For all of human history there have always been people fighting for power. Most people simply accept what their rulers tell them and leave it at that. What they don't know is that what they see and hear about are only a small number of conflicts that actually happen. The majority are being fought under the radar by a special group of people self-titled the immortals. Now you may be thinking "Why do they call themselves the immortals?" Well the answer is quite simple, there has yet been one to have died of old age. Many of them live to be centuries old before having been killed off in some sort of battle. For you see there are immortals who seek to destroy humanity as well as those who seek to protect it and as always there are those who just don't care either way. Those who wish to destroy humanity and those who seek to protect it are constantly at odds and are always struggling to gain an advantage and finish the other faction off once and for all. However what they don't know is that this ongoing battle may end sooner than any of them have ever thought...