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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[PRP] Shattering the Illusion (Freya/Jeremy)

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Nio Love

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 7:45 pm
Freya had actually been avoiding the possibility of finding that Haunted House again. She'd ran away the last time something had gone down there; ran despite her friends still stuck inside, trapped and in danger. She hadn't looked back for a moment, because it was safe in Amity. It was safe there.

Everything was safe, and warm, and hazy. That was what mattered.

But now that things were starting to settle, and she had a scrape of strength and courage stored up, she thought it was time to face her fears. She felt like she was ready. She was ready, wasn't she? She had been eating regularly, even if only a little bit. That meant everything was fine. She was fine. Things were fine.

Everything was just..


Freya found the entrance to the Haunted House, and headed inside without ever looking back. There was nothing inside that could bring her down, now.  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:39 pm
What was that saying? Get back to the...bicycle? No, that didn't sound right. Get back to the...Races? No, not that. Hm. Hm hm hmmmm...

Well, either way, Jeremy was doing whatever it was that famous saying suggested. He was doing something that he used to because it wasn't good to run from your problems. When he was woken up from his Pod he promised himself that he wouldn't slip into old lazy habits...there might have been other promises, but who ever keeps track of the things they tell themselves? There were much more important things than that. Like shwarma. And Math.

It certainly wasn't with any particularly planned plots of the nefarious sort that he entered the Haunted House. He just wanted some practice, that was all. This time he would pick his battles a little better, learn to keep his mouth shut and, above all, try to do his best to become...something or other.

So he wandered the halls, whistling away and taking his dear sweet time in the place. But when he rounded one corner he heard another set of footsteps, enough to make him stop whistling immediately and move onto the defensive. If it was a fellow Hunter, awesome. If it wasn't...well...slightly-Future!Him could deal with that.

What he saw was a head of blonde hair, and an outfit that didn't look like it belonged on the Hunter island. The creature looked so familiar...but it was on the fringes of his mind, the tip of his tongue, so close yet so far...

"...Well well well, a blondie!"

Enoh Love

Nio Love

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:37 pm
The entire point of this place, as far as Freya recalled from rumor, was to fight off any little Hunter humans who had strayed too far from home. She'd come into the house prepared for battle. Well, not exactly prepared.. her axe wasn't summoned. But she was mentally prepared! In fact, when she heard a voice, her blood pumped hard, and fast through her veins, and she jolted away, hands in front of her in a defensive fighting position. She was ready to duke it out with anybody she met!


Except him.

His voice triggered no memories. But when she saw his face, her entire mind cracked open and spilled all of the dangerous, critical memories that triggered some of her deepest psychological disorders. Jeremy was the symbol of destruction, in her psyche. He wasn't the cause of every problem, but he was the shape her memories took when they got too dark, and too close to where she didn't want to be.

Everything eventually led back to that face.

A sharp and painful sound started to ring through her ears. She felt like an explosion had gone off, and she was losing all sense of hearing in place of that one screeching sound. She couldn't do anything about it, and her arms fell to her sides, before slapping onto her ears. She dropped to her knees and started screaming.

Or perhaps she'd been screaming all along.  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:41 pm
It was almost interesting, how fast she crumbled. He had seen a brief glimpse of her battle stance, and within seconds everything seemed to shatter. The creature started to scream, and the look of pure pain only sent him further and further into confusion. His own emotions rushed through him, first feeling sorry for her, followed shortly by the overwhelming feeling that somehow, for some reason, she deserved it. The pure malice of the latter startled him, and he could only watch as she started to clutch her head, falling to her knees.

"H-hey!" He cried out suddenly, pushing back the strange feeling of intense malice to the fringes of his mind. "Are you okay---" The obvious concern in his voice melted as he stooped, arms extended in what was probably an attempt at comforting her. Golden eyes blinked in confusion - or perhaps in memory - as he looked down on her. The blonde, winged creature on the floor, in pain and screaming...

"...You." He hissed accusingly, the baffled innocence fleeing as his golden eyes seemed to darken, poisoned by hate. Something snapped, or perhaps it just fit right back into it's proper place. Yes, he was a Hunter. This was a thing to be hunted...but more than that, this one was more like a toy, his toy. Something to be abused and discarded. Something that deserved that treatment.

"I remember you." He nearly purred, brushing his knuckles almost tenderly against her cheek.

