Veiss Wynd
Veiss Wynd
I Wish Black Friday was a bigger thing in Canada, it's the whole weekend but barely any deals sad But very advertised. I want Sales

D: aww, I'm sorry to hear!
What about Internet shopping? And virtual places like Steam?

Haven't gotten a credit card, because i don't trust my self with it yet. I do have to build my credit eventually but, I don't have a reason to get a credit card yet

How about your bank/debit card? I used mine for the longest time and only just got my first credit card only a few weeks ago. I don't like using it at all. I hate the feeling of being in debt to it. I only spend what I know I can pay off in full at the end of the month so I owe it nothing.

I do have debt card but i didn't know you can buy stuff online with that