Ninjagami Ryo Kage

The day was at an end, the sun had disappeared over the treeline, though a glow still could be seen slowly receding in it's wake. A white form separated from the deep shadows, a sharp contrast. The male, as that is what it was, stood tall, stretching his wings out to either side of him, their blood red tips bright against the black. He raised a paw and dragged his claws through the shock of red hair on his head, yawning, his fangs glistened in the light shining off the newly risen moon. Hmmm... Now, who's out lurking the shadows tonight.. He let his thoughts drift as he drew his tongue across his lips, caressing one of those sharp points, smirking as he felt the almost non-existent sensation of it slicing the flesh of his tongue. A smirk grew on his lips as a his dark eyes glinted behind his shades. Tonight was a night to enjoy, and Gouzen planned to do exactly that.