Nio Love

Enoh Love

Nio Love

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:20 pm
Freya's screams halted in a choked gasp when she felt fingers brushing against her skin in a touch that felt too intimate, too personal. She jerked her head away and stared up at him, her bloodshot eyes widening in surprise. Then her hands lifted and slammed into his chest, trying to push him away. "Don'ts yeh TOUCH ME!" She screamed, scrambling her legs back to try and shuffle away from him.

Why did it have to be him? Of all the hunters in all the world, why did she have to run into THIS one? She pushed herself back up on her feet, and wiped the tears away from her face. Her hands began to slide across her stomach, but she caught herself, and pulled them away. She felt naked, when she didn't hold herself together like that in front of him. His eyes were on her, and she wanted to hide her body and keep herself from falling apart. But she clenched her hands into fists, and forced them to stay at her sides.

Backing up another step had her flattening against a wall, and her breath sucked in as she felt it trap her with nowhere else to run. She wanted to get away from him. She wasn't strong enough to fight him yet, and she doubted she ever would be - Freya was never the kind of person who ran away from a fight..

Except for him. She would run away from him for the rest of her life, and never look back.

Enoh Love
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:58 pm
Her shove made him stumble back a pace or two, effectively putting the distance between them that she wanted so badly. The reaction his simple touch gained was more than exciting; something sadistic in him loved this. The way she screamed, the way she scrambled as far as she could from him...the way she tried to keep herself together. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

"You wound me, madam!" He gasped out, holding his chest where she had hit him. His head tilted just a little bit, his cruel smile disappearing as his brow knit together in concern. Was she...crying? Now now, that wouldn't do! Undeterred by her body language Jeremy once more closed the gap between them, moving casually as if he had all the time in the world.

"Aww, you poor thing...having a bad day?" He asked sweetly, pressing his palm against the wall beside her head. "That's so sad~" The fingers of his free hand brushed feather light up her arm if she'd let him, that cruel grin twisting it's way back onto his lips. "My day is looking brighter all ready!" He informed her, taking a moment to brush some of her bangs from her panic-pale face.

"I missed you, my pretty little Monster." The taunting mock in his voice was evident, especially as he called her pretty; he remembered this dance, the one they played so long ago. He wasn't lying; he really did miss it...nothing else in either world gave him the feeling of pure power like she did. That feeling of total dominance that something in him loved so very much.

Enoh Love

Nio Love

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:10 pm
The hunter was.. starting to confuse the hell out of her. Freya flattened against the wall when he moved in closer, every nerve in her body screaming at her, telling her to fight, to run, to get away - but so far all he'd done was act as if he was enjoying himself. She knew he was just toying with her, she wasn't stupid - but he'd been close enough to hurt her, twice so far. There was that tiny, tiny little glimmer of hope that she would leave this confrontation with nothing more than the trauma of coming face to face with ones own nightmare, and living to tell the tale.

When his fingers brushed against her bangs, she snapped her head away, trying to keep his hands off of her. His touch sent shivers of disgust down her spine, visible in the way her body shuddered from them. She was giving him exactly what he wanted, but she couldn't help herself. She had no control over the way her body reacted to him.

A moment of stubborn pride surged up in her, like a tiny flame inching its way upward when he called her his pretty little monster. The venom in his voice betrayed his true meaning, and she knew he thought her anything but pretty - but that wasn't what made her finally stand up straight and look him in the eye, in one glorious little moment of courage.

"I am no monster." Freya growled, her voice cracking once. "I am a reaper."  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:50 pm
"That's cute." Jeremy chuckled, his fingers continuing their trail up her arm, trailing feather light over her neck and cheek, the course changing to bury his fingers into her soft blonde hair. "But you're a monster." He hissed, his fingers flexing, pulling on her hair hard enough to force her head back. "You shouldn't exist...just an abomination without a purpose." His voice was low, a harsh secret kept between the two of them.

The hand that had been resting on the wall beside her moved, drawing back and out of her line of sight. It only took a second or two for him to ball his fist, swinging his knuckles into her stomach as hard as he could with their close proximity. The impact was enough to make him grunt, feeling the blow reverberate through his own arm.

"Soft as ever, I see...but that's okay, I can work with that." He kept his fist where it landed, his hand twisting just to dig his knuckles a little more into her tender flesh. "You are my favourite, after all."

