she shouted she didn't really want him to obey. For months she had wanted him to return, to hold her like this again and whisper affection against her ear. All the pain, all the heartache that had plagued her since his departure, now, in his arms, it all began to dull.

She stilled at his plea, half hearted struggles finally coming to a halt as she looked up into those vivid green eyes, searching for some hint or clue that he would keep his promise. That this time, he would remain at her side, and she'd never have to go through anything so heartbreaking again.

"Sharra.." He was so earnest. She wanted to believe, to trust that he'd make things better again. That the last few months of solitude would fade from her memory to be replaced by happiness once again. She wanted that more than anything. With a sniff she rose a dark hand to lay delicate fingers along the cheek she had struck only a moment before, cradling handsome features as she stroked his skin with her thumb.

Finally she had surrendered. She wanted him too much, and she couldn't ignore his promises or pleas, or the very real warmth and strength of his body pressed against her own. By inches she relaxed, and finally, tears still gliding down her cheeks, she moved closer, arm curling around his neck.

She wasn't sure she she forgave him in full, but it was a start. There was still hurt, still anger, but he was here, and he was trying, and she would give him his chance to redeem himself.

Azure Desiderium
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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