The main thing I found with jobs is attitude helps, especially when it comes to landing jobs in a retail environment. I've acted like I'd get the job and got it mostly because of that attitude/confidence. Being able to sell yourself as a *Good* Employee because you're confident is a big thing employers look for

I also found that if you have a "Feeling" About a certain job, GO FOR IT! Don't hold back because it seems *Out of your league*.

If a friend has a job and is mentioning someone is a horrible employee and they are mentioning they need extra help at work, put in an application. Knowing someone on the inside can help you get a job rather than the guy no one knows.

Also write up a Resume if you can and make a lot of copies. It makes you look more professional in the long run. It also makes a good reference sheet.

I found that applying everywhere helps, and sometimes they won't call you back immediately. My first job was in an independent pharmacy. Minimum wage, but it helped open doors for later.
How to look confident ?

Mainly, I found as long as you're personable, able to converse on multiple levels (Not just the job* Like "how are you"s and be a bit engaging, be interesting) that the person hiring will be more in your favor to hire you if you end up speaking to them directly.