Enoh Love

Nio Love

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:49 pm
Freya's courage stuttered when she felt his hands brushing against her neck. Her head tilted away from the touch, trying to keep his hands away, but when they slid into her hair she knew what he was planning. Her head straightened and she glared into his eyes, until the moment she felt him pull her head back.

Men. So typical.

He was talking nonsense, and she wasn't in the mood to listen. In fact, she was feeling her courage boil back up to the surface, and she prepared to use every ounce of strength left in her to fight him off, when the socked punch into her gut made stars bloom behind her eyelids. She felt it, there. The phantom scar, the foot, every single bloody critical injury he'd given her, right there on her stomach. Always there. Her body buckled under the force of the blow, and she folded in half as all of the air escaped her body in one forceful gasp. No relief came; he kept his fist there and she felt the spiking agony rip into her over and over again. Her mouth fell open in a silent scream, and she fell against him, limp and shuddering in agony.

Never had she been at someone's mercy so completely. Never had she been so weak, so useless, so broken. She didn't even feel like Freya, anymore. She was just a little, broken doll hanging from his arms.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:42 pm
"Affectionate, aren't we?" Jeremy teased, though no real mirth entered his voice. Instead he took her weight, bearing it easily enough; she was still a very light ghoul after all and certainly undeserving of the low blows he was always so keen on dealing her...not that it would ever stop him. There were plenty of ways to wound someone without lifting a finger against them, and despite doing that, what was a little punch between friends?

"Where'd all your fight go? You were so defiant before!" He gasped, his shock almost mocking. It was still surprising to him to be so venomous, but at the same time he didn't mind it so much; it felt right, and he did tend to go with his gut. Especially lately. His fist slid away from her stomach, instead wrapping tenderly around her lower back, able to hold her against him even easier now. "But I guess the important thing is you're still here, and I'm back for good, and we can work on this little problem of yours." By making it worse, no doubt. Let her free long enough to get that spark back, find and crush her again; rinse, repeat. It was going to be fun, he was sure of it.

"You should probably rest." His grip loosened on her but his hand remained tight in her hair, near pulling as he knelt to bring her dead weight to the ground in what otherwise would have been a slow, comforting gesture. The grip on her hair loosened then as he fussed with his new little doll, folding her arms neatly on her own lap.

"You look horrible...and we've got all the time in the world now." He gave one light pat to her cheek, and if there was no further response from the poor broken Valkyrie he would get up, turn around, and leave her there.

All alone.

Enoh Love

Nio Love

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:58 pm

Gods, but it felt so easy to just let go and feel nothing. He carried her limp body, settling it on the ground, and she laid there, her eyes open but dead within. She was so much more than broken. She was shattered, and the pieces had been swept away, clearing the space within her for emptiness. She felt nothing. She had no problems, anymore. No problem except for him.


The rage ignited deep in her core, sparking her to life as he turned to walk away. Did he really think she was going to let him walk away, just to come back and haunt her when she least expected it? Freya turned her head to watch him walk away, and with a quiet, slow movement, she pushed her body back up. Ahh, the pain. It made her wince, and it made her feel. It brought her the suffering that assured her she was still alive - which meant she had to keep fighting. She had to. Until one of them was gone, she couldn't let him walk away.

She refused to live in fear.

A wild screech filled the quiet air a moment before she flung herself at his back, fingers bent like claws and teeth ready to bite into the flesh of his neck.

Enoh Love
PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:33 am
The screeching was enough of a warning for him to be on his guard, but his reflexes were a little too slow to avoid her entirely. Luckily her teeth sunk into his shoulder instead of his neck. He cried out in pain, his now-wounded arm jutting his elbow back to try and keep some distance between them. That whole side of his body began to sting, but thankfully Elsie's FEAR shield kept the worst of it from clouding his mind.

The initial shock of her attack faded, and now his survival instincts started to kick in; he needed just enough room to get her to back off. He did the first thing that came to mind: he balled his free hand into a fist, and swung it towards her head, trying to punch her hard enough to get her to let go.

Nio Love

sorry it sucks yo

Enoh Love

Nio Love

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:42 pm
Driven mad with anger, insane with bloodlust, Freya looked as though she couldn't be stopped. But when all was said and done, a well placed fist from a grown man would easily stop the young ghoul, knocking her away from him and dropping her unconscious to the floor. There was no real protection from a good, old fashioned punch to the face.

In the end, the crumpled little mess that was the valkyrie stilled, and remained a motionless shell of harmless, barely breathing mess on the floor.

Enoh Love
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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