I've joined the guild probably a month or two ago. I never actually bothered to post anywhere, I've just been lurking around reading everyone's posts and such. I'm not shy, trust me. I've join haven't been feeling the need to post. Well, somehow I managed to lurk into the Journal Writing's part of this guild and decided "HEY. LET'S MAKE A ONLINE JOURNAL ABOUT MY RANTINGS BECAUSE I CAN.".
Anyway, let me introduce myself.
My name is Shannon, from the title. I'm a high school student, anime and manga fan, roleplayer, gamer (Screw CoD. Mega Man all the way!) and basically whatever else you want to label. I am a Homestuck, so feel free to bug me whenever there's a new update or whenever Hussie feels like sinking whatever ships are possibly sailing. I cosplay, mostly Vocaloid, but sometimes I like to dive into the wonderful cosplay world of Hetalia as well. Yes, I am a Hetalian.

But seriously, that's all I have for now, folks. I hope to post whenever I can, or whenever I feel like not being lazy for once.