Sometimes I just need to vent and this is where it will happen. I had a Journal at one point but it seems to have been deleted. Now lets get on with the show..(might ramble to and fro)

December 15, 2012
3:46 PM

Yesterday, about this time, my Aunt Carol called me up and was telling me about that elementary school shooting. I was shocked, first that someone would do such a thing to little kids, and then I realized something. I realized that if she had told me that the shooting had happen in a middle school or a high school I really wouldn't of cared all that much. I mean I would feel sad for those who died, it horrible when anyone has to die an untimely death, but I just wouldn't of been shocked.

What does that say about the world we live in? Where people are use to hearing about kids getting shot up in high schools, or use to hearing that a fifteen year old is pregnant, why don't these things shock use anymore? This just isn't happening in America either. We closed minded Americans just don't look outside the country enough to know this.

Yesterday in China a man wielding a knife slashed up some kids and adults at a primary school. But see not many Americans know this, mostly because they don't care. If it doesn't affect Americans in some way then we don't care. I can see why people think of us as the asses of the world.

Well back to the shooting, or rather facebook status about it. For the most part these posts are full or support, that is great! These families need support. Can you imagine how heartbreaking it will be to wake up on Christmas morning and look under the tree and realize that there are some present that won't ever be open. These kids have barely had the chance to live and now they never will. I wonder what made this guy want to do something like that. Maybe he thought December 21 would really be the end and he was helping these kids out. Foolish idea.

Two of the things that anger me about some of the facebook posts are 1)people wanting to ban guns, and 2) the whole "god needs to be in school" s**t.
Listen banning guns ain't gonna do any damn good! Weed is illegal in most states but I still see people walking down the street puffing a joint, even seen the cops do it. Those who do respect laws while follow this gun ban, but those who do not will have guns and will use them. I mean we smuggle people into the country so that we can have cheap labor to clean or houses, work in our sewers, and build our houses; do ya really think it will be all that hard for those same smugglers to import guns into our ******** up country. No it won't be hard at all. Think about for a minute, go review your history notes: Alcohol was banned, the moonshiners raise up, people still getting smashed as hell. Gonna be the same way with guns. With the right know how people can make their own guns and bullets, that how they had to do back in the day of the founding fathers.

Okay, first off you should realize I'm not what you call religious. To clarify, I don't know if there is a god, I never met him/her, never seen him/her, hell don't even know if he is a she or she is a he of if the one is actually many. Truth is I don't really care if there isn't or if there is. IT WILL HAVE NO AFFECT ON HOW I LIVE ME LIFE. I follow the laws, for the most part, of the country I'm in and I follow the rules of life I set out for myself. So the whole "This shooting wouldn't of happen if god was in school" s**t is kind of annoying. I mean come on, do you really think this kid went in there and shot the place up because he was without god. THAT IS THE STUPID s**t I HAVE EVER, AND I MEAN EVER, HEARD. This kid went in there and shot those kids because, clearly, he made a wrong choice. He was probably messed up in the head and needed help are was going through a really rough time and needed help, i don't know, but he acted out in violence. People say he must be some evil b*****d. I think he was just a confused kid with no one to help him out. It doesn't make what he did okay, not by a long shot but you have to wonder, if someone had just listen to him, taking a minute of there day to pull their own noses out their asses and listen to the needs of someone else..could this of been prevent. In this world there are always choices, always roads we could of chose other then the one we took. Our who lives we will look back on things we have down and wonder "What if". For the people of this school, yesterday will always be a what if day.

Well got my rant out and now I feel so much better.
Now I can finally enjoy Sword Art Online, new episode finally came out *squee* can't wait can't wait!