I say that because last night on my local news they did a story about a "new book, just out, called 50 Shades of Grey"..... Hasn't that been out since like last year!? I have not read this book yet, I'm not into super erotica and everybody says theres so much sex your lucky to get your hand out of your pants long enough to turn the page! 4laugh While that was fine when I was single I just don't feel the need to read stuff like that at the moment. Haha I guess my horniness gets taken care of enough sweatdrop But, honestly, sex scenes in movies (not so much books though, but a little bit too) have always made me feel more uncomfortable than turned on. I think its because of the stuff I was exposed to early on (the sexual abuse). And I really don't want to read it and that doesn't bother me, but even I have been hearing about it for awhile! What's the News' excuse? lol